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Benedict XV
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1675

Benedict XV

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-10-23
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  • Publisher: Unknown

On August 1, 1917 - three years after the outbreak of WW1 - pope Benedict XV signed his famous peace note, urging the governments of the belligerent Powers to seek a diplomatic solution to their disputes and stop the "useless massacre". In order to commemorate the event and to define the place of this "forgotten pope" in twentieth-century history, on November 3-5, 2016, the Fondazione per le Scienze Religiose Giovanni XXIII (Fscire) hosted an international conference, entitled "Benedict XV in the world of the useless massacre", in which more than a hundred historians from all over the world participated. The aim of the initiative, supported by the Historical and Scientific Committee for Italy's National Anniversaries, is to shed light on the key issues of this pontificate, from Giacomo Della Chiesa's education in the theological seminary in Genua to his heritage and memory all along the twentieth century. The volume resulting from this conference provides a comprehensive and systematic reference work about a key figure in Church history that has all too often been neglected.

Weltreligion im Umbruch
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 508

Weltreligion im Umbruch

Das Christentum befand sich im 19. Jahrhundert im Umbruch. In einer zunehmend globaler werdenden Umwelt sah es sich durch den Imperialismus herausgefordert, aber auch durch die aufkommende Erkenntnis, dass es andere Weltreligionen – und nicht nur zu missionierende Heiden – gab. In der Katholizismus- und Protestantismusforschung dominiert bis heute dennoch der methodologische Nationalismus. Dieser Band fragt erstmals, ob transnationale und globalgeschichtliche Perspektiven neue Erklärungen für den fundamentalen Wandel des Christentums seit dem 19. Jahrhundert bieten können. Außerdem diskutiert er die Geschichte der Globalisierung selbst: Hat sich das Christentum globalisiert? Wie haben Christen die damaligen grenzüberschreitenden Veränderungen wahrgenommen, wie sind sie mit ihnen umgegangen?

Questão de consciência
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 524

Questão de consciência

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Un catholicisme colonial
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 558

Un catholicisme colonial

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-09-25T00:00:00+02:00
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  • Publisher: PUF

Le Brésil a connu une colonisation catholique sous l’égide de la couronne portugaise. Le transfert du mariage chrétien dans ce monde peuplé d’Indiens, mais aussi d’esclaves africains sur plus de deux siècles, a été un élément essentiel de cette colonisation. Quelles ont été les stratégies de l’Église et des missionnaires ? Quelles furent les réactions de ces populations qui occupent des positions subalternes mais n’en sont pas moins réactives face à cette entreprise ? Descriptions missionnaires faisant revivre le monde tragiquement disparu des Indiens du Brésil, réflexions théologiques et juridiques qui révèlent le cadre intellectuel dans lequel s’est opérée l’expansion de la chrétienté à l’époque moderne : l'auteure s'appuie sur une documentation d'une grande richesse qui révèle combien l’esclavage était au cœur des réflexions de l'Église. Enfin, l’analyse des pratiques montre à la fois la subtile faculté d’adaptation des missionnaires et l’extraordinaire capacité d’action des Indiens et des esclaves qui utilisent les instruments du droit canonique pour leurs propres intérêts.

A Infecção Da Alma
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 268

A Infecção Da Alma

Porque certos valores morais são definidos como virtudes dentro de uma sociedade? Quem define e classifica as condutas? A moralidade se legitima através da religião ou da política? Talvez através das duas? O conceito de imoral parte de onde? A sociedade vive as condutas morais de forma natural ou somente porque lhes são impostas? O ser humano é naturalmente mau, como diz Hobbes (1988) ou naturalmente bom, como entendia Rousseau (1965)? Ser ou não ser, eis a questão. Em meio a tantos questionamentos e a tantas incógnitas, a questão da moral se tornou recorrente dentro dos meus estudos, que sempre foram direcionados para a compreensão desse tema. Acredito que entender a moral é an...

Festejos, liberdade e fé
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 145

Festejos, liberdade e fé

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-05-09
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  • Publisher: Viseu

O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a atuação da Irmandade de São Benedito de Itu, uma irmandade de negros cativos e forros, no contexto da segunda metade do século XIX. A discussão é fundamentada no corpo documental encontrado em diversos arquivos, dando voz às memórias desses agentes históricos, trabalhando aspectos de suas experiências sociais, culturais e de liberdade.

The Mirror of Herodotus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 417

The Mirror of Herodotus

"The best book to come out on Herodotus in years."—G. E. R. Lloyd, King's College Cambridge

The True Missionary
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 104

The True Missionary

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1874
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Zeger-Bernard Van Espen at the Crossroads of Canon Law, History, Theology, and Church-state Relations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 18

Zeger-Bernard Van Espen at the Crossroads of Canon Law, History, Theology, and Church-state Relations

The volume contains the text of 23 papers read at the colloquium (Louvain, 21st-23rd September 2000) on Zeger-Bernard van Espen (1646-1728), the most important canonist of the ancient Louvain University. Several contributions seek to gauge the influence of Van Espen in a number of European countries: France, Italy, Spain, the German Empire and the United Provinces. Van Espen's influence was not merely investigated from a geographical perspective. The question was also raised as to how well his ideas survived the passage of time. How was Van Espen viewed in the 19th century? How was he used or misused? Hitherto, those who inquired into the personality and work of Van Espen have treated him al...

A History of the Brazil
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 608

A History of the Brazil

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1821
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  • Publisher: Unknown
