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We are standing on the threshold of the robotic era, the fourth industrial revolution. The undeniable impact and consequences of robotics are already raising economic concerns, such as the loss of income tax revenue as robots gradually replace human workers, as well as legal doubts regarding the possible taxation of robots or their owners. Financial law must adapt to this new reality by answering several crucial questions. Should robots pay taxes? Can they? Do they have the ability to pay? Can they be considered entrepreneurs for VAT purposes? These are just some of the many issues that Dr. Álvaro Falcón Pulido lucidly and insightfully addresses in this fascinating new monographic work, which includes an exhaustive bibliography on the subject.
La Ley 40/2007, de 4 de diciembre, de medidas en materia de Seguridad Social, elevó a rango normativo los compromisos que asumió el Gobierno en el Acuerdo sobre medidas en materia de Seguridad Social, suscrito el 13 de julio de 2006 con los sindicatos UGT y CCOO y las organizaciones empresariales CEOE y CEPYME.Esta Ley que -con carácter general, afecta a los hechos causantes que se produjeron desde el 1 de enero de 2008- supone una reforma crucial de nuestro sistema de pensiones, en la medida en que incide de forma directa en la mayoría de las prestaciones del nivel contributivo -concretamente, en las incapacidades temporal y permanente, en la pensión de jubilación y en las prestacione...
La Ley 27/2011, de 1 de agosto, sobre actualización, adecuación y modernización del sistema de Seguridad Social, efectúa una de las reformas más amplias y de mayor calado de las realizadas en el sistema público de pensiones. La misma avanza en la dirección marcada por las recomendaciones del Pacto de Toledo aprobadas por el Congreso de los Diputados el 25 de enero de 2011. Conforme se expone en el Preámbulo, la actual situación económica y demográfica en España ha hecho necesaria la reforma del sistema de pensiones en sus distintos ámbitos. Se trata, sin duda alguna, de una ley compleja, que aborda muchos aspectos, de diversa importancia y con distinto impacto, del Sistema de Se...
This book focuses on essential aspects of the theoretical foundations that support blended learning (BL) as a teaching training modality in tertiary education. Analyzing the changes in the world of education that lead to new ways of thinking and learning, it redefines the concept of blended learning at a time of constant growth in many universities around the world. This involves a shared reflection on the role of technology in the current university teacher education programs, as well as on the role that pedagogy plays in increasingly technology-driven contexts. Furthermore, the book presents pedagogical approaches to guide university professors in the design and implementation of blended learning courses. To this end, it describes some of the major models and approaches to BL instructional design, and examines issues related to the quality of BL training and the indicators to measure it, in order to identify those models that contribute to a better understanding of the dimensions that increase its effectiveness.
Nota prévia: justificação da escolha do tema À escolha do contrato de empreitada de obras públicas como base ou ponto de partida da nossa investigação presidiram as razões ou motivos que, em termos breves, passamos a expor. Em primeiro lugar, por ser um contrato umbilicalmente ligado a uma das actividades historicamente nucleares da Administração, independentemente da época e da concreta forma de Estado - a realização de infra?estruturas públicas. Em segundo lugar, por ser um contrato com uma força irradiante e atractiva: por ser modelar ao nível do regime, quer pela extensa disciplina jurídica de que é, em geral, objecto, quer por ter constituído não apenas a causa gené...
Building accurate algorithms for the optimization of picking orders is a difficult task, especially when one considers the delays of real-world situations. In warehouse environments, diverse algorithms must be developed to enhance the global performance relating to combining customer orders into picking orders to reduce wait times. The Handbook of Research on Metaheuristics for Order Picking Optimization in Warehouses to Smart Cities is a pivotal reference source that addresses strategies for developing able algorithms in order to build better picking orders and the impact of these strategies on the picking systems in which diverse algorithms are implemented. While highlighting topics such ABC optimization, environmental intelligence, and order batching, this publication examines common picking aspects in warehouse environments ranging from manual order picking systems to automated retrieval systems. This book is intended for researchers, teachers, engineers, managers, and practitioners seeking research on algorithms to enhance the order picking performance.
Recoge : 1. Naturaleza de las mutuas de accidentes de trabajo.- 2. Estructura interna y funcionamiento.- 3. Controles sobre las mutuas.- 4. Mutuas de accidentes de trabajo y prevención de riesgos laborales.- 5. Formalización del aseguramiento entre la mutua y sus empresarios asociados.- 6. Mutuas de accidentes y el aseguramiento de las contingencias profesionales.- 7. La relación prestacional del trabajador accidentado con la mutua.- 8. La gestión de las enfermedades profesionales por las mutuas de accidentes de trabajo y de enfermedades profesionales.- 9. Las mutuas de accidentes de trabajo y enfermedades profesionales como gestoras de la incapacidad temporal derivada de contingencias c...
Eine europaische Richtlinie - 27 nationale Regeln zur Gesetzesinterpretation. Wie gehen die Mitgliedstaaten, insbesondere ihre Gerichte, mit Fallen fehlerhafter Richtlinienumsetzung um? Diese Frage untersucht Sudabeh Kamanabrou fur Deutschland, die Niederlande, Frankreich, Spanien sowie das Vereinigte Konigreich. Ausgangspunkt und Anschauungsmaterial sind urlaubsrechtliche Umsetzungsdefizite, die durch verschiedene Urteile des EuGH zu Tage getreten sind. Vor dem Hintergrund der Reaktionen der jeweiligen nationalen Gesetzgeber und Gerichte werden die in den untersuchten Landern verwendeten Regeln zur Gesetzesinterpretation erortert. Darauf aufbauend behandelt die Autorin die richtlinienkonforme Auslegung. Ein anschliessender Vergleich zeigt - unter Berucksichtigung der unterschiedlichen Ausgangssituationen - die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten bei der Losung der methodischen Probleme auf.
This book presents different techniques and methodologies that used to help improve the decision-making process and increase the likelihood of success in sector as follows: agriculture, financial services, logistics, energy services, health and others. This book collects and consolidates innovative and high-quality research contributions regarding the implementation techniques and methodologies applied in different industrial sectors. The scope is to disseminate current trends knowledge in the implementation of artificial intelligence techniques and methodologies in different fields as follows: supply chain, business intelligence, e-commerce, social media and others. The book contents are useful for Ph.D., Ph.D. students, master and undergraduate students, and professional and students in industrial engineering, computer science, information systems, data analytics and others.
The untold story of El Paso and its role as the scene of clandestine operations during the Mexican Revolution is revealed here for the first time.