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The German lacuna in Edward Said’s 'Orientalism' has produced varied studies of German cultural and academic Orientalisms. So far the domains of German politics and scholarship have not been conflated to probe the central power/knowledge nexus of Said’s argument. Seeking to fill this gap, the diplomatic career and scholarly-literary productions of the centrally placed Friedrich Rosen serve as a focal point to investigate how politics influenced knowledge generated about the “Orient” and charts the roles knowledge played in political decision-making regarding extra-European regions. This is pursued through analyses of Germans in British imperialist contexts, cultures of lowly diplomat...
The Discovery of Iran examines the history of Iranian nationalism afresh through the life and work of Taghi Arani, the founder of Iran's first Marxist journal, Donya. In his quest to imagine a future for Iran open to the scientific riches of the modern world and the historical diversity of its own people, Arani combined Marxist materialism and a cosmopolitan ethics of progress. He sought to reconcile Iran to its post-Islamic past, rejected by Persian purists and romanticized by their traditionalist counterparts, while orienting its present toward the modern West in all its complex and conflicting facets. As Ali Mirsepassi shows, Arani's cosmopolitanism complicates the conventional wisdom that racial exclusivism was an insoluble feature of twentieth-century Iranian nationalism. In cultural spaces like Donya, Arani and his contemporaries engaged vibrant debates about national identity, history, and Iran's place in the modern world. In exploring Arani's short but remarkable life and writings, Ali Mirsepassi challenges the image of Interwar Iran as dominated by the Pahlavi state to uncover fertile intellectual spaces in which civic nationalism flourished.
In Jerusalem, as World War II was coming to an end, an extraordinary circle of friends began to meet at the bar of the King David Hotel. This group of aspiring artists, writers, and intellectuals—among them Wolfgang Hildesheimer, Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Sally Kassab, Walid Khalidi, and Rasha Salam, some of whom would go on to become acclaimed authors, scholars, and critics—came together across religious lines in a fleeting moment of possibility within a troubled history. What brought these Muslim, Jewish, and Christian friends together, and what became of them in the aftermath of 1948, the year of the creation of the State of Israel and the Palestinian Nakba? Sonja Mejcher-Atassi tells the ...
The Hungarian artist-designer László Moholy-Nagy, the Austrian sociologist Paul Lazarsfeld, and his fellow Viennese Victor Gruen—an architect and urban planner—made careers in different fields. Yet they shared common socialist politics, Jewish backgrounds, and experience as refugees from the Nazis. This book tells the story of their intellectual migration from Central Europe to the United States, beginning with the collapse of the Habsburg Empire, and moving through the heady years of newly independent social-democratic republics before the descent into fascism. It follows their experience of exile and adaptation in a new country, and culminates with a surprising outcome of socialist t...
This book explores the Persian sage ʿUmar Khayyām and the globally renowned quatrains (rubāʿiyyāt) attributed to him from a new angle. These quatrains have unleashed responses from Sufis and Islamic theologians, fostering secular thought in the Persianate world. From the early 12th century to the present, ʿUmar Khayyām’s persona has been a source of inspiration for various literate communities. This monograph addresses an undesirable gap in Khayyām scholarship by re-examining the reception of his quatrains within a changing collective memory. It investigates a wide range of texts and objects, including Sufi texts, chronicles, mystical poetry anthologies, memorial monuments, Victori...
A major history of the British Empire’s early involvement in the Middle East Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt in 1798 showed how vulnerable India was to attack by France and Russia. It forced the British Empire to try to secure the two routes that a European might use to reach the subcontinent—through Egypt and the Red Sea, and through Baghdad and the Persian Gulf. Promised Lands is a panoramic history of this vibrant and explosive age. Charting the development of Britain’s political interest in the Middle East from the Napoleonic Wars to the Crimean War in the 1850s, Jonathan Parry examines the various strategies employed by British and Indian officials, describing how they sought influ...
Die zeithistorische Auseinandersetzung mit Antisemitismus und Rassismus hat auch in Deutschland eine bis in die Nachkriegszeit zurückreichende, lange sehr randständige, dann zunehmend gewichtigere Tradition, die stets eng verwoben war mit den Konjunkturen von Diskriminierung, Gewalt und den darauffolgenden gesellschaftlichen Antworten. Insgesamt wurden beide Phänomene zu lange von der historischen Forschung vernachlässigt, und die Gründe dafür liegen wohl nur teilweise in der jahrzehntelangen Fokussierung auf den nationalsozialistischen Rassismus der Zeit bis 1945. In jüngster Zeit ist diese Leerstelle akut deutlich geworden, scheint doch seit dem Mord an George Floyd und der global a...
This book takes a close look at discrimination in football in order to illuminate our understanding of the interaction between sport and wider society, politics and culture, particularly in terms of the (re)production of identity. It presents insightful and diverse international case studies, including the shadow of fascism in Italian football; fan activism against racism, sexism, and homophobia in US soccer; migrant football clubs in Germany, and the use of football club history in the teaching of antisemitism. Together they demonstrate the damaging societal consequences of unchecked resentment and discrimination in football fan cultures but also the potential for fan activism as a socio-positive force. This is fascinating reading for anybody with an interest in football or fandom, the sociology of sport, cultural studies, or political science.
Der vorgelegte Briefwechsel mit der Indologin Agnes Stache-Weiske spiegelt einige Jahre intensiver Zusammenarbeit, die die Sammlung und Edition der Korrespondenz des vielseitigen in St. Petersburg tätigen Linguisten Anton Schiefner (1817-1879) zum Gegenstand hatte und zur Publikation von vier stattlichen Bänden führte, die eine Art Fortschrittsbericht über 30 Jahre europäischer Sprachwissenschaft bieten. Schiefner war mit Deutsch, Estnisch, Finnisch und Russisch in Reval aufgewachsen, hatte Jura und Klassische Philologie studiert, wurde bei der Petersburger Akademie der Wissenschaften der Referent für Tibetisch und Mongolisch, übersetzte und edierte die Werke des finnischen Ethnologen...
"Graugold, eine in der Bijouterie angewandte Legierung aus 5-6 Theilen Gold und 1 Theil Eisen." (Illustriertes Handels-Lexikon, Zweiter Band, Leipzig 1878, S. 659) Graugold, ein Magazin, zeigt Alltagskultur, die historische ebenso wie die heutige. Alltagskultur war und ist immer eine Mischung aus vielen unterschiedlichen Teilen: glänzendes Vergnügen, banale Selbstverständlichkeit, schlimme Konflikte, bedeutsame Kleinigkeiten, schöne Momente, aufschlussreiche Veränderungen und vieles mehr. Die Herausgeberinnen möchten wissenschaftliche Expertise attraktiv vermitteln und zur Beteiligung anregen und einladen. Dabei schöpfen sie aus der reichhaltigen Überlieferung in Archiven, Museen und Sammlungen.