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Aging Studies and Ecocriticism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 243

Aging Studies and Ecocriticism

Aging Studies and Ecocriticism: Interdisciplinary Encounters argues that both aging studies and ecocriticism address the complex dynamics of individual and collective agency, oppression and dependency, care and conviviality, vulnerability and resistance as well as intergenerationality and responsibility. Yet, even though both fields employ overlapping methodologies and theoretical frameworks and scrutinize “boundary texts” in different literary genres, which have been analyzed from ecocritical perspectives as well as from the vantage point of critical aging studies, there has been little scholarly interaction between ecocritical literary studies and aging studies to date. The contributors in this volume demonstrate the potential of specific genres to narrate relationality and age, and the aesthetic and ethical challenges of imagining changes, endings, and survival in the Anthropocene. As the first step towards putting both fields in conversation, this collection offers new pathways into understanding human and nonhuman ecological relations.

The Nonhuman in American Literary Naturalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 287

The Nonhuman in American Literary Naturalism

The Nonhuman in American Literary Naturalism responds to a need to expand and refine the connections among nonhuman studies and American literary naturalism and to productively expand the scholarly discourse surrounding this vital movement in American literary history. This collection focuses on that which becomes visible when the human subject is skirted, or moved off-center: in other words, the representation of nonhuman animals and other vital or inert species, things, entities, cityscapes and seascapes, that play an important part in American literary naturalism. Informed by animal studies, ecocriticism, posthumanism, new materialism, and other recent theoretical perspectives, the essays in this collection discuss early naturalist texts as well as more recent naturalistic-oriented authors.

Fluchtlinien der Sprache(n)
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 260

Fluchtlinien der Sprache(n)

Migration bedeutet eine – häufig physisch und psychisch traumatisierende – Zäsur, die vor multiple Verlusterfahrungen stellt. Diese sind mitunter schwer artikulierbar, sei es aufgrund sprachlich-kultureller Hürden, sei es aufgrund des Umstandes, dass das Erlebte das Vorstell- und Sagbare übersteigt. Derartige ‚Fluchtlinien der Sprache‘ stellen nicht zuletzt das (westliche) Gesundheitswesen vor Herausforderungen, das sich aktuell mehr denn je mit Migrant:innen konfrontiert sieht. Gerade wenn es um die Wiedererlangung von (sprachlicher) Handlungsmacht geht, kommt künstlerischen Ausdrucksformen besonderer Stellenwert zu: verstanden als liminaler in-between space eröffnet die grenz...

The Bloomsbury Handbook to Ageing in Contemporary Literature and Film
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 475

The Bloomsbury Handbook to Ageing in Contemporary Literature and Film

Across more than 30 chapters spanning migration, queerness, and climate change, this handbook captures how the interdisciplinary and intersectional endeavor of Age(ing) studies has shaped contemporary literary and film studies. In the early 21st century, the literary study of age and ageing in its cultural context has 'come of age': it has come to supplement and challenge a public discourse on ageing seen mainly as a political and demographic 'problem' in many countries of the world. Following a tripartite structure, it looks first at literary and film genres and how they have been shaped by knowledge about age and ageing, incorporating both narrative genres as well as poetry, drama and imagery. The second section includes chapters on key themes and concepts in Age(ing) Studies with examples from film and literature. The third section brings together case studies focussing on individual artists, national traditions and global ageing. Containing original contributions by pioneers in the field as well as new scholars from across the globe, it brings together current scholarship on ageing in literary and film studies, and offers new directions and perspectives.

Aging and Human Nature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 278

Aging and Human Nature

This book focuses on ageing as a topic of philosophical, theological, and historical anthropology. It provides a systematic inventory of fundamental theoretical questions and assumptions involved in the discussion of ageing and old age. What does it mean for human beings to grow old and become more vulnerable and dependent? How can we understand the manifestations of ageing and old age in the human body? How should we interpret the processes of change in the temporal course of a human life? What impact does old age have on the social dimensions of human existence? In order to tackle these questions, the volume brings together internationally distinguished scholars from the fields of philosop...

Was Frauen predigen würden
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 138

Was Frauen predigen würden

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-11-27
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  • Publisher: Styriabooks

Dieser Band ist eine Fundgrube für Frauen und Männer, die in konkreten, lebensnahen Predigten und in spirituell-meditativen Texten neue Zugänge zu biblischen Erzählungen finden wollen. "Was Frauen predigen würden" entstand auf Initiative katholischer Theologinnen, die - durch ihr Studium befähigt und durch ihre unterschiedlichen Lebenssituationen und Berufe inspiriert - ihren Beitrag zur Verkündigung der Katholischen Kirche leisten und mit ihren Texten erstmals aufzeigen, wie eine weibliche Auslegung der Heiligen Schrift, die in katholischen Gottesdiensten fast ausschließlich von Männern zu hö

Care - Vom Rande betrachtet
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 291

Care - Vom Rande betrachtet

»Care« steht im Zentrum des Lebens - aber am Rande der Gesellschaft. An den Abbruchkanten der Existenz werden Widersprüche besonders deutlich. Die Beiträger*innen des Bandes spannen einen Bogen von der Verletzlichkeit der Existenz und den Bewegungen des Gemüts am Rande des Lebens und der Gesellschaft hin zu Fragen, wie Care die Wissenschaft, die Gesellschaft und deren Organisationen vom Rande aus zu transformieren vermag: Was hilft uns dabei, mit den unauflösbaren Widersprüchen des Lebens und Sterbens umzugehen? In welcher Gesellschaft wollen wir leben? Ein inter- und transdisziplinärer Dialog mit dem Wirken von Andreas Heller.

Learning to be Old
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 266

Learning to be Old

In the second edition of Learning to Be Old, Margaret Cruikshank examines the social construction of aging, especially women's aging, from a number of different angles: medical, economic, cultural, and political. Featuring new research and analysis, expanded sections on gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender aging and critical gerontology, and an updated chapter on feminist gerontology, the second edition even more thoroughly than the first looks at the variety of different forces affecting the progress of aging. Through it all, we learn a better way to inhabit our age whatever it is.

Gender, Social Inequalities, and Aging
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Gender, Social Inequalities, and Aging

The experience of men and women in later life varies enormously, not only along lines of gender but also due to ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, and race. In this text on gender issues among the aging, Calasanti and Slevin explore these differences, their genesis, their meaning to men and women, and their treatment in the policy arena. The authors also take to task traditional research on aging and how it ignores these issues. The authors cover topics of work and retirement, body image, sexuality, health, family relationships, and informal care, among many others. The current research and nuanced theoretical approach presented in this brief book makes it the ideal text to correct the stereotypic and monolithic views of the elderly for courses in gender or aging.

Aging Bodies
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 306

Aging Bodies

Western thought traditionally divides the human being into a body-mind dualism, a divide realized in the divergent research fields of geriatrics and gerontology; the first examines the physical body, and the second focuses instead upon psychological and social aspects of aging. Research Health Scientist Christopher Faircloth's edited volume of original pieces attempts to bridge this rift: reinserting the physical aging body and its lived experiences back into gerontology's study of aging. He asks, 'Is it not the physical body that readily marks us as aging?' Faircloth organizes this text around two major themes of the aging body: everyday experience, and the social and personal impact of its imagery, while concentrating on three areas of substantive concern: medicalization, gender/sexuality, and the body as consumer. This book would be of interest to gerontologists, social scientists, and students of these fields concerned with the aging body, both object and subject, as experienced and alternatively perceived in relation to contemporary society.