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Hypoxia is and remains a major public health issue in many populated mountainous areas all over the world. This book is directly derived from a NATO-sponsored international meeting on problems of high altitude medicine and biology, which was held on the shores of lake Issyk-Kul, in Kyrghyzstan, in 2006. Overall, the meeting was an ideal mix of cell biology, integrative physiology and medical applications.
Hypoxia remains a constant threat throughout life. It is for this reason that the International Hypoxia Society strives to maintain a near quarter century tradition of presenting a stimulating blend of clinical and basic science discussions. International experts from many fields have focused on the state-of-the-art discoveries in normal and pathophysiological responses to hypoxia. Topics in this volume include gene-environment interactions, a theme developed in both a clinical context regarding exercise and hypoxia, as well as in native populations living in high altitudes. Furthermore, experts in the field have combined topics such as skeletal muscle angiogenesis and hypoxia, high altitude pulmonary edema, new insights into the biology of the erythropoietin receptor, and the latest advances in cardiorespiratory control in hypoxia. This volume explores the fields of anatomy, cardiology, biological transport, and biomedical engineering among many others.
While severe hypoxia has detrimental health consequences, the controlled application of hypoxia can be protective and holds great promise as a performance-enhancing and therapeutic intervention. Hypoxia Conditioning in Health, Exercise and Sport: Principles, Mechanisms and Applications delivers an understanding of systemic and molecular mechanisms involved in hypoxia adaptations and examines the most promising forms of hypoxia conditioning with a view to create performance-enhancing strategies for athletes, as well as an offering an examination on clinical applications for numerous pathologies. This cutting-edge book examines how positive physiological adaptations not only acutely enhance to...
This book provides an innovative and comprehensive overview of the relationship between lung and exercise, both in healthy, active subjects and in subjects with chronic respiratory diseases. It investigates in detail the central role of the lungs during exercise and illustrates the impact of respiratory impairment due to both acute and chronic lung diseases on performance. Further, the book presents the latest evidence-based findings, which confirm that exercise is an effective and safe form of prevention and rehabilitation in respiratory diseases. The first section describes the changes in the respiratory system during exercise and the contribution of respiration to exercise, while readers ...
Issues in Orthopedics and Occupational and Sports Medicine: 2011 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about Orthopedics and Occupational and Sports Medicine. The editors have built Issues in Orthopedics and Occupational and Sports Medicine: 2011 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about Orthopedics and Occupational and Sports Medicine in this eBook to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Issues in Orthopedics and Occupational and Sports Medicine: 2011 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at
HE history of high-altitude physiology and medicine is such a rich and T colorful topic that it is perhaps surprising that no one has undertaken a comprehensive account before. There are so many interesting ramifications, from the early balloonists to the various high-altitude expeditions, culminating in the great saga of climbing Mt. Everest without supplementary oxygen. Underpinning this variety is the basic biological challenge of hypoxia and the ways organisms adapt to it, a subject that is of key importance in medicine and many other life sciences, encountered as it is by organisms throughout the animal kingdom. I hope that this book will be of interest to a wide range of people, from b...
Dopo il bestseller "La felicità ai miei piedi. L’avventura di una trekker per caso", il secondo libro della blogger di my_life_in_trek – una delle più popolari influencer su Instagram e YouTube – ci introduce nella meravigliosa arte del cammino come filosofia di vita e sentiero di guarigione. • Pianifica la tua escursione con cura • Prepara lo zaino con furbizia • Preparati alle intemperanze del meteo • Rimani sul sentiero • Saluta gli altri viandanti • Impara a prenderti una pausa e... a fare silenzio • Osserva la natura, medita e contempla la bellezza • Cerca di non lasciare tracce • Rispetta gli animali • Accetta i tuoi limiti Sono queste alcune delle suggestioni che Marika Ciaccia – Guida Ambientale Escursionistica di professione e blogger di successo – approfondisce in questo vademecum. Un libro che – come un fedele “compagno di avventura” – offre ai principianti preziosi consigli e spalanca ai camminatori esperti un universo emozionale inedito attraverso esempi pratici, aneddoti personali e una scelta di “Passi letterari” sul trekking e l’arte di viaggiare lenti. Con la Prefazione di Anna Torretta.