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The 48th International ESTA Conference marked the first Online conference in the history of ESTA. The conference theme “Bridges between research and practice” encouraged the teachers, students and researchers of the ESTA family and abroad to reflect and discuss String teaching in 21st Century. The 21 articles published in this book show how we can join forces to create, develop and disseminate our collective knowledge and experience about string teaching. We hope that this book can be a contribution by ESTA Portugal to this field and an attempt to fill the gap between research and practice. Full acess:
This book presents cutting-edge methods and findings that are expected to contribute to significant advances in the areas of communication design, fashion design, interior design and product design, as well as musicology and other related areas. It especially focuses on the role of digital technologies, and on strategies fostering creativity, collaboration, education, as well as sustainability and accessibility in the broadly-intended field of design. Gathering the proceedings of the 8th EIMAD conference, held on July 7–9, 2022, and organized by the School of Applied Arts of the Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, in Portugal, this book offers a timely guide and a source of inspiration for designers of all kinds, advertisers, artists, and entrepreneurs, as well as educators and communication managers.
Higher Music Performance Education, as taught and learned in universities and conservatoires in Europe, is undergoing transformation. Since the nineteenth century, the master-apprentice pedagogical model has dominated, creating a learning environment that emphasises the development of technical skills rather than critical and creative faculties. This book contributes to the renewal of this field by being the first to address the potential of artistic research in developing student-centred approaches and greater student autonomy. This potential is demonstrated in chapters illustrating artistic research projects that are embedded within higher music education courses across Europe, with exampl...
Zusammenfassung: This book presents cutting-edge methods and findings that are expected to contribute to significant advances in the areas of communication design, fashion design, interior design and product design, as well as musicology and other related areas. It especially focuses on the role of digital technologies, and on strategies fostering creativity, collaboration, education, as well as sustainability and accessibility in the broadly-intended field of design. Gathering the second volume of the proceedings of the 9th EIMAD conference, held in hybrid format on June 27-29, 2023, and organized by the School of Applied Arts of the Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco, in Portugal, this book offers a timely guide and a source of inspiration for designers of all kinds, advertisers, artists, and entrepreneurs, as well as educators and communication managers
Doctoral studies in music and arts education in Spain and Portugal: View and journey is the first time that a group of music educators from universities in Spain and Portugal has reflected on their doctoral journey. The writers were asked to describe their doctoral journey, and comment on relevant academic, personal and other aspects relating to their journey. The reflections are exciting, informative and encouraging. They have been written with the knowledge that through these commentaries the journeys of others might be easier – but hopefully just as adventurous.
É pesquisa. É experiência-exercício. É educação. É insurgência. É educação musical É trabalho de professoras e professores. Este livro é pautado em diálogos com temáticas emergentes, contemporâneas à educação musical e mais do que necessárias para movimentar outras ideias e trazê-las ao contexto de nossas discussões e práticas profissionais. As escritas são de autoras e autores que trazem de si o que pulsa no professorar. Professoras e professores tratam aqui das diversidades e diferenças, das criatividades, das infâncias, das negritudes e branquitudes, dos capacitismos e anticapacitismos. São ensaios que testemunham o fazer reflexivo e profundo, de cada uma e cad...
A Catalogação e Estudo Crítico da obra de Manuel Faria à guarda da Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra tem como objetivo principal apresentar aos interessados a organização, a inventariação, a catalogação e o estudo do acervo referido e que se revela um fundo inestimável para futuros estudos sobre Música Portuguesa. Dada a importância, a dimensão e o valor do espólio oferecido à Universidade de Coimbra pelo padre e compositor Manuel Faria (1916-1983), figura relevante no contexto da música portuguesa do séc. XX, espera-se que esta publicação possa contribuir para uma maior divulgação da sua obra. Este trabalho permite também uma análise comparativa com outros catálogos existentes deste compositor, possibilitando em simultâneo localizar e estudar o contexto de cada obra em particular, proporcionando à investigação um acesso mais fácil e célere ao espólio e à obra de Manuel Faria.
The first work to propose a comprehensive musicological framework to study sound-based music, a rapidly developing body of work that includes electroacoustic art music, turntable composition, and acoustic and digital sound installations. The art of sound organization, also known as electroacoustic music, uses sounds not available to traditional music making, including prerecorded, synthesized, and processed sounds. The body of work of such sound-based music (which includes electroacoustic art music, turntable composition, computer games, and acoustic and digital sound installations) has developed more rapidly than its musicology. Understanding the Art of Sound Organization proposes the first...
O presente livro traz, a partir de uma perspectiva interdisciplinar, estudos de caso e análises sobre diferentes possibilidades de uso da tecnologia a favor do patrimônio e sobre formas de desenvolvimento de resiliência e mitigações aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. A obra, composta por oito capítulos, dos quais sete foram produzidos no seio do Laboratório do Ambiente (, nos traz uma orientação para todo nosso potencial de mudança sobre o mundo que nos cerca. As relações entre estudos de caso concretos, reflexões teóricas e metodológicas e, em especial, a proposição de caminhos para construirmos um presente e um futuro diferentes, nos mostram que os tempos podem ser difíceis, mas é neste tempo presente que podemos optar e construir um amanhã (muito próximo!) melhor. Na certeza de uma boa leitura, Aline Carvalho Coordenadora do Comitê de Mudanças Climáticas e Patrimônio do Icomos Brasil