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Much theorizing in language change research is made without taking into account dialect data. Yet, dialects seem to be superior data to build a theory of linguistic change on, since dialects are relatively free of standardization and therefore more tolerant of variant competition in grammar. In addition, as compared to most cross-linguistic and diachronic data, dialect data are unusually high in resolution. This book shows that the study of dialect variation has indeed the potential, perhaps even the duty, to play a central role in the process of finding answers to fundamental questions of theoretical historical linguistics. It includes contributions which relate a clearly formulated theoretical question of historical linguistic interest with a well-defined, solid empirical base. The volume discusses phenomena from different domains of grammar (phonology, morphology and syntax) and a wide variety of languages and language varieties in the light of several current theoretical frameworks.
Hi ha qüestions gramaticals del català que actualment són objecte d’anàlisi des de perspectives teòriques renovadores. Aquest volum aplega les aportacions d’un dels col·loquis de referència, el Col·loqui Lingüístic de la Universitat de Barcelona, del qual s’ha arribat a celebrar la 21a edició. En l’àmbit de la fonètica, Jesús Jiménez (UV), Ricard Herrero (UCV) i Sílvia Llach Carles (UdG) exploren l’harmonia vocàlica i el canvi lingüístic; en l’àmbit de la fonologia, Joan Mascaró (UAB) i Clàudia Pons-Moll (UB), la regularitat i les excepcions en la fonologia del català; en l’àmbit de la morfologia, Andrew Nevins (UCL) i Isabel Oltra-Massuet (URV) s’ocupen de les manifestacions de l’al·lomorfia en els sufixos preaccentuats; en l’àmbit de la sintaxi, Jaume Mateu (UAB) i Jordi Fortuny (UB), de la inacusativitat i de la selecció de l’auxiliar en català antic, i, en l’àmbit de la lexicologia, Mercè Lorente Casafont (UPF) i Teresa Vallès (UIC), de la formació de compostos nominals.
Particularly in the humanities and social sciences, festschrifts are a popular forum for discussion. The IJBF provides quick and easy general access to these important resources for scholars and students. The festschrifts are located in state and regional libraries and their bibliographic details are recorded. Since 1983, more than 659,000 articles from more than 30,500 festschrifts, published between 1977 and 2011, have been catalogued.
El professor Joan Veny, que ha estat vicepresident i president de l’AILLC, s’ha dedicat molt especialment a la dialectologia i al lèxic català. Amb aquesta miscel·lània, que coincideix amb la seva jubilació com a catedràtic de la universitat de Barcelona, l’AILLC vol fer públic el reconeixement de tots els seus membres envers els estudiosos més importants de la llengua i de la literatura dels Països Catalans.
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Phonology brings together leading experts in Spanish phonology to provide a state-of-the-art survey of the field. The five sections present current research on the phonological structure of Spanish including the most prominent segmental processes, suprasegmental features, the ways Spanish phonology interacts with other modules of grammar, the acquisition of Spanish phonology by first and second language learners, and an analysis of phonological variation and sound change. This volume provides comprehensive and detailed coverage of Spanish phonology. It addresses major burning questions and pressing issues that have arisen in the study of Spanish phonology, and is an essential reading resource for graduate students and researchers in the field.
This volume brings together two particularly dynamic areas of contemporary research on the French language. The chapters showcase the most innovative current scholarship in historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, and in the burgeoning field of historical sociolinguistics which lies at their intersection. The research across the volume is strongly data-centred, drawing on a wide range of both well-established and more novel theoretical and methodological approaches in order to open up new perspectives on the study of the French language in the twenty-first century. Although it is written in English, the work presented here is underpinned by a range of different approaches from across the Francophone and Anglophone worlds. Particular emphasis is placed on combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, on diversifying tools, methods, and objects of inquiry, and on adopting comparative and multilingual perspectives where these shed new light on important questions relating to French. In these ways, Historical and Sociolinguistic Approaches to French highlights some of the most exciting new directions for linguistic research on the French language.