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Dares Phrygius (Ancient Greek: Δάρης, D�rēs; Middle Welsh: Dared), according to Homer, was a Trojan priest of Hephaestus. He was supposed to have been the author of an account of the destruction of Troy, and to have lived before Homer. A work in Latin, purporting to be a translation of this, and entitled Daretis Phrygii de excidio Trojae historia, was much read in the Middle Ages, and was then ascribed to Cornelius Nepos, who is made to dedicate it to Sallust; but the language is extremely advanced, and the work belongs to a period much later than the time of Nepos (probably the 5th century AD).It is doubtful whether the existing work is an abridgment of a larger Latin work or an adaptation of a Greek original. Together with the similar work of Dictys Cretensis (with which it is generally printed), the De excidio forms the chief source for the numerous medieval accounts of the Trojan legend, the so-called Matter of Troy.
Praised by reviewers as highly recommended, indispensable, and thorough, comprehensive, usable, and unquestionably useful, theChaucer Name Dictionary is the ultimate A-Z guide to the writer who stands at the head of the English curriculum. It provides full information on all the hundreds of proper names mentioned throughout Chaucer and essential to an understanding of his works. Each entry provides historical and/or literary definition, references to occurrences in Chaucer's works with explanations of the context, a list of related words, etymology, and a bibliography of primary and secondary works. Special Features The only reference source that identifies the hundreds of historical, literary, and mythological names mentioned in Chaucer, Provides reliable background information essential to understanding Chaucer's text, Alphabetical arrangement and clear format allow quick answers to reference questions, Includes an important Glossary of Astronomical and Astrological Terms, along with six astrological maps Suitable for courses in:Chaucer, Medieval English Poetry, Medieval Literature in Translation, Old and Middle English Literature, Glossary Also includes maps.
Die ‚alternativen‘ Fassungen des trojanischen Mythos von Dictys und Dares gehören zu den interessantesten und zugleich rätselhaftesten Werken der Spätantike. Dennoch erhalten sie erst seit Kurzem die ihnen gebührende Aufmerksamkeit, und viele Fragen sind noch immer ungelöst. Dies ist eines der ersten Bücher, das sich auf die Beiträge verschiedener Gelehrter stützt, um die Themengebiete in all ihren verschiedenen Facetten umfassend zu behandeln, angefangen mit der heiklen Frage nach den (wahren oder angeblichen) griechischen Modellen, hin zum kulturellen Kontext, der erwarteten Zielgruppe, Intertextualität, strukturellen Mustern, der Erzähltechnik, Themen, Charakteren, Zielen, b...
This Handbook addresses Chaucer's poetry in the context of several disciplines, including late medieval philosophy and science, Mediterranean culture, comparative European literature, vernacular theology, and popular devotion.
The First Pagan Historian offers the first comprehensive account of Dares the Phyrgian, the infamous author of The History of the Destruction of Troy, tracing his afterlife from the late antique encyclopedist Isidore of Seville to Thomas Jefferson. Along the way, it reconstructs Dares' central place in longstanding debates over the nature of history, fiction, criticism, philology, and myth, from ancient Rome to the Enlightenment.
Why was the Renaissance also the golden age of forgery? Forgery is an eternal problem. In literature and the writing of history, suspiciously attributed texts can be uniquely revealing when subjected to a nuanced critique. False and spurious writings impinge on social and political realities to a degree rarely confronted by the biographical criticism of yesteryear. They deserve a more critical reading of the sort far more often bestowed on canonical works of poetry and prose fiction. The first comprehensive treatment of literary and historiographical forgery to appear in a quarter of a century, Literary Forgery in Early Modern Europe, 1450–1800 goes well beyond questions of authorship, spo...