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Forgery Beyond Deceit
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 462

Forgery Beyond Deceit

  • Categories: Art

This book examines the cultural, historical, and rhetorical functions of forgery that extend beyond the desire to deceive and profit. Its chapters reach from antiquity to the twentieth century and cover literature and art, the two areas that predominate in forgery studies, as well as the forgery of physical books, coins, and religious relics.

Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 411

Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-09-11
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  • Publisher: BRILL

Quintus of Smyrna’s Posthomerica (3rd century C.E.) is of great literary value to the field of Greek epic. It is a stylistic imitation of Homer and recounts what Iliad and Odyssey have left untold of the Trojan War. Tine Scheijnen offers the first linear study of this still little-known poem. Progressing from book 1 to 14, she focusses on key issues such as Homeric similes and characterization of heroes (especially Achilles and his son Neoptolemus). Ideologically, Quintus engages in a critical way with Homer, but possibly also Vergil, Triphiodorus and tragedy. Scheijnen’s work can be read as a thorough introduction to Quintus’ Posthomerica, while also offering new insights into Homer reception, the conception of heroes and heroism in Greek epic.

The First Pagan Historian
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 367

The First Pagan Historian

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020
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  • Publisher: Unknown

The First Pagan Historian offers the first comprehensive account of Dares the Phyrgian, the infamous author of The History of the Destruction of Troy, tracing his afterlife from the late antique encyclopedist Isidore of Seville to Thomas Jefferson. Along the way, it reconstructs Dares' central place in longstanding debates over the nature of history, fiction, criticism, philology, and myth, from ancient Rome to the Enlightenment.

A Commentary on Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 13
  • Language: el
  • Pages: 350

A Commentary on Quintus of Smyrna, Posthomerica 13

The Posthomerica by Quintus of Smyrna, a Greek epic in fourteen books from the 3rd century AD, recounts the story of the Trojan War by covering the events between Hector?s burial and the departure of the Greeks after the destruction of the city. In book 13, we read about the sack of Troy, including famous episodes such as the death of Priam and Astyanax, the enslavement of Andromache, the escape of Aeneas, and the rape of Cassandra.0Stephan Renker offers the first full-scale commentary on Posthomerica 13. He introduces each episode with a discussion of the relevant literary tradition and Quintus' potential models. The following line-by-line commentary yields insights into aspects of language, literary technique, realia, and the main issues of interpretation. Thus, the reader is provided with an important tool for further investigations into this fascinating, yet understudied piece of Imperial Greek poetry.

Revival and Revision of the Trojan Myth
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 398

Revival and Revision of the Trojan Myth

Die ‚alternativen‘ Fassungen des trojanischen Mythos von Dictys und Dares gehören zu den interessantesten und zugleich rätselhaftesten Werken der Spätantike. Dennoch erhalten sie erst seit Kurzem die ihnen gebührende Aufmerksamkeit, und viele Fragen sind noch immer ungelöst. Dies ist eines der ersten Bücher, das sich auf die Beiträge verschiedener Gelehrter stützt, um die Themengebiete in all ihren verschiedenen Facetten umfassend zu behandeln, angefangen mit der heiklen Frage nach den (wahren oder angeblichen) griechischen Modellen, hin zum kulturellen Kontext, der erwarteten Zielgruppe, Intertextualität, strukturellen Mustern, der Erzähltechnik, Themen, Charakteren, Zielen, b...

Latin Literatures of Medieval and Early Modern Times in Europe and Beyond
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 726

Latin Literatures of Medieval and Early Modern Times in Europe and Beyond

The textual heritage of Medieval Latin is one of the greatest reservoirs of human culture. Repertories list more than 16,000 authors from about 20 modern countries. Until now, there has been no introduction to this world in its full geographical extension. Forty contributors fill this gap by adopting a new perspective, making available to specialists (but also to the interested public) new materials and insights. The project presents an overview of Medieval (and post-medieval) Latin Literatures as a global phenomenon including both Europe and extra-European regions. It serves as an introduction to medieval Latin's complex and multi-layered culture, whose attraction has been underestimated un...

Judici i justícia
  • Language: ca
  • Pages: 437

Judici i justícia

"La personificació de la Justícia com una dama amb balances i espasa és només una de les imatges que en l?època medieval i moderna es va expressar a les pàgines dels llibres manuscrits, als grans brodats, a les taules i als cicles escultòrics o pictòrics de caràcter monumental. Tant si es tractava del judici de Déu com de la justícia impartida pels humans, l?art europeu vehiculà, a partir d?algunes iconografies constants i d?altres temàtiques singulars, un món legislatiu, escatològic i hagiogràfic d?enorme complexitat. Els autors de Judici i Justícia analitzen aquestes realitats interessant-se per l?art català i per les continuïtats i les particularitats del tema en divers...

  • Language: it
  • Pages: 276


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2006
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Krieg um Troja
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 448

Krieg um Troja

Der Krieg um Troja ist Gegenstand von Homers großem Epos Ilias - doch gibt es aus der Antike auch ‚alternative Geschichten‘ dazu: Die lateinischsprachigen Autoren Dictys und Dares nämlich behaupten, Augenzeugenberichte zu bieten und damit authentischer als Homer über Troja zu berichten. Da die griechischsprachige Ilias im Mittelalter und bis zur frühen Neuzeit nicht zugänglich war, haben die beiden lateinischen Werke zudem größte Bedeutung für die Rezeption des Troja-Stoffs bis in die frühe Neuzeit. In den letzten Jahren sind Papyri gefunden worden, die als griechische Vorlagen der lateinischen Werke gelten. Die mit einer ausführlichen Einleitung erschlossene Tusculum-Ausgabe bietet diese Funde erstmals zweisprachig und ermöglicht gemeinsam mit der zweisprachigen Präsentation der Werke von Dictys und Dares einen neuen Zugang zu ‚alternativen Geschichten‘ von Troja.

Gazzetta ufficiale della Repubblica italiana. Parte seconda, foglio delle inserzioni
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 832

Gazzetta ufficiale della Repubblica italiana. Parte seconda, foglio delle inserzioni

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Unknown
