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Bisnis dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh individu atau organisasi dengan tujuan memproduksi, menjual atau memasarkan produk atau jasa dan mendapatkan keuntungan. Bisnis juga dapat dianggap sebagai suatu aktivitas untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan keinginan konsumen. Bisnis merupakan kegiatan yang melibatkan beberapa unsur, seperti sumber daya manusia, modal, teknologi, informasi, dan lingkungan. Dalam menjalankan bisnis, perusahaan harus mampu mengoptimalkan penggunaan sumber daya yang dimilikinya agar dapat mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.
Judul : Enterprenuer VS Technoprenuer VS Socioprenuer Penulis : Alif Lukmanul Hakim, Westim Ratang, Nurhayati, Gatot Wijayanto, Arief Setiawan, Juni Gultom, Sely Novita Sari, Eko Cahyo Mayndarto, Darmawan, Budiawan, Fuad Rinaldi, Sjaiful Munir, Eni Susilowati Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 238 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-505-093-5 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-505-094-2 (PDF) SINOPSIS Buku ini berjudul “Enterprenuer VS Technoprenuer VS Socioprenuer”. Buku ini ditulis oleh beberapa penulis dari beberapa lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia. Buku ini penulis kontribusikan untuk bidang ekonomi dan bisnis khususnya tentang Enterprenuer VS Technoprenuer VS Socioprenuer di Indonesia. Buku i...
Buku Manajemen Logistik ini terdiri dari enam bab. Masing-masing bab akan menjelaskan detail mengenai logistik dalam bisnis modern, manajemen persediaan, manajemen gudang, teknologi dalam logistik, manajemen rantai pasokan, dan kompleksitas tantangan logistik. Sebagaimana dipahami bersama bahwa manajemen logistik merupakan pengetahuan praktis yang urgen dan harus dipahami oleh pelaku bisnis. Namun demikian, tetap dibutuhkan pengetahuan teoritis dan konseptual agar implementasi manajemen logistik berjalan dengan optimal. Dalam praktiknya, manajemen logistik membutuhkan pengetahuan sekaligus keterampilan. Pengetahuan secara teoretis memberikan dasar keterampilan. Dan, keterampilan merupakan im...
This prestigious edited collection of articles from the Journal of Brand Management discusses the impact of research on our understanding of corporate brand characteristics and corporate brand management to date. A wide range of topics are covered, including franchise brand management, co-creation of corporate brands, alliance brands, the role of internal branding in the delivery of employee brand promise, and the expansion into new approaches. Advances in Corporate Branding is essential reading for those undertaking a PhD programme or by upper level students looking for rigorous academic material on the subject and for scholars and discerning practitioners, acting as 'advanced introductions'.
This book discusses the latest scientific evidence related to fever and presents the principles of clinical practice, covering different types of fever and its possible complications. The book adopts a clearly defined, practical and effective approach to the management of fever, helping the clinician improve the care for the febrile child. The reader will learn about the guidelines on antipyretics and their side-effects and differential diagnoses, with problem-setting and solving as a case presentation.The second edition of this well-received book has been fully updated to include exciting new information of the pathogenesis of fever, including functions of interleukin and all the latest gui...
How do companies in mature markets--where savings from cost-cutting have been exhausted and breakthrough innovations are hard to come by--achieve sustainable increases in profits? For decades, managers have been told the answer lies in pursuing high market share. But Hermann Simon, Frank F. Bilstein, and Frank Luby argue that this misguided advice has destroyed, rather than created, an additional profit potential. In Manage for Profit, Not for Share, the authors contend that companies can extract a profit potential of 1%-3 % of revenue by pursuing a profit, rather than a market share, orientation. Based on their extensive consulting work, the authors lay out a practical, proven program for m...
This is an open access book. "In implementing the three pillars (tri dharma) of higher education, Binawan University, supported by the fields of health and social sciences, would like to provide solutions to problems affecting society. Gathering experts, researchers, academics, practitioners, students, and policymakers in one conference can be a medium for sharing knowledge and experiences to solve and provide solutions to many problems in dealing with the crisis during a pandemic and prepare for future situations.""The First World Conference on Health and Social Science is the first international conference involving 3 Faculties of Binawan University. It is planned as an annual event. This activity is supported by DRTPM (The Directorate of Research, Technology, and Community Services) funding.""This activity aims to develop and evaluate research-based interventions to improve public health, reduce social inequalities in health, and communicate research results and implications to a wide range of audiences."
This is a research-based book on whistle-blowing in organizations. The three noted authors describe studies on this important topic and the implications of the research and theory for organizational behavior, managerial practice, and public policy. In the past few years there have been critical developments, including corporate scandals, which
Tailored for upper-level undergraduate and MBA students, Assael's Consumer Behavior applies behavioral concepts to market strategy (domestic and international) with special emphasis on web-related issues and applications. Assael presents the content from a managerial perspective, focusing on decision making as the framework for understanding consumer behavior. The text also features a unique, three-chapter Marketing Action section, covering marketing communications, marketing segmentation and micromarketing, as well as consumer rights and social responsibility.
Buku ini hadir untuk memberikan kontribusi dalam memperkaya khazanah pengetahuan mahasiswa mengenai konsep, perkembangan, implementasi, dampak, serta studi kasus transformasi digital dan AI di sejumlah bidang. Namun kiranya bukan hanya kalangan mahasiswa saja yang dapat mengambil manfaat dari kehadiran buku ini, para dosen pun dapat menjadikannya sebagai salah satu referensi dalam pengajaran mata kuliah Transformasi Digital. Pembahasan yang akan meningkatkan wawasan pembaca dalam buku ini terbagi ke dalam 17 bab yang saling terkait, yakni: Disrupsi di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0; Struktur Data; Algoritma Pemrograman; Pemrograman Sederhana dengan Phyton; System Thinking; Critical Thinking; Konsep Kecerdasan Buatan (Artificial Intelligence); Konsep Machine Learning; Konsep Big Data dan Data Science; Data Analytics; Konsep IoT dan Cyber-Physical Systems; Basic of Cloud Computing; Model Bisnis Berbasis IT; Solusi IT untuk Berbagai Bidang; Kesempatan dan Tantangan Penerapan Transformasi Digital; Studi Kasus: Smart City; dan Studi Kasus: ChatGPT untuk Personalisasi Pembelajaran.