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Digitalisasi memicu transisi di berbagai bidang. Hal itu mengubah wajah kehidupan. Pola interaksi, gaya berkomunikasi, cara bertransaksi, hingga cara bersosialisasi, berubah secara signifikan. Mau tidak mau, jarak, waktu, bisnis, kreativitas, dan kemanusiaan, harus didefinisikan ulang. Dari perspektif bisnis, dalam hal ini ekonomi kreatif, digitalisasi telah membuat para pelakunya mendapat berbagai kemudahan. Mereka lebih mudah menembus pasar yang besar, memperoleh sumber informasi luas, serta menemukan partner potensial untuk berkolaborasi. Namun, di saat bersamaan mereka juga berhadapan dengan kompetitor yang terus bermunculan. Persoalannya, apakah pelaku ekonomi kreatif dapat menjawab tan...
Budaya Pop: Komunikasi dan Masyarakat merupakan hasil dari Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi Humanis (KNKH) 2022 yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara pada 17–18 Desember 2022. Tema yang diangkat pada KNKH 2022 adalah “Budaya Pop, Komunikasi dan Masyarakat”. Pemilihan tema tersebut didasari oleh fenomena yang ditandai oleh kekuatan media sosial dalam membentuk trending topic, atau topik-topik hangat yang dibicarakan masyarakat, yang pada akhirnya melahirkan berbagai budaya baru dalam masyarakat. Budayabudaya baru itu dikemas oleh media sebagai konsumsi massa dan terbentuk menjadi budaya populer. Buku ini membahas fenomena tersebut dari perspektif akad...
Komunikasi Anak Muda untuk Perubahan Sosial merupakan hasil dari Konferensi Nasional Komunikasi Humanis (KNKH) ke-4 yang diselenggarakan oleh Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Tarumanagara pada November 2021. Tema pokok komunikasi anak muda dan relevansinya dengan perubahan sosial ditetapkan mengingat perkembangan teknologi, khususnya teknologi komunikasi, membuka peluang bagi anak muda untuk makin berperan di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Peran penting anak muda dalam perubahan sosial masyarakat terutama terwujud dalam proses perubahan dari masyarakat analog ke masyarakat digital. Dalam konteks ini, mengetahui karakter mereka dalam berkomunikasi menjadi kunci kesuksesan dalam membangun perub...
The Twenty-First-Century Media Industry: Economic and Managerial Implications in the Age of New Media examines the role that new media technologies are having on the traditional media industry from a media management perspective. Consumer behaviors and consumer expectations are being shaped by new media technologies. They now expect information on-demand and on-the-go as well as at their finger-tips via the Internet. In order to stay relevant, traditional media managers and practitioners are adapting to these consumer demands and expectations by developing new business models and new business philosophies to stay competitive. The contributors to this volume explore the business strategies being implemented by some media industries such as newspapers and the recording industry who are struggling to not only remain competitive and profitable, but also to survive. The Twenty-First-Century Media Industry provides an intriguing examination of how traditional media industries are adapting to new media technologies and evolving in the twenty-first century.
On our contemporary media landscape, the potential of the written word is limitless. Repurposing print journalism for the Internet and beyond, convergent journalism invigorates and transforms how we create and experience media. A vital new resource in our digital age, Understanding Media Convergence outlines and investigates the broad theoretical and conceptual issues surrounding this emergent subject.Bringing together incisive work by some of the leaders in the field - including Janet Kolodzy, Bob Papper, Kenneth Killebrew, and Charles Bierbauer - editors August E. Grant and Jeffrey S. Wilkinson have selected readings that introduce students to this provocative subject and provide a strong ...
Ubiquitous news, global information access, instantaneous reporting, interactivity, multimedia content, extreme customization: Journalism is undergoing the most fundamental transformation since the rise of the penny press in the nineteenth century. Here is a report from the front lines on the impact and implications for journalists and the public alike. John Pavlik, executive director of the Center for New Media at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, argues that the new media can revitalize news gathering and reengage an increasingly distrustful and alienated citizenry. The book is a valuable reference on everything from organizing a new age newsroom to job hunting in the new media.
The rise of digital media has been widely regarded as transforming the nature of our social experience in the twenty-first century. The speed with which new forms of connectivity and communication are being incorporated into our everyday lives often gives us little time to stop and consider the social implications of those practices. Nonetheless, it is critically important that we do so, and this sociological introduction to the field of digital technologies is intended to enable a deeper understanding of their prominent role in everyday life. The fundamental theoretical and ethical debates on the sociology of the digital media are presented in accessible summaries, ranging from economy and ...
Build a powerful social media strategy to increase buzz—and the bottom line In today’s fast-paced professional climate, large companies are learning that launching a website and taking a wait-and-see approach to engaging customers is not enough. Competition is fierce, and those who master the social media space are the ones who come out on top. There is greater urgency than ever before to establish a vibrant social media program—and it all starts with a key strategist who can best organize and leverage all of the organization’s resources to cut through the bureaucracy and get real-time results. This is where The Social Media Strategist comes in. Before tackling specific social media ...