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"Adolescents need a school that is not a school." This claim by Maria Montessori, dating from the 1930s, is increasingly shared today. Consistently based on the developmental needs in adolescence, Maria Montessori designed the concept of a `Center for Study and Work in the Countryside' for students aged 12 - 18 years, which gives young people the opportunity to learn about the basic structures of production, trade and services in a manageable, transparent and at the same time protected setting through Practice-Theory linked experiences. The book presents the basics of Maria Montessori's concept and gives, through reports with practitioners and interviews with Montessori experts insights into authentic implementations of the Farm school concept - and thus into a learning arrangement that allows young people a high degree of responsibility and participation and strengthens their commitment to a sustainable approach to natural resources and a peaceful way of living. The book also addresses schools without a Farm school practice and shows ways of approaching crucial components of this authentic and highly topical concept.
The social and cultural challenges posed by the increasing threat to creation (climate change, destruction of biodiversity, etc.) are the starting point for new philosophical-ethical and theological reflections on the relationship between God, human beings and the world, as presented in this volume. God's creative impulse, which transforms anew, is at work in the actions of human beings and challenges us, in view of the threat to the "house of life" earth, to go new ways that make a common and good life possible. Creation and transformation are interrelated; an ecological theology of creation and practice of sustainability to be developed in the European context is to be embedded in the horizon of a global, liberating theology. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Margit Eckholt, professor of dogmatics and fundamental theology at the Institute of Catholic Theology / University of Osnabrück, president of the European Society for Catholic Theology
The Game Plan is the first professional book that gives secondary administrators, literacy coaches, and other instructional leaders a step-by-step blueprint for implementing the Common Core Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies, Science, and the Technical Subjects and other college and career readiness standards. The book provides principals, district supervisors, instructional coaches, and other leaders with a coherent, realistic plan to build a school-wide culture of literacy instruction, data use, and PLC-based cycles of reflection, planning, and action. This multi-year plan is built on a continuous cycle of improvement philosophy and is modular in nature, allowing leaders to rear...
Maria Montessori (1870-1952) was an Italian physician, anthropologist, and educator known around the world for her educational philosophy and pedagogy. Her work established educational environments tailored to the child where autonomy and independence are encouraged within thriving and respectful communities. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Montessori Education is an accessible resource tracing Montessori education from its historical roots to current scholarship and contemporary issues of culture, social justice, and environmentalism. Divided into six sections the handbook encompasses a range of topics related to Maria Montessori and Montessori education including foundations and evolution of the field; key writings; pedagogy across the lifespan; scholarly research; global reach; and contemporary considerations such as gender, inclusive education, race and multilingualism. Written by scholars and practitioners based in over 20 countries, this is the go-to reference work for anyone interested in Montessori education.
In this stimulating and readable book, educators--most of whom have long been involved in computer-based literacy research efforts--provide up-to-date information on computer-based activities in reading and language arts. These experts offer valuable goals and strategies for integrating computer technology into the reading/language arts curriculum, including suggestions for activities that should and should not be used. They also address the basics of developing, evaluating, and using computer-based reading instruction programs. The unique benefits of computer technology to teach English as a second language, writing skills, and the reading process to early readers are thoroughly explored. I...
The central theme of this book “Microbial BioEnergy: Hydrogen Production” is focused on the biological machinery that microorganisms use to produce hydrogen gas. The book summarizes the achievements over the past decade in the biochemistry, structural and molecular biology, genomics and applied aspects of microbial H2-production, including microbial fuel cells (MFC), by phototrophs such as purple sulfur and non-sulfur bacteria (Thiocapsa spp., Rhodobacter and Rhodopseudomonas spp.) microalgae (Chlamydomonas) and cyanobacteria (Anabaena spp.) along with anaerobes and thermophiles such as Caldicellulosiruptor and Thermotoga. This is the first book of this series entirely devoted to microbial bio-hydrogen production and is intended to be a precious source of information for PhD students, researchers and undergraduates from disciplines such as microbiology, biochemistry, biotechnology, photochemistry and chemical engineering, interested in basic and applied sciences.
Includes entries for maps and atlases.
The "functional" in the title of this book not only reflects my personal bias about neuroanatomy in brain research, it is also the gist of many chapters which describe sophisticated ways to resolve structures and interpret them as dynamic entities. Examples are: the visualization of functionally identified brain areas or neurons by activity staining or intracellular dye-iontophoresis; the resolution of synaptic connections between physiologically identified nerve cells; and the biochemical identification of specific neurons (their peptides and transmitters) by histo- and immunocytochemistry. I personally view the nervous system as an organ whose parts, continuously exchanging messages, arriv...
Gärten als Orte des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens, Träumens, Lernens und Repräsentierens. Seit Jahren erlebt der Garten eine Renaissance. Gerade auch junge Leute wenden sich verstärkt der Gartenarbeit zu, sei es in Gemeinschaftsgärten, beim guerilla-gardening zwischen Brachen und Stadtautobahnen oder im Bauerngarten hinterm Eigenheim. Unter den Bedingungen der Corona-Pandemie hat sich dieser Trend deutlich verstärkt. Doch der Garten ist weit mehr als ein Produktions- oder Rückzugsort. Er ist ein Ort, an dem sich gesellschaftliches Zusammenleben – nicht zuletzt unter den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels und armutsbedingter Migration – exemplarisch manifestiert und bündelt; ein Ort, an dem Menschen einen Raum gestalten, sich auch politisch (re)präsentieren, träumen und lernen. Der vorliegende Band will ein paar dieser Gartengestalten sichtbar werden lassen, vom antiken kepos über den indischen Garten bis zu den Gartenutopien, in denen radikale Kritik aber auch Bildungspotential schlummert. Entstanden sind die Texte anlässlich der Bundesgartenschau 2021 in Erfurt.