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Ennead VI.4-5, originally written as a single treatise, contains Plotinus' most general and sustained exposition of the relationship between the intelligible and the sensible realms, addressing and coalescing two central issues in Platonism: the nature of the soul-body relationship and the nature of participation. Its main question is, How can soul animate bodies without sharing their extension? The treatise seems to have had considerable impact: it is much reflected in Porphyry's important work, Sententiae, and the doctrine of reception according to the capacity of the recipient, for which this treatise is the main source, resonated in medieval thinkers.
The Neoplatonic philosopher Plotinus invites us to take part in his philosophizing when he encourages his readers to think about what they think they are, as living beings, human beings, as rational beings, ethical subjects and as philosophers. He is interested in what we say about ourselves in ordinary language and notices that such ordinary experience conflicts with what the Platonic tradition claims we (truly) are. This conflict does not lead him to turn away from the human terms and expressions, but impels him to take seriously what we say about ourselves and to explain it philosophically.
Plotinus (AD 205-270) was the founder of Neoplatonism, whose thought has had a profound influence on medieval philosophy, and on Western philosophy more broadly. In this engaging book, Eyjólfur K. Emilsson introduces and explains the full spectrum of Plotinus' philosophy for those coming to his work for the first time.Beginning with a chapter-length overview of Plotinus' life and works which also assesses the Platonic, Aristotelian and Stoic traditions that influenced him. Emilsson goes on to address key topics including: Plotinus' originalitythe status of souls; Plotinus' languagethe notion of the One or the Good; Intellect, including Plotinus' holism; the physical world; the soul and the body, including emotions and the self; Plotinus' ethics; Plotinus' influence and legacy.Including a chronology, glossary of terms and suggestions for further reading, Plotinus is an ideal introduction to this major figure in Western philosophy, and is essential reading for students of ancient philosophy and classics.
Ennead VI.8 gives us access to the living mind of a long dead sage as he tries to answer some of the most fundamental questions we in the modern world continue to ask: are we really free when most of the time we are overwhelmed by compulsions, addictions, and necessities, and how can we know that we are free? Can we trace this freedom through our own agency to the gods, to the Soul, Intellect, and the Good? How do we know that the world is meaningful and not simply the result of chance or randomness? Plotinus' On the Voluntary and on the Free Will of the One is a groundbreaking work that provides a new understanding of the importance and nature of free human agency. It articulates a creative idea of agency and radical freedom by showing how such terms as desire, will, self-dependence, and freedom in the human ethical sphere can be genuinely applied to Intellect and the One while preserving the radical inability of all metaphysical language to express anything about God or gods.
Platonism and Christian Thought in Late Antiquity examines the various ways in which Christian intellectuals engaged with Platonism both as a pagan competitor and as a source of philosophical material useful to the Christian faith. The chapters are united in their goal to explore transformations that took place in the reception and interaction process between Platonism and Christianity in this period. The contributions in this volume explore the reception of Platonic material in Christian thought, showing that the transmission of cultural content is always mediated, and ought to be studied as a transformative process by way of selection and interpretation. Some chapters also deal with variou...
Plotin ist der Begründer des Neuplatonismus. Seine Interpretation des Platonismus als eines konsequenten Denkens der Transzendenz findet seit der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts reges philosophisches und philosophiehistorisches Interesse und wird als eigenständiger Beitrag zur Wahrheitssuche und als dem klassischen Platonismus, dem Aristotelismus und der hellenistischen Philosophie gleichrangige philosophische Tradition anerkannt. Das Handbuch verortet Plotin zunächst biographisch-historisch, beschreibt dann sowohl den Exegeten als auch den systematischen Denker und führt über eine interpretierende Inhaltsübersicht seiner Schriften in Plotins Werk ein. Der Hauptteil erläutert zunächst die philosophiehistorischen Traditionen und Kontexte von Plotins Denken und stellt dann in systematischer Form zentrale Themen seiner Philosophie dar. Abgeschlossen wird das Handbuch durch eine Gesamtdarstellung der Wirkungsgeschichte Plotins. Ein Personen- und Sachregister ermöglicht eine zusätzliche spezifische Erschließung des Inhalts.
Philosophus orator – der Philosoph und der Redner, der Philosoph als Redner. Rhetorik und Philosophie stehen seit den Anfängen des abendländischen Denkens in einem komplexen Verhältnis zueinander, das von Konkurrenz und gegenseitiger Ablehnung ebenso wie von wechselseitiger Adaptation und Interdependenz geprägt ist. Es hat seinen guten Grund, dass dieser Band Michael Erler gewidmet ist, der neben seinen Studien zu Epikur und zum Epikureismus vor allem als Platon-Forscher und Autor des wohl wichtigsten neueren Buchs über Platon bekannt ist. Zwar hat Epikur der Rhetorik bekanntlich keine große Bedeutung zugemessen, und auch Platon hatte sich in seiner antisophistischen Polemik gegen di...
Plotinus' Ennead V.8, originally part of a single work (with III.8, V.5, and II.9), provides the foundation for a positive view of the universe as an image of divine beauty against the Gnostic rejection of the world. Although it emphasizes the cosmic dimension of beauty, it is, as are most treatises of Plotinus, concerned with the individual soul. The notion that the artist has within him an idea of beauty that derives directly from the intelligible world in fact coincides with his theory that each one of us has access to Intellect through his or her own intellect. It is the exploitation of this theme that forms the central dynamic of the treatise, with its stress on our ability to "e;see"e; and be one with the intelligible world and its beauty.
How was the universe created, and what is our place within it? These are the questions at the heart of Plotinus' Against the Gnostics. For the Gnostics, the universe came into being as a result of the soul's fall from intelligible reality-it is the evil outcome of a botched creation. Plotinus challenges this, and insists that the soul's creation of the world is the necessary consequence of its contemplation of the ideal forms. While the Gnostics claim to despise the visible universe, Plotinus argues that such contempt displays their ignorance of the higher realities of which the cosmos is a beautiful image.
Ennead IV.7 is a very early treatise (second according to Porphyry's chronological table), and unlike the many treatises devoted to attempts at untangling various issues Plotinus found problematic in Plato's thinking, this one presents the teachings of the other main schools current in Plotinus' day: the Stoics, Epicureans, Pythagoreans, and Peripatetics, all of whom presented soul as something material or as contingent upon material soul, and so as being neither truly immortal nor imperishable. It includes observations on many mainly Stoic doctrines on perception, memory, sensation, thought, virtue, powers of material bodies, mixture and reproduction (Chapters 1-83); on Pythagorean attunement (84); and on Peripatetic entelechy (85). In Chapters 9-10 Plotinus presents, in broad terms, Plato's doctrines on soul's immortality-mainly that of the individual soul, but a fortiori that of the soul of the cosmos. These chapters offer some of Plotinus' most powerful prose. He is not concerned to prove the soul's immortality-that was an uncontroversial tenet of Platonism, to be taken for granted. In this treatise Plotinus is laying down the indisputable foundations for his later writings.