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Hegel possui uma refinada reflexão teórica sobre a guerra e a paz, que se inicia com estudos fenomenológicos, estéticos e políticos, sobre as guerras heroicas representadas nas tragédias gregas, passando por estudos sobre as guerras cavalheirescas (ʽguerras justasʼ) até o interior das discussões sobre direito natural das gentes e chegando a realizar filosoficamente investigações político-militares sobre as guerras modernas com a implementação tecnológica das armas de fogo à longa distância, utilizadas por exércitos profissionalmente treinados e comandados por Senhores da guerra e da paz. A teoria hegeliana da guerra e da paz apresenta, desde o início, dialética e especul...
El libro que el lector tiene en sus manos emerge del proyecto de investigación interinstitucional "Pluralidad, justicia y construcción de paz en el Valle del Cauca: Reflexiones desde la filosofía y las ciencias sociales sobre la otredad cultural en el marco del postacuerdo en Colombia", financiado y avalado por la Universidad del Valle, la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, y con la participación de la Organización Regional Indígena del Valle del Cauca (ORIVAC). Cuatro grupos de investigación aunaron esfuerzos académicos para cumplir los objetivos del proyecto: Praxis, de la Universidad del Valle; Comunicación y Lenguajes, y De Humanitate, de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali; y Entornos e Identidades, de la Universidad Autónoma de Occidente.
Passados duzentos anos de sua publicação, Filosofia do direito permanece obra fundamental tanto no conjunto da filosofia hegeliana quanto na fundamentação teórica do direito moderno, ainda que sua formulação hermética e complexa se apresente como um desafio aos leitores. Neste livro, Gilles Marmasse, estudioso do idealismo alemão, oferece um esquema interpretativo acessível do clássico, sem renunciar à sutileza conceitual e ao rigor teórico, destacando a ambivalência do pensamento hegeliano acerca das normas, que insiste em sua validade e seu caráter libertador, mas também em sua incompletude e em sua vulnerabilidade. "Entendo que o guia de Gilles Marmasse é muito bem-sucedi...
Die Hegel-Studien wurden 1961 in Verbindung mit der Hegel-Kommission der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft begründet und entstanden im engen Zusammenhang mit der Arbeit an der historisch-kritischen Gesamtausgabe Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Gesammelte Werke. Seit 1999 erscheinen die Hegel-Studien als Jahrbuch im Felix Meiner Verlag und werden durch die Reihe der »Beihefte« ergänzt. Schwerpunkt von Band 57: Law and Violence in Hegel, hg. von Christoph Menke und Benno Zabel mit Beiträgen von Jean-François Kervégan, Ana María Miranda Mora und Christian Schmidt Außerdem im Band: Abhandlungen von Thomas Kelkel und Achim Wamßler; Texte und Dokumente mit einem Beitrag über die Hegel-Nachschriften von F. W. Carové von Klaus Vieweg, Christian Illies, Francesca Iannelli und Marko J. Fuchs; Buchkritik: Untersuchungen zur klassischen deutschen Philosophie | Editionen | Literatur zu Hegel | Neuerscheinungen zu einzelnen Autoren der klassischen deutschen Philosophie; Bibliographie: Literatur zur Hegel-Forschung
Bochumer Hegel-Vorlesungen Frederick Neuhouser Die Dialektik der Freiheit in Hegels Rechtsphilosophie Abhandlungen Antón Barba-Kay: Locating Hegel's Struggle for Recognition Alexander T. Englert: Life, Logic, and the Pursuit of Purity. Logically Reconstructing the Transition to Cognition Damián J. Rosanovitch: Hegels Betrachtung ständischer Privilegien Texte und Dokumente Johannes Korngiebel: Eine neue Quelle zu Schellings und Hegels Jenaer Disputatorium vom Wintersemester 1801/02 Perspektiven der Forschung Brady Bowman/James Kreines/Terry Pinkard/Clinton Tolley: The Metaphysics of Reason and Hegel's Logic. A Book Symposium on James Kreines' Reason in the World. Hegel's Metaphysics and its Philosophical Appeal Christoph Halbig: Zwei neuerschienene Textsammlungen von Robert Brandom und John McDowell in deutscher Übersetzung Literaturberichte und Kritk
BOCHUMER HEGELVORLESUNGEN Christoph Menke: Dialektik der Befreiung. Die Erfahrung des Exodus ABHANDLUNGEN Christophe Bouton: Idealismus und Realismus bei Hegel Lauri Kallio: How Late Hegelians Replied to F. A. Trendelenburg's Logical Question Emmanuel Nakamura: Die Idee der sozialen Rechte Ermylos Plevrakis: Übergang von der Logik in die Natur aus 'absoluter Freiheit'? Eine argumentanalytische Rekonstruktion des letzten Satzes der enzyklopädischen Logik Hegels Stefan Schick: The Spirit of the Age and Reason in History. Herder, Hegel, and Jacobi Literaturberichte und Kritik | Bibliographie
During the final four centuries BC, many political and stateless entities of the Mediterranean headed towards anarchy and militarism, while stronger powers -Carthage, the Hellenistic kingdoms and Republican Rome- expanded towards State formation, forceful military structures and empire building. Edited by T. Ñaco del Hoyo and F. López Sánchez, this volume presents the proceedings from an ICREA Conference held in Barcelona (2013), addressing the connection between war, warlords and interstate relations from classical studies and social sciences perspectives. Some twenty scholars from European, Japanese and North American Universities consider the scope of ‘multipolarity’ and the usefulness of ‘warlord’, a modern category, in order to feature some ancient military and political leaderships.
"A lively introduction to the rich and complex tradition of Latin literature from colonial Spanish America, and to its best known author, the poet Rafael Landivar. Rafael Landivar is the best known of all the poets from the Americas to write in Latin. In the 15 books of his Rusticatio Mexicana (1782), he described - in vivid epic verse - the lakes, volcanoes, and wildlife of Mexico and his native Guatemala, as well as the livelihoods and recreations of the people of the region. This panorama of nature, culture and production in colonial New Spain took classical didactic poetry into a new world of political conflict. But Landivar also writes with a strongly personal voice: elegiac and pastoral modes convey the pathos of displacement and the poet's overwhelming nostalgia for his American homeland. Andrew Laird's introduction provides information about Landivar's life and exile to Italy, explains his diverse intellectual heritage, and collects his shorter works (translated into English here for the first time). A 1948 text of the Rusticatio Mexicana, with a translation by Graydon W. Regenos, is included in this volume.""--Provided by publisher.