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The Ordered Day
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 477

The Ordered Day

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-03-21
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  • Publisher: JHU Press

Traces how the day has served as a key organizing concept in Roman culture—and beyond. How did ancient Romans keep track of time? What constituted a day in ancient Rome was not the same twenty-four hours we know today. In The Ordered Day, James Ker traces how the day served as a key organizing concept, both in antiquity and in modern receptions of ancient Rome. Romans used the story of how the day emerged as a unit of sociocultural time to give order to their own civic and imperial history. Ancient literary descriptions of people's daily routines articulated distinctive forms of life within the social order. And in the imperial period and beyond, outsiders—such as early Christians in the...

Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919–1939
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 386

Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919–1939

Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919–1939, explores the social and economic networks in which this group operated and the informal but durable bonds between Jewish cattle traders and farmers that not even incessant Nazi attacks could break. Stefanie Fischer combines approaches from social history, economic history, and sociology to challenge the longstanding cliché of the shady Jewish cattle dealer. By focusing on trust and social connections rather than analyzing economic trends, Fischer exposes the myriad inconsistencies that riddled the process of expelling the Jews from Germany. Jewish Cattle Traders in the German Countryside, 1919–1939, examines the complexities of relations between Jews and non-Jews who were engaged in economic and social exchange. In the process, Fischer challenges previous understandings of everyday life under Nazi rule and discovers new ways in which Jewish agency acted as a critical force throughout the exclusionary processes that took place in Hitler's Germany.

Germany and the Black Diaspora
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 270

Germany and the Black Diaspora

The rich history of encounters prior to World War I between people from German-speaking parts of Europe and people of African descent has gone largely unnoticed in the historical literature—not least because Germany became a nation and engaged in colonization much later than other European nations. This volume presents intersections of Black and German history over eight centuries while mapping continuities and ruptures in Germans' perceptions of Blacks. Juxtaposing these intersections demonstrates that negative German perceptions of Blackness proceeded from nineteenth-century racial theories, and that earlier constructions of “race” were far more differentiated. The contributors present a wide range of Black–German encounters, from representations of Black saints in religious medieval art to Black Hessians fighting in the American Revolutionary War, from Cameroonian children being educated in Germany to African American agriculturalists in Germany's protectorate, Togoland. Each chapter probes individual and collective responses to these intercultural points of contact.

Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 534

Europa und die Türkei im 18. Jahrhundert

English summary: The contributions to this volume explore intercultural contacts and the reciprocal perceptions between Turkey and Europe in the eighteenth century. 'The dangerous Turk', one of the most antagonistic narratives in early modern times, lost impact after the Ottoman defeat in the second siege of Vienna 1683. The image of the Turk changed from the menacing, invincible terror of Christendom to that of a quaint and exotic neighbour. The result was a broad, partly euphoric acceptance and blending of Ottoman culture into the political, scientific, economic and aesthetic discourses of the eighteenth century. Conversely, the European impact on the socio-political and cultural life of t...

Public History and School
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 268

Public History and School

How do schools and public history influence each other? Cases studies focusing on school and public history around the world shed light on the intricate relationships between schools, students, teachers, policy makers and public historians. From why Robben Island is not included in South African curriculum to how German schools shape Holocaust memory, the case studies offered in this book sheds light on a current topic.

Nürnberg - Ort der Massen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 164

Nürnberg - Ort der Massen

Der Name der Stadt Nürnberg ist wie kein anderer mit Geschichte und Ideologie der Nationalsozialisten verbunden. Zeitlich eingerahmt von den Nürnberger Gesetzen 1935 und dem Kriegsverbrechertribunal nach 1945 erfolgte der Aufbau der "Stadt der Reichsparteitage" zum nationalen Wallfahrtsort. Das Areal am Dutzendteich war bis in die 1930er Jahre Naherholungsgebiet, Vergnügungsstätte für die Einwohner und zugleich Industriestandort. Unter Leitung von Albert Speer setzte 1933 eine grundlegende Umgestaltung des Geländes ein. Es entstanden Kulissen, die Macht und Gewalt vor Augen führten und zugleich faszinierten - perfekt in Szene gesetzt von Leni Riefenstahls Propagandafilm "Triumph des W...

Maryland, My Maryland
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 386

Maryland, My Maryland

Historians have long treated the patriotic anthems of the American Civil War as colorful, if largely insignificant, side notes. Beneath the surface of these songs, however, is a complex story. “Maryland, My Maryland” was one of the most popular Confederate songs during the American Civil War, yet its story is full of ironies that draw attention to the often painful and contradictory actions and beliefs that were both cause and effect of the war. Most telling of all, it was adopted as one of a handful of Southern anthems even though it celebrated a state that never joined the Confederacy. In Maryland, My Maryland: Music and Patriotism during the American Civil War James A. Davis illuminat...

Protestant Empires
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 375

Protestant Empires

Through its wide geographical and chronological scope, Protestant Empires advances a novel perspective on the nature and impact of the Protestant Reformations.

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 670


Das Historische Ortsnamenbuch von Bayern (HONB) dokumentiert die Entwicklung und ermittelt die Herkunft der Namen aller bestehenden und abgegangenen Orte Bayerns – von der Einöde bis zur Großstadt. Landkreis für Landkreis werden alle Siedlungsnamen des heutigen Bayern erfasst und auf der Grundlage von historischen Schreibformen sowie der mundartlichen Aussprache erklärt. In der Einleitung zu jedem Band werden die namenkundlichen Ergebnisse im Überblick zusammengestellt und für die Siedlungsgeschichte ausgewertet. Die einzelnen Bände sind entsprechend der Verwaltungseinteilung der Landkreise vor der Gebietsreform von 1972 angelegt. Sie enthalten ausführliche Ortsartikel mit Angaben der namenkundlich und siedlungsgeschichtlich wichtigen Daten. Nach der Planung von 1946, die im Einvernehmen zwischen der Kommission in München und dem Institut für fränkische Landesforschung an der Universität Erlangen erarbeitet wurde, erscheint das Werk in drei Abteilungen für Altbayern, Franken und Schwaben. Damit wird der höchst unterschiedlichen Siedlungsstruktur der bayerischen Landesteile Rechnung getragen