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From the author of the international bestseller The Imperfectionists, the story of a chameleonic writer, and the indelible characters in her orbit, in a novel about love, the power of art and what we leave behind. Dora Frenhofer, a once successful but now aging and embittered novelist, knows her mind is going. She is determined, however, to finish her final book, and reverse her fortunes, before time runs out. Alone in her London home during the pandemic, she creates, and is in turn created by, the fascinating real characters from her own life. Like a twenty-first-century Scheherazade, Dora spins stories to ward off her end. From New Delhi to New York, Copenhagen to Los Angeles, Australia to...
This book provides an overview of the growing field of screenwriting research and is essential reading for both those new to the field and established screenwriting scholars. It covers topics and concepts central to the study of screenwriting and the screenplay in relation to film, television, web series, animation, games and other interactive media, and includes a range of approaches, from theoretical perspectives to in-depth case studies. 44 scholars from around the globe demonstrate the range and depths of this new and expanding area of study. As the chapters of this Handbook demonstrate, shifting the focus from the finished film to the process of screenwriting and the text of the screenplay facilitates valuable new insights. This Handbook is the first of its kind, an indispensable compendium for both academics and practitioners.
This book combines content analysis of film and television cases, the examination of policy documents, and first-hand interview material with Danish industry professionals, tracing the pivotal moments in media and welfare state history to unite these two overlapping spheres: welfare state social policy and media imagery. In doing so, it addresses a gap in existing academic and policy documents to demonstrate how motherhood and femininity are presented in contemporary state-supported Danish screen fiction. As an industry premised on state funding and public service values, Danish screen fiction plays a cogent role in shaping and communicating cultural norms and provides a space for the cultiv...
Drawing worldwide acclaim from critics and audiences alike, programmes like The Killing, Borgen, The Bridge and The Legacy demonstrate widespread fascination with Danish style, aesthetics and culture as seen through television narratives. This book uses familiar, alongside lesser known, case studies of drama series to demonstrate how the particular features of Danish production - from work cultures, to storytelling techniques and trans-national cooperation - have enhanced contemporary Danish drama's appeal both at home and abroad. The era of globalisation has blurred national and international television cultures and promoted regular cross-fertilisation between film and television industries...
Brystets biografi er videnskabelig, underholdende og overraskende. Bogen kvalificerer enhver snak om bryster, fordi den klæder læserne på med ny viden og nye argumenter om en omdiskuteret del af kvindekroppen. Brystets biografi er også et skævt og æstetisk bidrag til interessen for kvinders vilkår tidligere og i dag. Bogen er bygget op om virkelige hændelser, fotos, kunstværker, debatter og kvindeskæbner – alt med udgangspunkt i brystet, og den er dermed et indsigtsfuldt indspark til debatten om kroppen – og dyrkelsen af kroppen i en tid, hvor de billedbårne sociale medier spiller en stor og omdiskuteret rolle. Synet på bryster – hvad enten det er andres eller egne – bliver aldrig det samme efter at have læst bogen.
Vinnare av Danska Kriminalakademins pris i kategorin Årets debutant »En välskriven och kritikerhyllad debut som skildrar våldsupptrappningen under kriget i Syrien mycket trovärdigt.« Pernilla Ericson, Nyhetsmorgon TV4 »En av de bästa politiska thrillers jag läst på länge.« Betyg: 4 av 5 - Kent Lidman, BTJ »En riktigt bra debut.« Bengt Eriksson, Deckarlogg Sigrid Melin tar anställning på ett stort telekombolag och utstationeras på företagets kontor i Damaskus. Hon våndas över att behöva lämna kvar familjen hemma i Köpenhamn men ser den tillfälliga vistelsen i Syrien som en chans att bli en del av den förändringsvåg som drar genom regionen. Året är 2011 och den ara...
Nicht nur geografisch, sondern auch sprachlich und kulturell zeichnet sich Elisa Shua Dusapin durch Grenzerfahrungen aus: In ihrem zweiten Roman auf Deutsch »Die Pachinko-Kugeln« beobachtet sie mit präzisem Blick für zwischenmenschliche Signale eine Französin, die sich in Japan auf Besuch bei den Großeltern – die aus Korea dorthin migriert sind – nur bedingt willkommen fühlt; Mohamed Mbougar Sarr überzeugt mit einem lyrischen und komplex aufgebauten Page-Turner, der trotz aller Kritik am Literaturbetrieb eine wunderschöne Ode an die Literatur darstellt; und Elfriede Jelinek legt mit »Angabe der Person« einen knapp 200-seitigen Furor vor – eine Abrechnung mit der Gesellschaft...