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The Power of Life collection is made up of all 6 WORKBOOKS recreated by KATARZYNA DOROSZ for a mental, emotional and physical reset. "Congratulations on your decision to change! Now is the time to get control of your life, your health, your relationships, your dreams. I can prepare you for a change if you give me 30 minutes a day for the next 21 days. The power is with you! You are the architect of your life!"
YOUR PATH TO HAPPINESS Health with absolutely no age limits Are you 40 years old or older? Would you like to change your life for the better, but you just don't know how? This book is for you! I will show you how to eat healthily, learn how to rest meaningfully and empower your body to stay healthy and energetic for as long as possible. You will also discover how to increase your endorphins and revitalize your body. "The road to happiness is indeed the joy of mature life". I hope this guide for mature people who want to get the most out of life will help you. Be happy!
The main subject matter of the book is related to the demands of research and industrial centers for diagnostics, monitoring, and decision-making systems that result from the increasing complexity of automation and systems, the need to ensure the highest level of reliability and safety, and continuing research and the development of innovative approaches to fault diagnosis. Most welcome are combinations of domains of engineering knowledge for diagnosis, including detection, isolation, localization, identification, reconfiguration, and fault-tolerant control. This field is open to new challenges, including industrial diagnostics, diagnostics of computer systems and networks, as well as non-in...
ART OF CREATION AND THE MIND It is possible that you are wondering how I came up with the idea of releasing, in cooperation with MariKą Kołonowicz, “Your Guide to a Positive Life – Coloring Book for Adults”. The answer is very simple – I want to give you a tool so that you can take care of your mind in your own home! Puzzles and crosswords are not the only way to improve memory and logical thinking. Activities involving emotions and senses can be even better. Creating art - even if it means coloring inside the lines - can be both stimulating as well as relaxing.
Od ponad dziesięciu lat zajmuję się badaniem długowieczności. Studiuję i analizuję wszystkie informacje na ten temat, by potem przekazywać je dalej, osobom takim jak Ty. Zależy mi, byś wiedział(a), że Twoje życie jest w Twoich rękach! Jeśli chcesz podnieść komfort swojego życia, czas zacząć działać – wprowadź dobre nawyki związane z aktywnością fi zyczną, odżywianiem i równowagą pomiędzy pracą a odpoczynkiem. Przedstawiam Ci zbiór moich przemyśleń i propozycji ćwiczeń, które będą wspierać Cię w tym, by stać się tym, kim zawsze chciałeś być. Dam Ci wskazówki, propozycje małych zmian ku dobrym nawykom! Książka, którą masz przed sobą, podz...
Includes legislation.
The following publication, Civilization of Love. A family full of love, written by Katarzyna Dorosz, is a kind of compendium of John Paul II's statements on the philosophy and theology of man, marriage and family. In this compilation, through her extensive research Katarzyna Dorosz allows the Reader to get acquainted with the Pope's teaching on a particular topic of interest. She does it so subtly and delicately that she does not subject particular fragments of John Paul II's teaching to deeper analysis and her own evaluation, but leaves it for personal reflection and assessment of everyone who dares and wishes to read what is not only worth saving from oblivion but also recognizing as truth and making it a basis for teaching and fulfilment in life. Therefore, let this publication be a contribution to the return to the beauty of thought and the richness of the teaching of St. John Paul II and let us undertake our own in-depth study of individual issues, which also go beyond the subject of this book, in order to find answers to important questions that intrigue a contemporary man.