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En este libro se sistematizan propuestas didácticas que responden a las inquietudes de las maestras de sala y los alumnos de formación docente frente a la difícil tarea de planificar. Para los directivos brinda una mirada integral del proceso de planificación en general, desde el currículo prescripto hasta llegar a la sala. Ofrece sugerencias para realizar la tarea diagnóstica, en tanto instancia clave para contextualizar el diseño curricular oficial a la realidad socio-institucional y construir un proyecto curricular con identidad propia. Aquellos que tienen un recorrido de muchos años en las salas de jardín encontrarán interrogantes y sugerencias que les ayudarán a re-pensar su tarea de planificar. Y los docentes noveles y los alumnos en formación hallarán sostenes o andamios para transitar los primeros procesos de construcción de las planificaciones. Para ello se ofrecen desarrollos teóricos para comprender los procesos de contextualización curricular, con orientaciones, sugerencias y ejemplificaciones de propuestas didácticas en sus variados formatos.
Abordar temas de arte en la escuela infantil surge del deseo de ofrecer a los niños bondades, bellezas y placer. En el momento evolutivo que transitan, muchas experiencias pasan por el cuerpo, por el afecto, por el puro sentir. Es un tiempo de sensaciones, de movimiento, de hacerse al mundo, de disfrutar. Es la época de la magia, de la omnipotencia, del narcisismo, del soñar que todo aquello que uno desea lo obtendrá, y que todo aquello que uno tiene permanecerá para siempre, incluido el propio ser. Partiendo de las características de los niños, el planteamiento de acercarlos a conocer algunos aspectos de la cultura tiene el sentido de hacerles un presente, otorgarles un don, una grac...
The theory and practice of history and its relevance to the modern world, by Britains greatest radical historian.
In this highly original work, Pierre Bourdieu turns his attention to the academic world of which he is part and offers a brilliant analysis of modern intellectual culture. The academy is shown to be not just a realm of dialogue and debate, but also a sphere of power in which reputations and careers are made, defended and destroyed. Employing the distinctive methods for which he has become well known, Bourdieu examines the social background and practical activities of his fellow academics--from Foucault, Derrida, and Lacan to figures who are lesser known but not necessarily less influential. Bourdieu analyzes their social origins and current positions, how much they publish and where they pub...
"The Modern World System", Immanuel Wallerstein's influential multivolume reinterpretation of global history, traces the emergence and development of the modern world from the sixteenth century to the twentieth. -- From publisher's description.
Immanuel Wallerstein develops a thorough-going critique of the legacy of nineteenth-century social science for social thought in the new millennium. We have to "unthink"-radically revise and discard-many of the presumptions that still remain the foundation of dominant perspectives today. Once considered liberating, these notions are now barriers to a clear understanding of our social world. They include, for example, ideas built into the concept of "development." In place of such a notion, Wallerstein stresses transformations in time and space. Geography and chronology should not be regarded as external influences upon social transformations but crucial to what such transformation actually is. Unthinking Social Science applies the ideas thus elaborated to a variety of theoretical areas and historical problems.
Through her published works and in the classroom, Irene J. Winter has served as a mentor for the latest generation of scholars of Mesopotamian visual culture. The various contributions to this volume in her honor represent a cross section of the state of scholarship today. Topics by the twenty authors include palatial and temple architecture, royal sculpture, gender in the ancient Near East, and interdisciplinary studies that range from the fourth millennium BCE to modern ethnography and cover Sumer, Assyria, Babylonia, Iran, Syria, Urartu, and the Levant. Reflections on Winter's scholarship and teaching accompany her bibliography. The volume will be useful for scholars who are curious about how visual culture is being used to study the ancient Near East.
Although only 2 percent of Colombia’s population identifies as indigenous, that figure belies the significance of the country’s indigenous movement. More than a quarter of the Colombian national territory belongs to indigenous groups, and 80 percent of the country’s mineral resources are located in native-owned lands. In this innovative ethnography, Joanne Rappaport draws on research she has conducted in Colombia over the past decade—and particularly on her collaborations with activists—to explore the country’s multifaceted indigenous movement, which, after almost 35 years, continues to press for rights to live as indigenous people in a pluralistic society that recognizes them as...
This work describes Britain's rise as the world's first industrial world power, its decline from the temporary dominance of the pioneer, its relationship with the rest of the world (notably the underdeveloped countries), and the effects of all these on the life of the British people.
Con una metodología semiótica su autor, el Dr. Rolando A. Vilasuso, profundiza en la significación y los cambios de paradigmas estéticos de las imágenes contemporáneas más diversas: técnicas, artísticas, masivas (cine, video, fotografía, publicidad, artes plásticas, gráficas, digitales)