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The challenge of this interdisciplinary research on sustainable bioenergy production in rural areas is how to reconcile the chances and risks of bioenergy production within the context of climate stabilization, resource conservation, biodiversity, water, air, and soil preservation, the interests of society and of farmers. To answer this we developed and improved evaluation criteria and methods for a bioenergy implementation in rural areas. We show that the problems arising from energy plant production such as monoculture, changes of landscape and land use competition, loss of biodiversity, costs, social denial etc. may be eliminated during workshops with the main stakeholders (farmers, techn...
This open access book is an update of genome editing techniques applied to a range of plants. We discuss the latest techniques and applications to cereals, roots and tubers, oilseed crops, fruit and forest trees, vegetables, legumes and algae including resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, improved quality, drug production, yield and adaptation to climate change. The regulations in different countries worldwide, the patentibility and the perception by society of the applications of new genomic techniques are examined. This book is written by a multidisciplinary and multisectoral collective of high-profile scientists and other experts belonging to the COST Action network PlantEd, which is mainly European but with contributions from American, Australian, Canadian, Chinese, Indian, Iranian, Pakistani and Peruvian scientists. The book is aimed at a wide audience consisting of students, academics, private and public breeders, other actors in the food and bioeconomy value chains and policy and law makers. This is an open access book.
Heilung von der Ölsucht Öl wird teuer und knapp, das steht fest. Doch ist damit das Ende des Ölzeitalters bereits eingeläutet? Und wie kann der Übergang in eine postfossile Welt gelingen? Armin Reller und Heike Holdinghausen zeigen, welche Chancen wir nutzen sollten, damit nach dem Öl die Zukunft beginnen kann. Erneuerbare Energien aus Wind und Sonne, geschickt an regionale Bedürfnisse angepasst; recycelbare Kunststoffprodukte, die lange genutzt werden; Verfahren, die Kohlenstoff aus Kohlendioxid als Rohstoffbasis nutzen. Welche Wege sollten wir weitergehen? Die Autoren klären auf, machen aber auch klar: Technik allein ist niemals nachhaltig, immer kommt es darauf an, wie sie genutzt wird. Unsere Verantwortung für die Erde verlangt von uns, überlegt und bewusst mit den Ressourcen umzugehen. Die Umgestaltung unserer Wirtschaft wird nur gelingen, wenn wir Bürger an Infrastruktur- oder Industrieprojekten beteiligt werden. Bildung und Demokratie sind daher vielleicht die wichtigsten Ressourcen der Rohstoffwende.
Das Handbuch zum Agrarrecht stellt die schweizweit erste umfassende Darstellung des landwirtschaftsspezifischen Rechts dar. Neben grundlegenden sowie europa- und völkerrechtlichen Ausführungen konzentriert sich das Werk mit dem spezifischen Wirtschaftsrecht, Tierschutzrecht, Raumplanungsrecht, Umweltschutzrecht, bäuerlichen Bodenrecht, Landpachtrecht, Steuerrecht sowie Sozialversicherungsrecht auf die in der Praxis wichtigsten Rechtsmaterien. Die Darstellung richtet sich sowohl an Juristinnen und Juristen wie auch an alle Praktiker, die in Ihrem Berufsalltag mit Rechtsfragen im Zusammenhang mit der Landwirtschaft konfrontiert sind. Das Handbuch ermöglicht es zum einen, sich einen schnellen Überblick zu verschaffen; jedes Kapitel enthält einleitend die aktuellen Rechtsgrundlagen und stellt die Grundzüge des jeweiligen Rechtsgebietes vor. Zum anderen erlauben die zahlreichen Hinweise zur Rechtsprechung und Literatur eine vertiefte Auseinandersetzung mit der Materie. In diesem Sinne fungiert das Handbuch zum Agrarrecht als Orientierungshilfe im komplexen und stark ausdifferenzierten Recht der Schweizer Landwirtschaft.
Written in easy to follow language, the book presents cutting-edge agriculturally relevant plant biotechnologies and applications in a manner that is accessible to all. This book updates and introduces the scope and method of plant biotechnologies and molecular breeding within the context of environmental analysis and assessment, a diminishing supply of productive arable land, scarce water resources and climate change. New plant breeding techniques including CRISPR-cas system are now tools to meet these challenges both in developed countries and in developing countries. Ethical issues, intellectual property rights, regulation policies in various countries related to agricultural biotechnology are examined. The rapid developments in plant biotechnology are explained to a large audience with relevant examples. New varieties of crops can be adapted to new climatic conditions in order to reduce pest-associated losses and the adverse abiotic effects
Camel husbandry is becoming increasingly important in the arid zones of Africa. The camel has long been the mainstay of pastoral societies due to its drought tolerance, reliable milk and meat supply and ability to feed on a wide variety of plants. In the last few years, however, camels are also seen more and more in semi-arid rangelands, especially where overgrazing has depleted the grasses and increased the relative importance of shrubs. In spite of this growing importance, research on camel was limited until the early seventies to studies on topics such as anatomy, physiology, behaviour and to a lesser extent disease. However, since the early eighties the interest of the research on camels...
This book is a major new investigation into the issues of 'race', ethnicity and education, following the educational reforms during the late 1980s. It provides an up-to-date and critical introduction to current issues and major research findings in the field, exploring the teacher-pupil relationship through a detailed account of life in an inner-city comprehensive. It reveals the influence of different racist stereotypes and highlights the especially disadvantaged position of Afro- Caribbean pupils within a school. Features: * Draws on a wide variety of research projects in ethnic schools to examine: achievement; curriculum content; language use; assessment and testing under the National Curriculum * Uses material collected during two years of research to consider young people's school experiences and issues relating to classroom discipline.
To solve real-world issues, the model of transdisciplinary research, which uses approaches from both the hard and social sciences, has recently come to the forefront. It allows researchers to look at a problem from many angles, with the goal of making both societal and scientific advances. This primer provides scholars with a model for this type of work, while offering a description of methods for knowledge integration that can be applied to any field, making it an indispensable guide for every transdisciplinary researcher and teacher