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Im Rahmen von werden alljährlich in einzelnen, separaten Bänden die Entwicklungen des vergangenen Jahres in der Rechtsetzung, der Rechtsprechung und der Literatur eines bestimmten Praxisgebiets aufgezeigt. In der Reihe sind Bände über die Entwicklungen in folgenden Gebieten erschienen: Agrarrecht • Aktienrecht • Datenschutz • Erbrecht • Finanzmarktrecht • Gesellschaftsrecht • Haftpflicht- und Privatversicherungsrecht • Handelsregisterrecht • Internationales Strafrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht • Internationales Zivilprozessrecht • Kartellrecht • Kauf-, Werkvertrags- und Auftragsrecht • Kennzeichenrecht • Mietrecht • Patentrecht • Personen...
Die Revision des Aktienrechts, die im Januar 2023 in Kraft getreten ist, hat zahlreiche Auswirkungen auf die juristische und unternehmerische Praxis. Dieser Leitfaden bietet einen schnellen aber fundierten Überblick über alle wesentlichen Aspekte, von A wie Aktienkapital über I wie Informationsrechte bis Z wie Zivilprozessuale Vorschriften. Er richtet sich an alle, die in ihrer täglichen Berufspraxis mit aktienrechtlichen Fragen beschäftigt sind. Das Handbuch erläutert die konkreten Auswirkungen der revidierten Normen und bietet eine Vielzahl an Gestaltungs- und Handlungsempfehlungen. Jedes der elf thematisch aufgeteilten Kapitel wird mit einer Übersicht über die wichtigsten Änderungen eingeleitet. Einen raschen Zugang zu konkreten Aspekten ermöglicht das ausführliche Sachregister.
Im Rahmen von werden alljährlich in einzelnen, separaten Bänden die Entwicklungen des vergangenen Jahres in der Rechtsetzung, der Rechtsprechung und der Literatur eines bestimmten Praxisgebiets aufgezeigt. In der Reihe sind Bände über die Entwicklungen in folgenden Gebieten erschienen: Agrarrecht • Aktienrecht • Datenschutz • Erbrecht • Finanzmarktrecht • Gesellschaftsrecht • Haftpflicht- und Privatversicherungsrecht • Handelsregisterrecht • Internationales Strafrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht • Internationales Zivilprozessrecht • Kartellrecht • Kauf-, Werkvertrags- und Auftragsrecht • Kennzeichenrecht • Mietrecht • Patentrecht • Personen...
This book offers a comprehensive, multidimensional look into the major activities, groups, causes, and policing strategies related to global organized crime. Global Organized Crime: A Reference Handbook examines global organized crime dating back to its 17th-century roots. Unlike most works on the subject, which take a parochial approach by concentrating on individual countries or regions, this book uniquely details the impact of 21st-century globalization on such groups and their activities. Exploring the continuum of international organized crime and related developments from its early beginnings to the present era, the book also looks at the complicated issues that continue to influence its growth. It covers the impact of the end of the Cold War, immigration, the global drug trade, weapons sales, human smuggling and trafficking, the convergence of funding sources, and the effects of technology. What especially distinguishes this book is the connections it makes between organized crime activities and failed states, civil wars, political transitions, regional conflicts, and terrorist groups.
This title presents criticism, commentaries, and creative responses to Carl Djerassi's literary texts, taking the author's achievements far beyond 'the Pill'
This is the first biography of the father of descriptive ornithology, the author of American Ornithology or The Natural History of Birds Inhabiting the United States not given by Wilson,, an electee to the American Philosophical Society and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and last, Emperor Napoleon's nephew. Stroud, an independent scholar, uses archival sources, including unpublished letters in possession of the Bonaparte family, to tell the story of a man forced by the circumstances of his birth and by the liberality of his views to move from France, to the U.S., to Italy, and back to France. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
Music and Sound in the Life and Literature of James Joyce: Joyces Noyces offers a fresh perspective on the Irish writer James Joyce’s much-noted obsession with music. This book provides an overview of a century-old critical tradition focused on Joyce and music, as well as six in-depth case studies which revisit material from the writer’s career in the light of new and emerging theories. Considering both Irish cultural history and the European art music tradition, the book combines approaches from cultural musicology, critical theory, sound studies and Irish studies. Chapters explore Joyce’s use of repetition, his response to literary Wagnerism, the role and status of music in the aesthetic and political debates of the fin de siècle, music and cultural nationalism, ubiquitous urban sound and ‘shanty aesthetics’. Gerry Smyth revitalizes Joyce’s work in relation to the ‘noisy’ world in which the author wrote (and his audience read) his work.
This book chronicles the demise of the supposedly leftist Italian cultural establishment during the long 1980s. During that time, the nation's literary and intellectual vanguard managed to lose the prominence handed it after the end of World War II and the defeat of Fascism. What emerged instead was a uniquely Italian brand of cultural capital that deliberately avoided any critical questioning of the prevailing order. Ricciardi criticizes the development of this new hegemonic arrangement in film, literature, philosophy, and art criticism. She focuses on several turning points: Fellini's futile, late-career critique of Berlusconi-style commercial television, Calvino's late turn to reactionary belletrism, Vattimo's nihilist and conservative responses to French poststructuralism, and Bonito Oliva's movement of art commodification, Transavanguardia.
This manual will provide embryologists and clinicians with a clear, informative overview of the tools to assist in embryo selection.