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Buku dengan judul Sastra Dan Identitas Budaya: Menggali Kearifan Lokal Melalui Karya-Karya Sastra dapat selesai disusun dan berhasil diterbitkan. Kehadiran Buku Sastra Dan Identitas Budaya: Menggali Kearifan Lokal Melalui Karya-Karya Sastra ini disusun oleh para akademisi dan praktisi dalam bentuk buku kolaborasi. Walaupun jauh dari kesempurnaan, tetapi kami mengharapkan buku ini dapat dijadikan referensi atau bacaan serta rujukan bagi akademisi ataupun para profesional mengenal Ilmu Sastra. Sistematika penulisan buku ini diuraikan dalam sebelas bab yang memuat tentang pengertian sastra dan identitas budaya, kearifan local dalam sastra lisan, identitas budaya dalam sastra tulis, sastra dan kearifan lokal dalam pendidikan, sastra dan identitas budaya di era digital, pembelajaran bahasa, sastra kiri, dan neoliberalisme, konflik identitas dalam karya sastra, kolonialisme dan identitas budaya dalam sastra, feminism dan identitas budaya dalam sastra, sastra dan revitalisasi identitas budaya lokal, dan peran sastra dalam mempromosikan pariwisata budaya.
This book presents the conceptual and mathematical basis and the implementation of both electroencephalogram (EEG) and EEG signal processing in a comprehensive, simple, and easy-to-understand manner. EEG records the electrical activity generated by the firing of neurons within human brain at the scalp. They are widely used in clinical neuroscience, psychology, and neural engineering, and a series of EEG signal-processing techniques have been developed. Intended for cognitive neuroscientists, psychologists and other interested readers, the book discusses a range of current mainstream EEG signal-processing and feature-extraction techniques in depth, and includes chapters on the principles and implementation strategies.
This is an open access book.WELCOME THE 7TH GCBME. We would like to invite you to join our The 7th Global Conference on Business, Management and Entrepreneurship. The conference will be held online on digital platform live from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, on August 8th, 2022 with topic The Utilization of Sustainable Digital Business, Entrepreneurship and management as A Strategic Approach in the New Normal Era.
Judul : Terapi Komplementer Mual Muntah Dalam Kehamilan Penulis : Ns. Nanda Amelia, S.Kep., Ns. Shindy Nur Aini Oktaviaf, S.Kep., Dr. Ns. Lili Fajria, M.Biomed Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 108 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-505-109-3 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-505-110-9 (PDF) SINOPSIS Mual dan muntah selama kehamilan merupakan gejala umum yang terjadi pada trimester pertama kehamilan, namun pada beberapa ibu hamil dapat mengalaminya hingga pada trimester ke dua bahkan sampai trimester ke tiga. Maka dari itu perlu upaya mengurangi gejala mual dan muntah dengan terapi non farmakologi, mengingat penggunaan obat-obatan sangat terbatas diberikan pada ibu hamil. Buku terapi komplementer ...
Buku ini sebagai wujud bahwa mahasiswa PGMI IAIN Padang-sidimpuan termasuk unggul serta berkelas, karena telah menulis berdasarkan opini maupun riset mini serta mempublikasikannya menjadi buku berstandar nasional (ISBN). Isi buku ini tentang Bhinneka Tunggal Ika yang menjadi semboyan Negara Indonesia. Indonesia lahir karena bangsanya yang bersatu dan siap menghadapi perbedaan.
This research focuses on the coal environment, especially the relation between the depositional environment (TPI-GI) with coal quality and acid water mining. Tissue Preservation Index (TPI) and Gelification Index (GI) are secondary analyzes of the coal depositional environment. The analysis of TPI-GI was carried out based on the analysis of Diesel, 1986. Coal Quality and Acid Water Mining have a relation, especially where coal is deposited, therefore this research studies further how these relations are related. In addition, this study explains a little about coal and its quality and how to correlate the two using the trendline polynomial method.
Midwives and other healthcare providers are grappling with the issue of rising intervention rates in childbirth and trying to identify ways to reverse the trend. It is increasingly accepted that intervention in childbirth has long-term consequences for women and their children. Birth Territory provides practical, evidence-based ideas for restructuring the birth territory to facilitate normal birth. Links new research findings to birth environments and outcomes. Describes the elements of an ideal birthing environment. Suggests how to modify existing maternity services to achieve optimal results. Investigates the links between the experiences of women and babies, and outcomes. Explores the effects of legal and socio-political factors.