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'Both heartbreaking and heartwarming' - ***** Amazon reviewer 'Emotional, charming and uplifting' -***** Amazon reviewer A message in a bottle. One summer. A family to reunite. Lou suffers from a rare type of dementia and dies in her fifties. She leaves behind a message in a bottle, charging her husband Joe with a challenging task: he has two months to reunite their patchwork family whose members have fallen out with each other. Luckily for him, Lou has thought of everything and helps him along with a list of family activities and recipes. Slowly but surely, they all find their way back to each other: Joe's son Cyrian and his two daughters Apple and Charlotte. Cyrian's second wife who can't stand Apple because she isn't her own. Joe's stunning daughter Sarah who has lost the love of her life and seeks solace in one-night stands. But Joe is running out of time. Will his efforts pay off before it is too late? And most importantly: what's in the mysterious letter?
Humorous Wit is a new compilation of quotations in their most humoristic form. There are over 15,000 of these taken from various parts of the world, with over 1,200 of them translated into English for the first time. This book features 5,000 authors from every corner of the globe, covering a period starting before classical antiquity, when man first started to record his thoughts, to modern times, enriching the cultural heritage. This does not in any way mean that the caveman was less humorous, but the richness of the environment we live in today and the variety of subject matter contribute considerably to a refined sense of humour. Moreover, considering that chimps and other primates also possess the ability to laugh, humour may have been around longer than the human race : )
Imagine you are a young mechanic living in a small community in France. You own your own home, and lead a simple life. Then, one evening, you open your front door to find a distraught Hollywood starlet standing in front of you. This is what happens to Arthur Dreyfuss in the village of Long, population 687 inhabitants. But although feigning an American accent, this woman is not all that she seems. For her name is Jeanine Foucamprez, and her story is very different from the glamorous life of a star. Arthur is not all he seems, either; a lover of poetry with a darker past than one might imagine, he has learnt to see beauty in the mundane. THE FIRST THING YOU SEE is a warm, witty novel about two fragile souls learning to look beyond the surface - for the first thing you see isn't always what you get!
Lors du premier tome, les Lectipotes ont "levé l'encre". Dans ce tome 2, ils viennent vous conter leurs souvenirs d'enfance, moments merveilleux, pleins de douceur, d'amour et d'humour, entourés de leurs familles et amis. Ce livre, débordant d'anecdotes savoureuses, est une invitation à partager leurs bêtises, leur tendresse et leurs joies. Tous les bénéfices seront reversés à l'association "Petits princes" pour que ces enfants profitent de ce partage avec vous, amis lecteurs.
Un diciottenne tenace, un’anziana signora sconfortata dalla vita e una giovane donna in fuga dal suo passato si ritrovano costretti a vivere sotto lo stesso tetto. Tre solitudini che si incrociano e insieme reimparano il significato della speranza. Théo ha diciott’anni e alle spalle una vita difficile fatta di abbandoni, delusioni e sogni infranti. Tuttavia la affronta con tenacia, ha trovato lavoro come aiuto-pasticcere e sta disperatamente cercando un alloggio. Nonostante la sua caustica ironia è un ragazzo buono e vuole credere che la vita possa riservargli un futuro migliore. Jeanne ha settantaquattro anni, è sola e triste. Da quando ha perso il marito, pochi mesi prima, vive di l...
Passionnée d’histoires de vie, Sandrine Chopin est allée à la rencontre d’hommes et de femmes inspirants qui, à travers leurs œuvres, nous invitent à porter un autre regard sur la vie, à transformer nos fragilités en forces et à dépasser nos peurs po
“당신이 생각하는 사랑이란 무엇인가요?” 전 세계 200명의 젊은 작가들이 말하는 사랑의 정의 사랑이란 무엇인가? 진부하게 느껴질 만큼 보편적인 이 질문은 시대를 불문하고 우리 곁에 함께해왔다. 이번에 출간된 『여전히 사랑이라고 너에게 말할 거야』는 이 진부한 사랑에 관한 정의를 다시 묻는 책이다. 프랑스, 영국, 뉴질랜드, 미국, 러시아 등 우리 시대 전 세계 200명의 젊은 작가들의 목소리를 모아 각기 다른 사랑의 정의를 담아낸다. 그리고 프랑스의 유명 일러스트레이터 자크 콕은 그 200개의 사랑의 정의를 200개의 ...
374 852. 374 852 vues en quelques heures seulement. Postée sur YouTube à 5 h 56 ce matin, la vidéo faisait déjà le tour du monde. Pendant les fêtes de Bayonne, Michel, un jeune chômeur, monte sur scène lors d’un concert et se lance dans un discours enflammé contre la classe politique. Dans la foulée, poussé par l’ivresse autant que par les encouragements du public, il annonce sa candidature à l’élection présidentielle. Sa diatribe fait vite le tour des réseaux sociaux et se propage hors de tout contrôle. Devenu en quelques jours le chouchou du web puis des médias, il n’aspire pourtant qu’à retrouver sa vie paisible, entre virées nocturnes, parties de console et l...