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This expansive reference on the use of clean energy technologies in the aviation industry focuses on tools and solutions for maximizing the energy efficiency of aircrafts, airports, and other auxiliary components of air transit. Key topics range from predicting impacts of avionics and control systems to energy/exergy performance analyses of flight mechanics and computational fluid dynamics. The book includes findings both from experimental investigations and functional extant systems, ranging from propulsion technologies for aerospace vehicles to airport design to energy recovery systems. Engineers, researchers and students will benefit from the broad reach and numerous engineering examples provided.
This expansive reference provides readers with the broadest available single-volume coverage of leading-edge advances in the development and optimization of clean energy technologies. From innovative biofuel feed stocks and processing techniques, to novel solar materials with record-breaking efficiencies, remote-sensing for offshore wind turbines to breakthroughs in high performance PEM fuel cell electrode manufacturing, phase change materials in green buildings to bio sorption of pharmaceutical pollutants, the myriad exciting developments in green technology described in this book will provide inspiration and information to researchers, engineers and students working in sustainability around the world.
The area of wind energy is a rapidly evolving field and an intensive research and development has taken place in the last few years. Therefore, this book aims to provide an up-to-date comprehensive overview of the current status in the field to the research community. The research works presented in this book are divided into three main groups. The first group deals with the different types and design of the wind mills aiming for efficient, reliable and cost effective solutions. The second group deals with works tackling the use of different types of generators for wind energy. The third group is focusing on improvement in the area of control. Each chapter of the book offers detailed information on the related area of its research with the main objectives of the works carried out as well as providing a comprehensive list of references which should provide a rich platform of research to the field.
Sustainable development of smart cities infrastructures is of paramount importance and need to be planned, designed, constructed, operated and de-commissioned in a manner that ensures economic, social, environmental and institutional sustainability over the entire infrastructure life cycle. Smart cities infrastructure however be cost effective, disaster resilient, environmentally friendly, conserving natural resources, and sustainable ensuring faster delivery of quality and durable structures which include roads, building, bridges, energy and water infrastructures. Government of India is going to encourage Public Private Partnership (PPP) as an alternate option to build most of the infrastru...
The Routledge Handbook of Turkish Politics pulls together contributions from many of the world’s leading scholars on different aspects of Turkey. Turkey today is going through possibly the most turbulent period in its history, with major consequences both nationally and internationally. The country looks dramatically different from the Republic founded by Atatürk in 1923. The pace of change has been rapid and fundamental, with core interlinked changes in ruling institutions, political culture, political economy, and society. Divided into six main parts, this Handbook provides a single-source overview of Turkish politics: Part I: History and the making of Contemporary Turkey Part II: Politics and Institutions Part III: The Economy, Environment and Development Part IV: The Kurdish Insurgency and Security Part V: State, Society and Rights Part VI: External Relations This comprehensive Handbook is an essential resource for students of Politics, International Relations, International/Security Studies with an interest on contemporary Turkey.
Bu kitap, savaş ve psikoloji arasındaki ilişkiyi, Birinci Dünya Savaşı’na odaklanarak Psikoloji biliminin farklı kavramlaştırmaları düzeyinde ele alan metinlerden oluşmaktadır. Birinci Dünya Savaşı “Bütün Savaşları Bitirecek Bir Savaş”1 olarak tanımlanırken, savaşın bu düzeyde bir yıkıma ve kayıplara neden olacağı düşünülmemişti. Aynı zamanda ironik bir şekilde bu savaşın, ülkelerin politik sistemlerinin değişimine zemin hazırlayacağı, yeni silah teknolojilerinin gelişimini sağlayacağı, toplumsal cinsiyet rolleri açısından kökten değişimleri tetikleyeceği ve bu kitabın da odak noktası olan psikoloji disiplininin genişlemesine ...
Soğuk Savaş'ın sona ermesi, uluslararası toplumda yeni bir çatışma kategorisine yol açmıştır. Esas olarak Afrika kıtasında yayılan, şiddetli olan bu sözde "asimetrik" çatışmalar, devletlerin başarısızlığından kaynaklanmakta ve kitlesel ve sistematik insan hakları ihlalleriyle kendini göstermektedir. Nitekim 1990'lı yıllardan itibaren Birleşmiş Milletler Güvenlik Konseyi, barış gücü operasyonları çerçevesinde uluslararası barış ve güvenliğin sağlanmasına önemli bir yer vermiştir. Bu operasyonların, insan haklarının korunmasına ilişkin görevi başta olmak üzere uluslararası barış ve güvenlikle ilgili pek çok görevi yerine getirmekle ...
This book provides readers with a basic understanding of the concepts and methodologies of sustainable aviation.The book is divided into three sections : basic principles the airport side, and the aircraft side. In-depth chapters discuss the key elements of sustainable aviation and provide complete coverage of essential topics including airport, energy, and noise management along with novel technologies, standards and a review of the current literature on green airports, sustainable aircraft design, biodiversity management, and alternative fuels. Engineers, researchers and students will find the fundamental approach useful and will benefit from the many engineering examples and solutions provided.