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Essa coletânea reúne verbetes sobre quinze intelectuais que, pertencentes a diferentes gerações cronológicas, construíram e/ou consolidaram suas trajetórias nos campos literário, artístico, científico, político na cidade do Rio de Janeiro ainda que, em sua maior parte tenham nascidos em outras cidades brasileiras. Os textos que foram reunidos se orientam no sentido de traçar um perfil biográfico dos/das representantes da intelectualidade carioca selecionados/as, enfatizando o papel desempenhado pelas relações de sociabilidade na construção de suas trajetórias intelectuais. Optamos por dividir a coletânea em duas partes. A primeira incluindo os/as intelectuais pertencentes ...
This collection brings together recent scholarship that examines how understandings of honor changed in Latin America between political independence in the early nineteenth century and the rise of nationalist challenges to liberalism in the 1930s. These rich historical case studies reveal the uneven processes through which ideas of honor and status came to depend more on achievements such as education and employment and less on the birthright privileges that were the mainstays of honor during the colonial period. Whether considering court battles over lost virginity or police conflicts with prostitutes, vagrants, and the poor over public decorum, the contributors illuminate shifting ideas ab...
This volume explores the history and historiography of madness from the ancient and medieval worlds to the present day. Covering Africa, Asia and South America as well as Europe and North America, chapters discuss broad topics such as the representation of madness in literature and the visual arts, the material culture of madness, madness within life histories and the increased globalization of knowledge and treatment practices. Chronologically and geographically wide-ranging and providing a fascinating overview of the current state of the field, this is essential reading for all students of the history of madness, mental health, psychiatry and medicine.
Examines the emergence of Brazilian psychiatry during a period of national regeneration, demonstrating how sociopolitical negotiations can shape psychiatric professionalization Reasoning against Madness: Psychiatry and the State in Rio de Janeiro, 1830-1944 examines the emergence of Brazilian psychiatry, looking at how its practitioners fashioned themselves as the key architects in the project ofnational regeneration. The book's narrative involves a cast of varied characters in an unstable context: psychiatrists, Catholic representatives, spiritist leaders, state officials, and the mentally ill, all caught in the shiftinglandscape of modern state formation. Manuella Meyer investigates the ke...
O livro analisa a vida intelectual natalense, investigando a dinâmica cultural constituída durante os anos de 1889 a 1930, época de intensificação do movimento intelectual na capital norte-rio-grandense.
Press, Power, and Culture in Imperial Brazil introduces recent Brazilian scholarship to English-language readers, providing fresh perspectives on newspaper and periodical culture in the Brazilian empire from 1822 to 1889. Through a multifaceted exploration of the periodical press, contributors to this volume offer new insights into the workings of Brazilian power, culture, and public life. Collectively arguing that newspapers are contested projects rather than stable recordings of daily life, individual chapters demonstrate how the periodical press played a prominent role in creating and contesting hierarchies of race, gender, class, and culture. Contributors challenge traditional views of newspapers and magazines as mechanisms of state- and nation-building. Rather, the scholars in this volume view them as integral to current debates over the nature of Brazil. Including perspectives from Brazil's leading scholars of the periodical press, this volume will be the starting point for future scholarship on print culture for years to come.
This book provides a critical analysis of the experiences of people with disabilities in Latin America. It covers a wide range of topics related to intellectual and psychosocial disabilities. Written by Latin American researchers and adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, it provides an original sociocultural contribution to bioethics and disability studies literature. It presents an in-depth overview of philosophical, ethical, legal, political and social issues. At the same time, it offers a contribution to the global scientific community inasmuch it discusses theoretical references from South America in connection with those from Europe and the United States. The basic questions dealt ...
The Limits of Criminological Positivism: The Movement for Criminal Law Reform in the West, 1870-1940 presents the first major study of the limits of criminological positivism in the West and establishes the subject as a field of interest. The volume will explore those limits and bring to life the resulting doctrinal, procedural, and institutional compromises of the early twentieth century that might be said to have defined modern criminal justice administration. The book examines the topic not only in North America and western Europe, with essays on Italy, Germany, France, Spain, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Finland but also the reception and implementation of positivist ideas in Brazil....
"A loucura, objeto dos meus estudos, era até agora uma ilha perdida no oceano da razão. Começo a suspeitar que é um continente:" foi essa a provocação machadiana, presente em O Alienista, que Igor Morais da Silva escolheu para abrir a obra que ora vem à prensa. Não poderia ser ideia mais acertada. Isso porque o jovem historiador, no estudo que é fruto de seu mestrado em História, nos conduz por esse espaço continental tendo como destino desvelar a relação entre a psiquiatria e o espiritismo no Brasil entre as décadas finais do Oitocentos e a autora do século XX. Como bússola, toma a interrogação que dá título ao livro – Louco ou obsedado? – para explorar como se pavim...
Este livro, em diálogo com a crítica literária, abriga uma síntese das reflexões nascidas em virtude dos estudos realizados sobre as obras Diário do hospício e O cemitério dos vivos, de Lima Barreto. Ambas desconstruíram percepções romantizadas acerca da loucura e seu tratamento nas instituições manicomiais, alegorias do desamparo a que estavam sujeitados toda sorte de inadaptados sociais que compunham a população do Brasil, nos idos da implementação e consolidação do regime republicano. Quando escolheu o espaço do hospício para dar vida aos enredos, não quis projetar, como muito se cogitou, a particularidade de suas experiências. Muito mais do que uma dor singular, se...