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Since the advent of democracy in 1994, South Africa has been engaged in an unprecedented exercise of national soul-searching, torn between the need to lay to rest centuries of racial conflict and the desire to come to terms with its traumatic history. This book asks whether the country has begun to turn the corner on the legacy of collective hurt. To do so it ranges in scope across 350 years of South African history, encompassing the struggle against the apartheid regime, the downfall of white supremacy, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the first 25 years of democracy, up to more recent movements, such as #RhodesMustFall, or the inquests into the 2012 Marikana massacre, that point...
L’ouvrage rassemble des communications bilingues (anglais-français) issues du colloque tenu à l’université de Rouen sur la représentation filmique de la criminalité aux États-Unis de 1929 à 1951. Les liens d’Hollywood avec le crime organisé (mafia urbaine, grand banditisme …) posent diverses questions : l’héroïsation hollywoodienne du gangster, devenu le vecteur d’un nouveau système de valeurs, ne tend-elle pas à apparenter la transgression à un jeu ? L’esthétique de la violence n’accroît-elle pas la fascination des jeunes pour toute déviance, légitimant la mort virtuelle-réelle comme unique solution en cas de conflit ? Les studios hollywoodiens fondent-ils leur puissance et leur légitimité sur la diffusion de valeurs illicites ? Le recueil montre tout d’abord que la diffusion de ces nouveaux comportements répond à des choix économiques ; puis il aborde les rapports entre idéologie et société, traite ensuite de la censure et enfin réexamine l’esthétique de la violence.
This book aims to provide an original perspective on the changes that Greece has undergone in recent decades, by examining questions related to border disputes and migration, minority issues and national inclusion, and their effect in reinforcing discourses of glorification of the past and tradition on the fringes of Greek territory.
Ce volume contient une série d'études d'auteurs dont les œuvres parlent de provinces allant des Maritimes à la Colombie britannique, en passant par le Québec, l'Ontario et la Saskatchewan. C'est dire que, sans prétendre être exhaustif, le présent ouvrage aborde des aspects complémentaires de cette identité canadienne fondée sur la reconnaissance pas toujours facile de la diversité des cultures. L'exemple du camp de Kandelore offre un contrepoint représentatif de la politique culturelle volontariste du Canada face aux difficultés évoquées par Miriam Waddington, tandis que l'analyse de Modecai Richler fait écho à son étude de l'intégration de la culture juive dans la société canadienne. W.O. Mitchell laisse entrevoir l'univers autochtone face au monde WASP, et il est possible de mesurer le chemin parcouru depuis Two Solitudes. En fait, ce petit ouvrage fait apparaître comment les multiples solitudes culturelles entreprennent de vivre ensemble.
Examining the perishable nature of the history of women’s lives
How do societies achieve cohesion in countries where the population is formed of different racial and ethnic groups? Although the debate continues, one constant is the agreement on the need for equality for all citizens of such societies. These egalitarian principles are believed by many to underpin a stable and just society. The question then arises of how best to achieve this equality? This book looks at the policy of affirmative action as it has evolved in different parts of the world: Australia, Canada, Great Britain, India, Northern Ireland, South Africa and the United States. The detailed juxtaposition of country case-studies allows readers to make comparisons and highlight disparities. Although affirmative action has operated in favour of various segments of the population, this book concentrates on the policy with regard to racial/ethnic groups. It explores the origin of the concept: where and how the policy emerged and what form it has taken, in order to open up the debate on this highly sensitive area of social policy.
The ‘Great War for Civilisation’ was more than a European conflict. It was a global war spanning Asia, Africa and beyond. Drawing on original archival research in several languages and employing multidisciplinary frames of analysis, this innovative volume explores how race and empire were commemorated during the First World War Centenary.
British influence on what was to become the British Empire and French influence on French speaking Africa have been extensively explored so far, but few books focus on French missions in Britain’s sphere of influence. The French missionary Eugène Casalis represents a perhaps unique experience of a man taking part in the nation-building process in an African country, Lesotho, which belonged to London’s ‘reserve’. Casalis was to become the King’s special advisor and is still hailed today as one of the few men who built the country. Based on the research of a dozen African and European academics who convened in Morija in 2012 to commemorate the bicentenary of that great Protestant humanist and to analyse “Missionary Work in Africa in Eugene Casalis’s Time and Beyond”, this book will provide fresh and stimulating material for readers interested in colonial and post-colonial studies, missions and religion, and cultural and historical exchanges between the Southern part of the African continent and Great Britain.
Examines the issues associated with hate crimes committed in the United States including statistics, important legislation, and bibliographical resources.