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Western Hostility to Russia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 134

Western Hostility to Russia

What are the origins of the war in Ukraine? Contrary to popular opinion, the conflict is ultimately not between Russia and Ukraine but between Russia and the West. Neither did it begin with Russia's invasion in 2022, nor the Maidan revolution in 2014. Providing a wealth of documented evidence, Terry Boardman shows that the roots of the hostility date back to the geopolitics of the nineteenth century, when Britain and Russia engaged in the so-called Great Game of controlling the 'heartland' of central Eurasia. With colonial supremacy at stake, the British ruling elite stoked hatred of the 'Russian bear'. In addition to conventional political motivations, the author identifies a little-known, ...

A Laboratory of Transnational History
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 324

A Laboratory of Transnational History

A first attempt to present an approach to Ukrainian history which goes beyond the standard 'national narrative' schemes, predominant in the majority of post-Soviet countries after 1991, in the years of implementing 'nation-building projects'. An unrivalled collection of essays by the finest scholars in the field from Ukraine, Russia, USA, Germany, Austria and Canada, superbly written to a high academic standard. The various chapters are methodologically innovative and thought-provoking. The biggest Eastern European country has ancient roots but also the birth pangs of a new autonomous state. Its historiography is characterized by animated debates, in which this book takes a definite stance. The history of Ukraine is not written here as a linear, teleological narrative of ethnic Ukrainians but as a multicultural, multidimensional history of a diversity of cultures, religious denominations, languages, ethical norms, and historical experience. It is not presented as causal explanation of 'what has to have happened' but rather as conjunctures and contingencies, disruptions, and episodes of 'lack of history.'

Black Terror White Soldiers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 714

Black Terror White Soldiers

Far too ignorant of the histories of the rest of the world, being aware of only the accomplishments of Greece, Rome and Europe, Westerners have been made to believe that their societies represent the most superior examples of civilization. However, the Western value system stems from a misconception that, as in nature, human society too is evolving. The idea derives from the hidden influence of secret societies, who followed the belief in spiritual evolution of the Kabbalah, which taught that history would attain its fulfillment when man would become God, and make his own laws. Therefore, the infamous Illuminati gave its name to the Enlightenment of the eighteenth century, which claimed that...

Between Occultism and Nazism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 420

Between Occultism and Nazism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-04-03
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  • Publisher: BRILL

The relationship between Nazism and occultism has been an object of fascination and speculation for decades. Peter Staudenmaier’s Between Occultism and Nazism provides a detailed historical examination centered on the anthroposophist movement founded by Rudolf Steiner. Its surprising findings reveal a remarkable level of Nazi support for Waldorf schools, biodynamic farming, and other anthroposophist initiatives, even as Nazi officials attempted to suppress occult tendencies. The book also includes an analysis of anthroposophist involvement in the racial policies of Fascist Italy. Based on extensive archival research, this study offers rich material on controversial questions about the nature of esoteric spirituality and alternative cultural ideals and their political resonance.

What the Angels Need to Tell Us Now
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 148

What the Angels Need to Tell Us Now

"When an angel wants to be perceived he fixes his eyes on me. It feels the same as when a person stares at you. You look up from your book or your work and look in the direction from which the stare is coming. I am aware there is someone in the room, but I do not know, before I turn round, whether it is an angel, three angels, my dead father, my son's teacher or someone else. The presence can be felt, like the presence of a bodily human being... Once, an archangel was present. The air gets so dense, so full, it makes you afraid. You have the feeling you are being overwhelmed, you are not able to breathe any more" (from the book). The first part of this unique book focuses on the author's own...

Das Grossfürstentum Litauen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 340

Das Grossfürstentum Litauen

Das Großfürstentum Litauen ist in der westlichen Forschung bisher kaum beachtet worden. Dabei bildete es einen eigenen, mit Polen verbundenen Reichsverband, der durch mehrsprachige, multikonfessionelle und multikulturelle Milieus gekennzeichnet war. Als Folge sprachlicher, nationaler und konfessioneller Angleichungsprozesse erfuhren jene Verhältnisse zwischen 1500 und 1795 einen tiefgreifenden Wandel. Litauen bietet damit ein faszinierendes Beispiel für die vergleichende Analyse von frühmodernen Imperien. Mathias Niendorf verarbeitet souverän die nur schwer zugänglichen Arbeiten in u. a. litauischer, weißrussischer, polnischer und russischer Sprache. Berücksichtigt werden auch relig...

The New Cain
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 143

The New Cain

Who was Cain and what does he represent? The first part of this book invites us to revise the traditional, biblical, view of Cain as his brother’s murderer. Rudolf Steiner shows how the original Cain was ready to sacrifice his being to something higher, but this pure impulse was perverted into the desire to murder. Our earthly knowledge has an affinity with the fallen Cain, but there is also a path by which we can ascend to the condition of Cain before his fratricide – through the stages of higher knowledge. Only the descendants of Cain, coming to full and real ‘I’ development, can sustain themselves in the face of earthly forces. In the context of this primeval Cain, or the ‘newâ€...

Handbook of Research on Waldorf Education
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 877

Handbook of Research on Waldorf Education

Waldorf Education: An all-round, balanced approach to education that is equally concerned with intellectual-cognitive and artistic-creative learning. A practice- and experience-based pedagogy. Non-selective and open to all children and young people; offering a stress-free, secure learning environment across 12 grades; embedded in a community of students, teachers, and parents. An alternative education that has been successfully practiced for over a century. The first Waldorf School was founded in Stuttgart, Germany, in 1919. Today, Waldorf Education is practiced in all countries and cultures around the world: in over 1,000 schools, more than 2,000 kindergartens, and numerous centers for spec...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 644


Rassismus ist ein vieldiskutiertes Gegenwartsthema – doch die spezifisch deutschen Aspekte und Brüche in der jüngeren Geschichte des Phänomens sind noch kaum erforscht. Nach einer ausführlichen Skizze und Analyse der westdeutschen Rassismushistorie durch den Herausgeber nimmt der Band in chronologischer Gliederung exemplarische Facetten in den Blick. Die Beiträge schlagen einen Bogen von den Kontinuitäten völkischen Denkens nach 1945 und den Anfängen des Rechtsterrorismus hin zu den Fragestellungen, die das frühe 21. Jahrhundert betreffen. Analysiert werden u. a. das sich verändernde linke wie rechte Rassismus-Verständnis nach 1968, die Aporien der frühen Rassismus-Forschung und des Multikulturalismus, sowie die Ära der „völkischen Ekstase“ nach der Wiedervereinigung. Brennende Asylbewerberunterkünfte und die NSU-Mordserie zeigten, wie virulent der Rassismus in Deutschland noch ist, der in den identitätspolitischen Debatten jüngst unter neuen Vorzeichen thematisiert wird.

Hagia Sophia and the Byzantine Aesthetic Experience
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 321

Hagia Sophia and the Byzantine Aesthetic Experience

  • Categories: Art
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-22
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Paramount in the shaping of early Byzantine identity was the construction of the church of Hagia Sophia in Constantinople (532-537 CE). This book examines the edifice from the perspective of aesthetics to define the concept of beauty and the meaning of art in early Byzantium. Byzantine aesthetic thought is re-evaluated against late antique Neoplatonism and the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius that offer fundamental paradigms for the late antique attitude towards art and beauty. These metaphysical concepts of aesthetics are ultimately grounded in experiences of sensation and perception, and reflect the ways in which the world and reality were perceived and grasped, signifying the cultural identit...