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Sourdough fermentation was probably one of the first microbial processes employed by mankind for the production and preservation of food. This practice is still widely used worldwide due to the distinct sensorial and health properties attributed to these products. Traditional sourdough bread is achieved by spontaneous fermentations, leading to natural selections of microorganisms (mainly yeast and lactic acid bacteria) with health benefits for the consumers’ microbiota. However, multiple opportunities are currently underexploited through the entire sourdough value chain. Sourdough Innovations: Novel Uses of Metabolites, Enzymes, and Microbiota from Sourdough Processing summarizes the lates...
Food proteomics is one of the most dynamic and fast-developing areas in food science. The goal of this book is to be a reference guide on the principles and the current and future potential applications of proteomics in food science and technology. More specifically, the book will discuss recent developments and the expected trends of the near future in food proteomics. The book will be divided into two parts. The first part (7 chapters) will focus on the basic principles for proteomics, e.g., sample preparation, such as extraction and separation techniques, analytical instrumentation currently in use, and available databases for peptide and protein identification. The second part of the boo...
Incontri metafisici con l'angelo Michele con cui dialogo su Dio, sulla Creazione, su santi e madonne, sul mondo, sui miei antenati sulla natura dell'Universo, dell'aldilà, degli alieni, sul senso della vita, del bene e del male
This Book of Abstracts is the main publication of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP). It contains abstracts of the invited papers and contributed presentations of the sessions of EAAP's eleven Commissions: Animal Genetics, Animal Nutrition, Animal Management and Health, Animal Physiology, Cattle Production, Sheep and Goat Production, Pig Production, Horse Production and Livestock Farming Systems, Insects and Precision Livestock Farming.
Proteins serve as an important nutritional as well as structural component of foods. Not only do they provide an array of amino acids necessary for maintaining human health but also act as thickening, stabilizing, emulsifying, foaming, gelling, and binding agents. The ability of a protein to possess and demonstrate such unique functional properties depends largely on its inherent structure, configuration, and how they interact with other food constituents, like, polysaccharides, lipids, and polyphenolic compounds. Proteins from animal sources have superior functionality, higher digestibility, and lower anti-nutrient components than plant proteins. However, consumer preferences are evolving w...
Un eserciziario completo e illustrato, per insegnare l'italiano a ragazzi e adulti stranieri e consentire loro di vivere autonomamente e integrarsi nel nostro Paese. Il libro nasce dall'esperienza della scuola Penny Wirton, fondata a Roma dagli autori e frequentata soprattutto da minorenni non accompagnati, i quali arrivano da noi, provenienti da ogni parte del mondo, senza conoscere una sola parola di lingua italiana. LA SCUOLA PENNY WIRTON È nata a Roma nel 2008 per offrire gratuitamente corsi di italiano a stranieri. Oggi la scuola opera in 35 città italiane, è gratuita, accoglie tutti e attua l'insegnamento "uno a uno". Il nome della scuola richiama il titolo di un grande romanzo per ragazzi di Silvio D'Arzo, che ha come protagonista un bambino povero e disprezzato che, dopo una serie di prove, conquista la propria dignità, grazie anche all'aiuto del supplente della scuola del villaggio. Molti studenti della Penny Wirton sono orfani, a mille miglia lontani dalla famiglia: per loro e per tutti, adulti compresi, il nome Penny Wirton indica la possibilità di un riscatto.
Interpretazioni is an intermediate- to advanced-level Italian textbook that aims to teach language through film, focusing on Italian movies from 2010 to 2017. Teaching language through cinema is a widespread and proven practice that engages all four main language skills (speaking, listening, reading, writing), and Interpretazioni utilizes the proven format and pedagogy of Pausini and Antonello Borra's previous book, Italian Through Film (Yale UP, 2003), which is regarded highly among teachers. Films featured in Interpretazioni span genres, address a wide range of themes, and are set in various parts of Italy, encouraging students and teachers to more fully engage with the complexity of Itali...
The House by the Medlar-Tree is the best known novel by Giovanni Verga. In Sicily lives the Toscano family, who, has been nicknamed (for antiphrasis) the Malavoglia ("The Lazy Ones"). The main source of family income is la Provvidenza (the Providence), which is a small fishing boat. Padron Ntoni (the head of family) attempts a business venture and buys a large amount of lupins. A film based on the story of The House by the Medlar-Tree, La Terra Trema was directed by Luchino Visconti. The stories collected in Under the Shadow of Etna are drawn from the Sicily of Giovanni Verga's childhood, reported at the time to be the poorest place in Europe. Here it is grim reality. The poor and weak go relentlessly to the wall.