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  • Language: id
  • Pages: 180


Pandemi virus corona (Covid 19) telah “menghantui” masyarakat global, khususnya warga negara Indonesia. Wabah corona ini menjadikan kehidupan masyarakat tergoncang, terombang-ambing, sehingga mereka mengalami kegelisahan, kekhawatiran, ketakutan dan kepanikan yang luar biasa sampai-sampai “mengalahi” ketakutannya kepada Tuhan. Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri wabah ini sangat cepat menyebar dan efek yang ditimbulkan tidak hanya flu, demam, batuk biasah tapi sampai pada kematian. Mungkin efek “kematian” inilah yang menjadi “momok” masyarakat global. Kepanikan dan ketakutan yang berlebih inilah yang menyebabkan mereka melupakan kekuatan, kekuasaan Allah Swt Zat yang maha segala-gal...

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 162


Buku ini yang berjudul “Para Sufi Moderat: Melacak Pemikiran dan Gerakan Spiritual Tokoh Sufi Nusantara Hingga Dunia” bisa diselesaikan dengan baik. Dalam dunia tasawuf, tidak lepas dengan yang namanya pemikiran, paradigma dan pandangan tokoh-tokohnya, sehingga banyak melahirkan aliran (tipologi) di dalam tubuh tasawuf itu sendiri. Adanya berbagai macam pemikiran ini menunjukkan bahwa tasawuf merupakan ilmu yang unik dan kaya akan khazanah keilmuan yang bisa disandingkan dengan disiplin ilmu-ilmu lain. Untuk menengahi berbagai persoalan dalam pemikiran, pemahaman dan warna dalam ajaran tasawuf diperlukan jalan tengah (tawazun; wasathiyah), agar bisa berpikir-bersikap objektif, tidak kaku, keras bahkan radikal (ekstrem). Sehingga, adanya pemikiran para sufi moderat ini kiranya dapat membantu kita untuk memahami ajaran Islam khususnya tasawuf secara proporsional.

  • Language: id
  • Pages: 297


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-08-17
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  • Publisher: Goresan Pena

“Buku ini sebagai salah satu referensi bagi dunia pendidikan di Indonesia dalam rangka memajukan dan meningkatkan kualitas layanan, sistem, manajemen dan sumber daya manusia di lingkungan lembaga pendidikan guna menjawab tantangan global di Era Industri 4.0 yang semakin ketat dan dinamis ini.” - Prof. Dr. KH. Said Aqil Husin al Munawwar, Lc, MA (Guru Besar UIN Jakarta) “Integrasi antar bidang ilmu pengetahuan perlu dilakukan sebagai konsekuensi dari tanggung jawab untuk mensejahterakan umat manusia. Seluruh komponen pendidikan harus berbasis integrasi antar ilmu pengetahuan. Buku ini layak dibaca karena akan membantu pembaca untuk memahami bagaimana integrasi antar ilmu itu dilakukan....

An Early Javanese Code of Muslim Ethics
  • Language: jv
  • Pages: 118

An Early Javanese Code of Muslim Ethics

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1978
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  • Publisher: Springer


Community Empowerment Through Research, Innovation and Open Access
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 163

Community Empowerment Through Research, Innovation and Open Access

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021
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  • Publisher: Unknown

ICHSS is an international seminar that is held every two years organized by the Research and Community Service Institute of the State University of Malang. The meeting aims to discuss the theoretical and practical developments of Social Sciences and Humanities in Indonesia and other countries with a view to build academic networks by gathering academics from various research institutes and universities.Community empowerment serves as a trigger to increase community independence and to cope with the challenges resulting from the rapid development of technology. An important aspect of the community empowerment effort is to link the results of innovation research for the benefit of community. T...

Sufism and the 'Modern' in Islam
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 384

Sufism and the 'Modern' in Islam

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-03-19
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  • Publisher: I. B. Tauris

Sufism has not only survived into the twenty-first century but has experienced a significant resurgence throughout the Muslim world. Sufism and the 'Modern' in Islam offers refreshing new perspectives on this phenomenon, demonstrating surprising connections between Sufism and Muslim reformist currents, and the vital presence of Sufi ideas and practices in all spheres of life. Contrary to earlier theories of the modernization of Muslim societies, Sufi influence on the political, economic and intellectual life of contemporary Muslim societies has been considerable. Although less noticed than the resurgence of radical Islam, Sufi orders and related movements involve considerably larger numbers ...

Long Journey Home
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160

Long Journey Home

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 1988-02-01
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  • Publisher: Point

Six short stories drawn from history record black Americans' struggle for freedom during the days of slavery, chronicling the lives of a blues singer, a cowboy, two lovers forced apart when the girl is sold, and a traveler on the Underground Railroad.

Developing the Next Generation Learners in this Digital Era (Vol. II)
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 213
Instructional Design Theory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 488

Instructional Design Theory

This pack contains two guides to Microsoft Windows 98. Windows 98 User Manual teaches how to use Windows and Windows 98 Hints and Hacks provides advanced information for the user already familiar with Windows.

The ASTD E-learning Handbook
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 572

The ASTD E-learning Handbook

The entire training industry is undergoing dramatic change, as training is moved out of traditional classrooms and onto the Web. Training publications and conferences are now dominated by speakers, writers, and vendors talking about e-Learning. The e-Learning revolution is forcing companies to spend millions on new technology and new web-based courseware, threatening the role of traditional classroom trainers, and saving companies millions of dollars in housing and travel costs because trainees no longer need a plane ticket and 3 nights' accommodation to attend a corporate training program - the training can be delivered to each learner's desktop over the Web. But because e-Learning is still in the revolution stage, there are no clear standards and models for how to create and deliver e-Learning successfully. Everyone is asking the same questions: how does web-based training fit in with traditional classroom based training? What are the standards for designing high-quality e-Learning? How much interaction with an instructor do e-Learning participants need? What is the role of the instructional designer in online learning? The ASTD e-Learning Yearbook will be the first annual refe