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Queen Victoria: This Thorny Crown is the first comprehensive account of its subject's intense religiosity. This thematically structured biography explains how events in Victoria's life and reign - from her coronation to her marriage and many bereavements - changed and enlarged her faith. It portrays a woman with simple convictions but a complex identity, which suited her multinational kingdom and religiously plural Empire. Victoria was the Supreme Governor of the Church of England but preferred to worship with Scottish Presbyterians; she was an ardent Protestant, yet sympathetic to Roman Catholicism and Islam. Drawing on British and German archives, Michael Ledger-Lomas illuminates not just ...
This open access volume raises awareness of the histories, geographies, and practices of universities and analyzes their role as key actors in today’s global knowledge economy. Universities are centers of research, teaching, and expertise with significant economic, social, and cultural impacts at different geographical scales. Scholars from a variety of disciplines and countries offer original analyses and discussions along five main themes: historical perspectives on the university as a site of knowledge production, cultural encounter, and political interest; institutional perspectives on university governance and the creation of innovative environments; relationships between universities and the city; the impact of universities on national and regional economies and cultures; and the processes of internationalization through student mobility, the creation of education hubs, and global regionalism in higher education.
Extraordinary sites associated with the Bauhaus and modernism can be found throughout Germany—pioneering architecture that has enduringly shaped our understanding of life and work, learning and living. This travel guide brings the historical and architectural traces of over 100 examples of Neues Bauen building to life, making tangible the impact of the historical Bauhaus beyond the school, its sites and its time. Along with well-known buildings, the guide features insiders' tips throughout Germany, attractive illustrations, texts, practical information, and maps. The essays by Werner Durth and Wolfgang Pehnt outline the history of the Bauhaus's context and its influence to the present day. The leading Bauhaus institutions in Germany have been working together as BAUHAUS KOOPERATION BERLIN DESSAU WEIMAR. They include the Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung, Berlin; the Stiftung Bauhaus Dessau; and the Klassik Stiftung Weimar.
Ein Ort, eine Familie, ihr Unternehmen - und die deutsche Geschichte vom Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts bis zur Nachkriegszeit. Anhand der Aufzeichnungen seiner Vorfahren bringt Autor Dieter Heymann die Geschichte seiner Familie zu Papier - und setzt diese dabei auch immer in einen historischen Kontext. Spannend und facettenreich folgt man einer Kaufmannsfamilie auf einem nicht immer einfachen Weg durch die Zeit. Durch sehr private Einblicke erfährt man beinahe am eigenen Leib, wie die Familie die Deutsche Revolution, die Reichsgründung sowie Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg durchlebt hat. Dieses Buch schreibt Heymann für die nachfolgenden Generationen, seine Kinder und Enkelkinder. Durch Aufzeichnungen seines Vaters und Onkels ist er selbst sehr nahe an der Vergangenheit. Zurecht hat er einige Bedenken, dass ohne das geschichtliche Wissen die Gegenwart nicht verstanden werden kann.
後疫情旅遊資料最新版 全面採訪 X 更新第一手訊息 最完整詳實的「德國」玩樂資訊就看這一本 讚嘆聲中收集德國的所有面向 關於德國,你的第一印象是什麼? 浪漫典雅的宮殿城堡、精密堅固的科技工藝、風起雲湧的傳奇故事、還是暢快豪邁的啤酒豬腳? 跟著本書的腳步,你將見識百分百的德國! ◎ 在新天鵝堡懷抱浪漫幻想 ◎ 在柏林圍牆感嘆生離死別 ◎ 在萊茵河上航向中世紀傳說 ◎ 在博物館島探究古今藝術 ◎ 在科隆大教堂讚嘆莊嚴宏偉 ◎ 在十月啤酒節沉浸滿城歡樂 ◎ 在賓士博物館、保時捷博物館見證創新革命 最...
What is the heritage of our cities? Which are the monuments, places, and spaces in which it accumulates, and by which practices is it formed, handed down, appropriated? Gerhard Vinken takes the readers to twelve cities on three continents and analyses the diverse and contradictory heritage formations that have had a lasting impact on urban life. The vitality of urban heritage, as these vivid and in-depth case studies show, lies in the dynamic and often conflictual processes of social appropriation and interpretation. Covering a diverse range of themes, the book familiarizes the reader with important questions and theories in urban research and heritage studies.