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Excor Legacies: Concealed Society
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

Excor Legacies: Concealed Society

Being anything other than ordinary has never crossed Maliha’s wildest imagination, after living for 15 years as a normal human she had thrown the idea of being different out of her mindset, aiming to live a normal, mundane human life. That is until this strange man appeared before her and gave her a letter to attend this unknown school where the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans meet. Without any detailed explanation of what’s happening, she was sent far away from her family to a new world of Excors, people who are able to control a substance according to their will. Fitting in was not that big of a problem for her, it seemed she would have lived a normal life with the addition of powers; until a string of events happened that makes her think otherwise. *** The realm of Excors with such an extraordinary boarding school is inspired by Harry Potter’s world – just without its kind of witchcraft. Maliha, the Indonesian girl as its central character, even wondered if her role was somewhat like Hermione Granger, Harry Potter’s dear classmate – with quite different adventures and ... destiny! This – definitely – is a laboratory of imagination for an emerging author!

SSIK 2023
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 375

SSIK 2023

This book contains the Proceedings of Regional Seminar on Community Issues (SSIK) 2023. The conference is co-hosted by Universitas Halu Oleo (Indonesia), Institute for Social Science of Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia), Universitas Teuku Umar (Indonesia), and Universitas Abulyatama (Indonesia). The event was held on September 20, 2023, in Kendari City, South East Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. The collaboration includes joint committees and support from keynote speakers from each university. This year’s conference provides an interdisciplinary forum for researchers, educators, practitioners, and policymakers to discuss the latest trends and issues on the theme and offer challenges and solutions within a given scope. Research articles, literature reviews, and position papers are welcome.

Indonesia’s Maritime Policy from Independence to 2019
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 285

Indonesia’s Maritime Policy from Independence to 2019

Alverdian explores how a distinct national character of maritime governance has influenced the nature of Indonesia's aspiration to go beyond archipelagic towards a maritime nation, through focusing on the intersection between the nation's political culture, historical changes and geopolitical contexts, which gave rise to the primacy of the theme of unity in the nation's discourse. The main theme of this research is the three-pillar framework of the Tanah-Air concept, which includes the political culture of persatuan nasional (national unity), the strategic culture of cakra manggilingan (turning of the times from dark to golden periods), and the geopolitical context of posisi silang dunia (wo...

Rumah Bambu
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 216

Rumah Bambu

" Rumah Bambu adalah kumpulan cerpen Romo Mangun yang pertama dan terakhir kali diterbitkan. Sebagian besar cerpen-cerpen itu ditemukan di rumah penulis, di Kuwera, Yogyakarta, dalam keadaan penuh koreksi dan sulit dibaca. Dari duapuluh cerpen yang ada dalam buku ini, hanya tiga yang pernah dipublikasikan. Hampir semua tema cerita dalam buku ini adalah peristiwa-peristiwa yang kelihatan sederhana, sepele, dan mungkin remeh. Memang, Romo Mangun adalah sosok yang dikenal sederhana, lembut, mudah terharu dengan penderitaan orang lain, tetapi kalau perlu, bisa juga keras. Bila hari hujan, ia sering membayangkan nasib anak anak gelandangan yang tidur di emper-emper toko. Kalau sudah gelisah, ia lantas berjalan mengelilingi meja makan, bisa sampai lebih dari 15 kali. Buku ini menantang kita untuk merasakan kehidupan manusia yang mung kin tidak pernah kita bayangkan."

Pohon-pohon sesawi
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 140

Pohon-pohon sesawi


Gereja Diaspora
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 232

Gereja Diaspora

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: Unknown
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  • Publisher: PT Kanisius

Bagaimana Gereja, umat Tuhan dalam perjalanan, sebaiknya hidup dan berkarya, baik demi kesetiaan dirinya kepada amanat Kabar Gembira maupun demi Kerajaan Tuhan yang harus memekar tanpa henti di sekelilingnya dan dalam wilayah kehidupan yang lebih luas? Buku ini mengajak kita untuk berbincang tentang warisan sejarah Gereja Indonesia maupun Gereja Dunia, teori dan terutama praksisnya, namun juga landasan alkitabiah dari saran-saran bagaimana sebaiknya situasi kondisi itu diolah.

Progressive Islam
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 131

Progressive Islam

Tan Malaka, 1897- 1949, was an Indonesian Muslim, Marxist, philosopher, teacher, and founder of the Persatuan Perjuangan (Struggle Front), a coalition of groups negotiating the terms of Indonesian independence in the1940s. He was awarded the Government designation of National Hero in 1963. This book offers new findings regarding Tan Malaka's Islamic thought, and discusses how to analyse his works and legacy. These findings are novel and significant. Tan Malaka, as a left-leaning Muslim who embraced critical thinking, is still seen as a controversial figure in Indonesia and the wider world. Today, he is often discredited in history books. In fact, his Islamic ideas can provide answers to problems or themes in the discourse of Islamic studies today. The scope of this book falls within the scope of Islamic Philosophy, Islamic Political, and Social Science Studies. In other words, interdisciplinary. The specific purpose of this book is to fill in the gaps of analysis and new findings regarding Tan Malaka's Islamic thought. As well as providing new discourses in Islamic Political.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 200


Puji syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena buku kompilasi mata kuliah Psychology of Literature ini telah selesai disusun. Buku kompilasi ini berisi karya tulis ilmiah mahasiswa yang mengambil matakuliah Psychology of Literature di program studi Bahasa dan Kebudayaan Inggris, Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya, Universitas Darma Persada. Tak lupa, tim penyusun menyampaikan terima kasih kepada mahasiswa yang telah menitipkan tulisan ilmiah mereka kepada kami sehingga kami dapat menyusun buku kompilasi ini. Ucapan terima kasih juga disampaikan ke pihak lain yang telah membantu menyelesaikan buku kompilasi ini. Akhir kata, semoga buku kompilasi ini dapat menjadi referensi bacaan bagi banyak orang, khususnya mahasiswa yang menekuni bidang sastra dan budaya. Jika terdapat kekeliruan dalam penulisan jurnal ini, kami mohon saran dan masukannya terima kasih.

Cultural Sustainable Tourism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Cultural Sustainable Tourism

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-23
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book includes research papers submitted to and presented during the first international conference on Cultural Sustainable Tourism (CST) that was held in Thessaloniki, Greece in November of 2017. Discussing complex relations between Culture, tourism, and the role of planners and architects in their maintenance, this conference was jointly organized by IEREK –International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange- and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The conference was an attempt to shed a light on the significance of Culture and Heritage as two important factors attracting tourists and promoting economic growth and convey civilizations through tourism. Themes covere...

Pancasila, Hak Asasi Manusia dan Ketahanan Nasional
  • Language: id
  • Pages: 179

Pancasila, Hak Asasi Manusia dan Ketahanan Nasional

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-01
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  • Publisher: Komnas HAM

Buku ini merupakan hasil tugas akhir penulis saat menjadi peserta PPSA XX, 2015. Buku ini juga merupakan sebuah refleksi yang menggambarkan bagaimana afitas positif dan negatif antara Pancasila , Hak Asasi Manusia dan Ketahanan Nasional.