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Attraverso un personalissimo stile di scrittura, ora di versi liberi, ora di prosa lirica, Roberta Anati compone un’opera preziosa con un obiettivo preciso: ricollegare le persone alla bellezza dei valori umani essenziali e ai significati più profondi e nobili della vita. L’innovazione tecnologica, di cui l’autrice si occupa di professione, corre a ritmi vertiginosi; l’evoluzione interiore dell’uomo, la sua sfera più intima e spirituale, sembra far sempre più fatica a tenere lo stesso passo; uno scarto che genera frustrazione e smarrimento. Andando dritto ai sentimenti e al cuore dei lettori, l’autrice ci restituisce il tempo della crescita interiore attraverso momenti di vita quotidiana, raccontando di un universo condiviso dove la solitudine non esiste veramente.
Antonio Giangrande, orgoglioso di essere diverso. ODIO OSTENTAZIONE, IMPOSIZIONE E MENZOGNA. Nella vita di ognuno due cose sono certe: la vita e la morte. Si nasce senza volerlo. Si muore senza volerlo. Si vive una vita di prese per il culo. Gli animali, da sé, per indole emulano ed imitano, imparando atteggiamenti e comportamenti dei propri simili. Senonché sono proprio i simili, a difesa del gruppo, a inculcare nella mente altrui il principio di omologazione e conformazione. Noi siamo quello che altri hanno voluto che diventassimo. Facciamo in modo che diventiamo quello che noi avremmo (rafforzativo di saremmo) voluto diventare. Tu esisti se la tv ti considera. I Fatti son fatti oggettiv...
Taking a critical, research-oriented perspective, this book explores the theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical connections between reading and teaching young adult literature in middle and secondary classrooms and adolescent identity development.
Leading biblical scholars from Liberty University offer a thorough survey of the complete Old Testament, with book introductions, theological concepts, practical applications, word studies, and more.
A full-color guide to Italy's archeology and treasures. Archaeology Hotspot Italy presents a comprehensive overview of the Italian archaeology. The main archaeological epochs – from Paleolithic to the Middle Ages – and sites and the discoveries made in the last twenty years, as well as past and present great archaeologists are thoroughly explored. Archaeology Hotspot Italy gives also insights into the way in which archaeology is practiced today, dealing with controversies over interpretation of the past connected to different theoretical approaches and present-day social and political contingencies. One of the aims of Archaeology Hotspot Italy is to give to the reader the idea that archa...
The rock art sites of the Tadrart Acacus in southwestern Libya were inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1985, largely owing to the activities started in 1955 by Fabrizio Mori, founder of the Libyan-Italian Mission in the Tadrart Acacus and Messak. Since the beginning, the Department of Antiquities of Tripoli and Sebha, Libya, and Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, have worked in the region nearly without interruption until 2011. This book presents the archive of the rock art sites, identified and recorded by the Italian Mission and by independent scholars, as described and critically assessed by the authors within the framework of the ASArt-DATA project (the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme). The contributions introducing the catalogue contextualize the environmental, archaeological, and cultural aspects of the engravings and paintings. They include chapters addressing the historical, cultural, and diplomatic issues involved in the long-term bilateral scientific cooperation.
Radiating fire and ice, comets as a phenomenon seem part science, part myth. Two thousand years ago when a comet shot across the night sky, it convinced the Romans that Julius Caesar was a god. In 1066, Halley’s Comet was interpreted as a foreshadowing of the death of Harold the Second in the Battle of Hastings. Even today the arrival of a comet often feels auspicious, confirming our hopes, fears, and sense of wonder in the universe. In Comets, P. Andrew Karam takes the reader on a far-ranging exploration of these most beautiful and dramatic objects in the skies, revealing how comets and humanity have been interwoven throughout history. He delves into the science of comets and how it has changed over time; the way comets have been depicted in art, religion, literature, and popular culture; and how comets have appeared in the heavens through the centuries. Comprehensive in scope and beautifully illustrated throughout, the book will appeal not only to the budding astronomer, but to anyone with an appreciation for these compelling and remarkable celestial bodies.