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Friedrich Jacobi and the End of the Enlightenment
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 343

Friedrich Jacobi and the End of the Enlightenment

"Jacobi held a position of unparalleled importance in late eighteenth and early nineteenth century intellectual history. This includes his role in bringing about the close of the Enlightenment, his central part in shaping the reception of Kant's philosophy and German idealism, and his influence on the development of Romanticism and existentialism"--

The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Existentialism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 581

The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Existentialism

This Handbook explores the complex relations between two great schools of continental philosophy: German idealism and existentialism. While the existentialists are commonly thought to have rejected idealism as overly abstract and neglectful of the concrete experience of the individual, the chapters in this collection reveal that the German idealists in fact anticipated many key existentialist ideas. A radically new vision of the history of continental philosophy is thereby established, one that understands existentialism as a continuous development from German idealism. Key Features Operates at both the macro-level and micro-level, treating both the two schools of thought and the individual ...

Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 329

Historiography and the Formation of Philosophical Canons

This book presents a series of case studies and reflections on the historiographical assumptions, methods and approaches that shape the way in which philosophers construct their own past. The chapters in the volume advance discussion of the methods of historians of philosophy, while at the same time illustrating the various ways in which philosophical canons come into existence, debunking the myth of analytical philosophy’s ahistoricism and providing a deeper understanding of the roles historiographical devices play in philosophical thought. More importantly, the contributors attempt to understand history of philosophy in connection with other historical and historiographical approaches: c...

Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 570

Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text

  • Categories: Art

Scholarly editions contextualize our cultural heritage. Traditionally, methodologies from the field of scholarly editing are applied to works of literature, e.g. in order to trace their genesis or present their varied history of transmission. What do we make of the variance in other types of cultural heritage? How can we describe, record, and reproduce it systematically? From medieval to modern times, from image to audiovisual media, the book traces discourses across different disciplines in order to develop a conceptual model for scholarly editions on a broader scale. By doing so, it also delves into the theory and philosophy of the (digital) humanities as such.

On the Divine Things and Their Revelation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 152

On the Divine Things and Their Revelation

Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743–1829) both introduced and epitomized the great philosophical controversies of his age. His influential text Von den göttlichen Dingen und Ihrer Offenbarung aroused the final debate about the intrinsic nihilism of modern philosophy, which, he postulated, ran the risk of becoming a serious threat to human life and intellect. In the first English translation of this text,* On the Divine Things and Their Revelation*, Paolo Livieri provides readers with a historical investigation of the debates that preceded and followed Jacobi’s book, as well as a philosophical review of its main topics and arguments. Jacobi’s concluding analysis against systematic philosop...

The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 479

The Philosophy of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi

The contemporaries of Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi (1743-1819) openly acknowledged his towering importance. Both Fichte and Hegel praised him in the same breath with Kant as having launched the philosophical revolution they sought to complete. Yet for more than a century, misrepresentations of Jacobi's thought have stood in the way of a proper appreciation of his insights. In her study of this long-neglected German philosopher, internationally-renowned Jacobi expert Birgit Sandkaulen interprets his philosophical writings in their intellectual context. Originally published in German and translated into English for the first time, this is a major contribution to reading the life, work, and legacy...

The Happy Afterlife of Ludwig W.
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 219

The Happy Afterlife of Ludwig W.

This book tells a great philosophical tale. The backstory of this tale is simple: the famous philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein published only one philosophical book during his lifetime: the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. He left the lion’s share of his philosophical writings to posterity in the form of unpublished manuscripts and typescripts amounting to more than 18,000 pages. In his will, Wittgenstein entrusted three of his former students – Elizabeth Anscombe, Rush Rhees and Georg Henrik von Wright – with the task of publishing from his writings what they thought fit. During the subsequent decades, these literary heirs edited the volumes that the learned world has come to know as the...

Briefe lesen
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 589

Briefe lesen

Wie wurden Briefe geschrieben? Wie sind sie zu lesen? Dieses Wissenskompendium – eine Art Mentalitätsgeschichte der Briefkommunikation – ist unerlässlich für alle, die mit historischen Briefen arbeiten. Der Privatbrief hatte seine Blütezeit im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert, doch seine Spuren sind bis heute erkennbar. Warum sieht ein Brief so aus, wie er aussieht? Die Antwort findet sich in seiner sozial codierten Materialität, zu der hier eine Systematik vorgelegt wird. Dafür wurde der Privatbrief als multimodales Objekt in seine Einzelteile zerlegt und auf historische Praktiken und ihre semiotischen Potenziale hin untersucht. Die epistolographischen Bereiche umschließen das Briefblatt,...

Soziales Medium Brief
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 334

Soziales Medium Brief

WhatsApp mit Ludwig Tieck? Instapoetry by Elisa von der Recke? Blind Copy an Jean Paul? Gruppenchats, emoticons, hashtags, copy & paste, Social Media Analytics... Auf den ersten Blick scheint die Briefkultur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts Welten entfernt von der digitalen Kommunikation in den Social Media der Gegenwart. Und doch begegnen uns in 200 Jahre alten Briefen interaktive Phänomene, die integraler Bestandteil der Neuen Medien sind, weil sie den gleichen Kommunikationsbedürfnissen entspringen. 17 Studien aus Literatur- und Medienwissenschaften und den Digital Humanities werfen einen von den Social Media ausgehenden Blick auf die spezifischen Eigenheiten, die Komplexität und die Freiräume der brieflichen Kommunikation um 1800 und suchen neue Antworten auf bekannte Fragen. Durch den Fokus auf Netzwerkkommunikation und digitale Möglichkeiten ändern sich die Anforderungen an Briefeditionen in philologischer wie methodischer Perspektive.

Bodily Fluids in Antiquity
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 493

Bodily Fluids in Antiquity

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-04-26
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  • Publisher: Routledge

From ancient Egypt to Imperial Rome, from Greek medicine to early Christianity, this volume examines how human bodily fluids influenced ideas about gender, sexuality, politics, emotions, and morality, and how those ideas shaped later European thought. Comprising 24 chapters across seven key themes—language, gender, eroticism, nutrition, dissolution, death, and afterlife—this volume investigates bodily fluids in the context of the current sensory turn. It asks fundamental questions about physicality and fluidity: how were bodily fluids categorised and differentiated? How were fluids trapped inside the body perceived, and how did this perception alter when those fluids were externalised? D...