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Era globalisasi membuat teknologi informasi dapat berkembang begitu pesat. Kehidupan yang serba instan menjadi salah satu dampak dari perkembangan teknologi informasi di era globalisasi ini. Tidak selamanya kehidupan yang serba instan hanya memberikan kita dampak yang negatif. Hal ini berlaku dalam bidang Akuntansi, perkembangan teknologi informasi yang sangat pesat justru memberikan kemudahan bagi siapapun yang bekerja di bidang Akuntansi terutama dalam melakukan pengolahan data keuangan perusahaan. Data keuangan perusahaan pastinya terdiri dari ribuan atau bahkan jutaan data yang terus bertambah setiap harinya dan kita perlu mengolahnya menjadi sebuah laporan yang mudah dibaca. Di sinilah ...
One of the consequences of the digital revolution is the availability and pervasiveness of media and technology. They became an integral part of many people’s lives, including children, who are often exposed to media and technology at an early age. Due to this early exposure, children have become targeted consumers for businesses and other organizations that seek to utilize the data they generate. The Handbook of Research on Children's Consumption of Digital Media is a scholarly research publication that examines how children have become consumers as well as how their consumption habits have changed in the age of digital and media technologies. Featuring current research on cyber bullying, social media, and digital advertising, this book is geared toward marketing and advertising professionals, consumer researchers, international business strategists, academicians, and upper-level graduate students seeking current research on the transformation of child to consumer.
ikinci Yeni Hareketi, Cumhuriyet sonrası Türk şiirinde önemli bir kırılma noktasıdır. 1950’li yıllarda başlayan bu hareketin, modern Türk şiirinin kurulması ve oluşumunda önemli bir rolü olduğu yadsınamaz. İlhan Berk, Turgut Uyar, Cemal Süreya, Ece Ayhan, Sezai Karakoç ve Edip Cansever, -şiirlerinin yanı sıra- kuramsal yazılarıyla modern Türk şiirinin poetikasını kurarlar. Kuşkusuz, İkinci Yeni şiirinin çözümlemesinde ve bu hareketin değerlendirilmesinde, İkinci Yeni şairlerinin poetika denemeleri bir anahtar işlevi görecektir. Bu kitap, söz konusu yazılardan hareketle, hem İkinci Yeni’nin oturduğu poetik temeli, hem de Türk şiirinin modernleşme seyrini kuramsal çerçevede saptamaya yönelik bir çabanın ürünüdür.
This is an open access book. The 2nd International Conference on Science Education and Sciences 2022 will be held by the Master of Science Education Program, University of Mataram. This conference is aimed at promoting, developing, and disseminating interdisciplinary research from many different fields of science, and education. This conference will be held in Lombok, which is one of the Beautiful Island in Indonesia on 3rd and 4th, November 2022. The main theme of the 2nd ICSES 2022 is Innovation And Creativity In Science Education And Science Research. Scopes that are covered in the conference include but not limited to the following areas: Physics, Physics education, Science education, Biology education, Chemistry education. Researchers from universities, institutes, and relevant industries, from many different fields, are invited to participate to present the paper or just as a participant. The Conference Will Be Held ONLINE And OFFLINE (HYBRID).
Aspek perkembangan anak usia dini terdiri dari 5 aspek yang perlu distimulasi, yakni meliputi aspek nilai moral agama, kognitif, sosial emosional, bahasa, dan juga fisik motorik dan setiap anak memiliki kecenderungan perkembangan yang berbeda-beda. Pemberian stimulasi anak sesuai usia penting dilakukan, agar perkembangan anak dapat berjalan sesuai tahapan usia dan dapat berkembang optimal dengan bantuan orang disekitarnya, salah satunya melalui Alat Permainan Edukatif (APE). APE merupakan alat main yang sengaja dikembangkan untuk tujuan pendidikan sehingga anak tidak hanya bermain namun juga dapat menyerap nilai-nilai edukatif didalamnya. Melalui buku ini pembaca dapat turut merancang dan me...
The 2nd Biennial International Conference on Safe Community (B-ICSC) is a scientific forum for scholars to disseminate their research and share ideas. This conference was organized by Poltekkes Kemenkes Tanjungkarang, Indonesia. It took place at Emersia Hotel & Resort, Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Indonesia, on 20-21 September 2022. The B-ICSC 2022 theme is Impact of Climate Change on Human Health and Its Implications for Safe Communities. This proceeding consists of 14 papers that have been accepted and presented at the conference. The hope is that scientific attitudes and skills through research will encourage the development of knowledge produced through research from various scholars in various regions. Finally, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all of the steering committee colleagues for their cooperation in organizing the conference. Hopefully, these seminars and conferences can be continued in the coming years with more insightful articles from inspiring research. We would also like to thank the invited speakers for their invaluable contributions and for sharing their visions in their talks.
A compelling crime novel set in Lagos, featuring a feisty female protagonist willing to take on the Nigerian criminal underworld.
This is an open access book.We would like to invite you to The 1st International Conference Social Science, and Education (ICoeSSE) 2023 will be conducted on September 6–7, 2023, at the Universitas Islam Negeri Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, West Sumatera, Indonesia. The aim of the Conference is to bring together scholars, students, researcher and administrators from different countries, and to discuss theoretical and practical issues in the fields of Science and Technology. Your prospective, valuable contributions on this field will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee and the ones approved to be presented will also be published in the Proceedings and selected will be publish in Journal.