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Understanding the socio-economic conditions, the drivers for land use change and economic development, along with cultural and social characteristics, is essential to ensure that land use decisions are made that ensure positive economic and social outcomes are optimised. The CoLUPSIA socio-economic team researched the conditions facing communities and individual households across five pilot areas, each area representing different socio-economic and environmental/ bio-physical conditions. Household, village, key interview surveys and focus group discussions, were completed for 566 households, 19 villages, equivalent to approximately 7.6% of the total number of households and 20% of villages o...
The CoLUPSIA project conducted an assessment of the potential of establishing payments for ecosystem services (PES) for two regencies in Indonesia. The objectives of the present study were to determine the feasibility of PES projects in the Central Moluccas regency, island of Seram, Moluccas, to assess whether there is potential for PES at our study sites and, if so, identify the opportunities, constraints, risks, risk mitigation and needed steps for future actions. The method used followed the CoLUPSIAs PES methodological guidelines (Fripp 2014).
This working paper presents the status of forest tenure in contemporary Indonesia; it explores how forest tenure reforms emerge and the options for formal approaches to securing customary rights in Indonesia. It also presents an overview and analysis of Indonesia's legal and institutional framework for tenure reform. Forest tenure reforms in Indonesia have evolved through dynamic, interactive, collaborative processes that have involved both State and non-State institutions. Both the processes and the products (such as policies and programs) of forest tenure reforms in Indonesia, such as the 1999 reforms that resulted in social forestry schemes, have not been effectively implemented in Indone...
Judul : Dinamika Agraria Dalam Perspektif Teologi, Sosial, Hukum Dan Budaya Pada Masyarakat Pesisir Dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil Penulis : Endriatmo Soetarto, Elia Maggang, Febby Nancy Patty, Johanna Silvana Talupun, Weldemina Yudit Tiwery, Fiktor Fadirsair, Sipora Blandina Warella, Flora Maunary, Karel M. Siahaya, Fransisca Jallie Pattiruhu, Marthina Tjoa, Iskar, Yamres Pakniany, Ronal Kevin Watloly, Agusthina Christina Kakiay, Ardiman Kelihu, Marthen L. Soplera, Franklin Untailawan, Junengsi Carli Dahoklory, Elvis Salouw, Belly I. Kristyowidi, Andris Noya, Josias Taihutu, dan Erlin Kiriwenno Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 280 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-730-8 No. E-ISBN : 978...
On development of agroforestry and agricultural innovations in Indonesia; papers of a seminar.
Kearifan lokal dapat menggambarkan identitas suatu kelompok masyarakat yang telah terinternalisasi secara turun-temurun. Namun, nilai-nilai kearifan lokal mengalami penyesuaian bahkan pergeseran seiring berkembangnya teknologi. Hal tersebut dapat menyebabkan kegagalan pengelolaan sumber daya alam (SDA) oleh masyarakat dan berdampak pada deforestasi dan degradasi hutan serta berbagai bencana lingkungan. Buku tentang pengalaman penelitian kearifan lokal di Maluku dari kalangan akademisi ini telah merangkai berbagai kekuatan dalam implementasi kearifan lokal bahkan peluang pengembangannya dalam mengelola SDA. Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat sebagai Daya Tarik Ekowisata menjelaskan bahwa keunikan nila...
POLITIK AGRARIA Suatu Bahasan Penguasaan Tanah; Petani Vs Negara dan Neoliberalisme PENULIS: Agus Hiplunudin ISBN : 978-623-91094-7-9 Sinopsis: Undang-undang Pokok Agraria atau populernya disebut UUPA dengan semangat berkobar disahkan Soekarno pada 24 September 1960. Kemudian, meletuslah sebuah gerakan berdarah atau dalam sejara kita kenal sebagai peristiwa Gerakan satu Oktober 1965 (Gestok) dan hal tersebut membuat UU ini tidak berfungsi sebagaimana mestinya, bahkan pemerintahan Orde Baru yang dimotori Soeharto menenggelamkannya bersama isue PKI. Gerakan untuk kembali menjalankan UUPA 1960 mulai berjalan pasca Soeharto lengser sejalan dengan gerakan reformasi di Indonesia. ...
On development of agroforestry towards global climatic changes in Indonesia.