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This text will appeal to anyone with an interest in buildings. Both interested layman and all types of building professional will benefit from the explanations given for the behaviour of structures as they form part of buildings. No prior knowledge is assumed and no mathematics is used.
Budget travel is what BUG guides are all about - no flash hotels and fancy banquets - just the most comprehensive information on backpackers' hostels and living it up without blowing the budget.
Budget travel is what BUG guides are all about - no flash hotels and fancy banquets - just the most comprehensive information on backpackers' hostels and living it up without blowing the budget.
Den midaldrende Mary Horton er godt tilfreds med sin komfortable, men ensomme tilværelse - lige indtil hun møder Tim. En billedskøn, ung mand, der mentalt er udviklet som et barn. De to udvikler et varmt venskab. Tim rusker op i Marys respektable, velordnede liv med det forbudte løfte om en ganske særlig kærlighed. "Tim er en af de smukkeste bøger, jeg nogen sinde har læst. Det er sjældent, man læser en bog, der viser forståelse for hver eneste person, lige fra hovedpersonen til birollerne, fordi hver især respekteres... Det er vanskeligt at fortælle om Mary Horton og Tim, da jeg med mine ord ikke ønsker at ødelægge nogen af de effekter, som Colleen McCullough har skabt. Hun og han vil komme til at indtage deres pladser i litteraturen og kan måske endog blive en del af sproget." Robert D. Hale, General Manager Hathaway House Bookshop Wellesley, Massachusetts
An entertaining cultural history and a highly original take on the power of stories in societies past and present. Trish Nicholson brings us a unique interweaving of literature and history seen through the eyes of storytellers, making a fascinating journey for general readers and students alike. From tales of the Bedouin, to Homer, Aesop and Valmiki, and from Celtic bards and Icelandic skalds to Chaucer, Rabelais, Shakespeare, Scott and Chekhov, some of the many storytellers featured will be familiar to you; others from Africa, Asia and the Pacific may be fresh discoveries. Beginning with oral tales of our foraging ancestors, the emergence of writing, the great migrations, the age of explora...
How real estate investors and speculators can take their business global The real estate boom has gone global, and those successful investors who want to keep up their profits are starting to look at emerging markets on other continents. Markets in South America, Eastern Europe, India, and Asia are currently experiencing the rapid growth that mature domestic markets experienced a few years ago. Based on the author's personal experience buying and selling dozens of overseas properties, this book provides all the relevant data investors need to evaluate properties and markets anywhere in the world. Colin Barrow (Hayle, Cornwall, UK) is a non-executive director of two venture capital funds and serves on the UK Government Task Force for Business.
Offers a huge range of affordable accommodation, shopping and eating options - Chapter on language - Detailed maps - Performing arts - Travel within the country - Arts and architecture - Religion.
Thoroughly revised and enlarged to include areas just recently opened to travelers, this guide features updated and expanded sections on accommodation and transportation options for a wide range of travel budgets and time frames. Includes 25 detailed maps of towns, cultural sites and regions, many for areas where no other maps exist. in full color.
Trevor Mayson har en plan. Familiefirmaet skal bygges op, og om et par år, når han er færdig med at løbe hornene af sig, vil han stifte familie. Men så får han øje på hende. Liz Hayes er smuk, genert og alt, hvad han overhovedet kan ønske sig … men hun passer ikke ind i planen. Trevor afviser og ydmyger hende, så Liz glemmer ham og kommer videre i sit liv. Men Trevor har svært ved at glemme hende. Det virker lidt, som om jo mere han prøver at holde sig væk, jo mere intense bliver hans følelser for hende. Og presset bliver sværere og sværere for ham at modstå. Liz Hayes er færdig med at vente på Trevor, og hun er ikke det mindste interesseret i at blive ydmyget igen. Men Trevor gør det svært for hende at glemme ham, med sin insisterende, kærlige og altopslugende måde at være på. Kan Trevor bevise over for Liz, at han er værd at forelske sig i igen, og er han klar til at ændre sine planer for at gøre plads til hende i sit liv?