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This book investigates the religious and social background of members of neo-pentecostal mega-churches in Lima, Peru. From a sociological perspective, it examines the social factors of religious mobility of neo-pentecostals to and between these churches. The book's findings address the question of whether religious mobility of neo-pentecostals serves as a springboard for upward social mobility. (Series: Beitrage zur Missionswissenschaft und Interkulturellen Theologie - Vol. 31) [Subject: Sociology, Religious Studies, Christianity, Pentecostalism, Latin America Studies]
In San Isidro, Lima, the only Jewish school in Peru stands on a street widely known as “Los Manzanos” (“The Apple Trees”) but whose name changes to “Maimonides” (the Jewish sage) depending on which sign you look at. As she takes us on a stroll through this six-block street and its different names, Dr. Romina Yalonetzky introduces readers to a physical microcosm of the intersection between Peruvian and Jewish identity, elucidated through the varied voices and experiences of Peruvian Jews. This book sheds a novel light on both Jewish and Peruvian identities.
In November 2014, the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) invited its member churches worldwide to examine firsthand each other's understanding of mission. The findings would then be used as a basis for an EMS Symposium on the theme of 'Mission Moves.' This was the starting point for four international EMS Team Visits to churches in Ghana, India, Indonesia and Germany, in 2015 and 2016, followed by the Symposium itself in June 2017. This book showcases some rare insights into what happens when churches with very different missiological backgrounds engage on a common path of internationalisation and growing together. Riley Edwards-Raudonat is the Africa Liaison Secretary at EMS. Originall...
Religious commitments can be a powerful engine for progressive social change, and in this new book, Raúl E. Zegarra examines the process of articulation of religious beliefs and political concerns that takes place in religious organizing and activism. Focusing on the example of Latin American liberation theology and the work of Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, Zegarra shows how liberation theology advocates have been able to produce a new balance between faith and politics that advances an agenda of progressive social change without reducing politics to faith or faith to politics. Drawing from theologian David Tracy's method of critical correlation, the book focuses on key historical...
Back cover: Robinson Crusoe, der 1719 erschienene Roman von Daniel Defoe, hat als Jugendbuch weltweite Wirkung gehabt: die Geschichte vom erfinderisch tätigen Menschen, der auf einsamer Insel die menschliche Kultur neu aufbaut. Auch seine Botschaft für erwachsene Leser hat vielfältige Deutungen gefunden: ist er das Dokument einer misanthropischen Neurose, der Inbegriff des welterobernden bürgerlichen homo oeconomicus, oder ein widerspenstiger Pilger in Gottes übergreifendem unentrinnbaren Plan? In seiner Komplexität ist er in neuer Lektüre auch für heutige Leser aktuell.
20.000 Menschen verloren am 11. März 2011 in einem verheerenden Tsunami an der Nordostküste Japans ihr Leben. Hunderttausende wurden heimatlos und mussten in Übergangssiedlungen leben. Zur Trauer um liebe Menschen kam der Schmerz der Entwurzelung. Was gibt Menschen angesichts solcher Katastrophen die Kraft, mit Hoffnung weiterzuleben? Welche Rolle spielt dabei die Kirche? Im Mittelpunkt dieser Studie stehen Berichte von Betroffenen der Tsunami-Katastrophe und die Erörterung, wie japanische Pastoren seelsorgerlich auf das Leid der Einzelnen reagieren. Dabei erweist sich ein japanisches Konzept von "Kuscheln" als tragfähige Größe und Ausdruck der Liebe Gottes angesichts des erfahrenen Leids.
This interdisciplinary book explores human rights in the Americas from multiple perspectives and fields. Taking 1492 as a point of departure, the text explores Eurocentric historiographies of human rights and offer a more complete understanding of the genealogy of the human rights discourse and its many manifestations in the Americas. The essays use a variety of approaches to reveal the larger contexts from which they emerge, providing a cross-sectional view of subjects, countries, methodologies and foci explicitly dedicated toward understanding historical factors and circumstances that have shaped human rights nationally and internationally within the Americas. The chapters explore diverse ...
Am 31. 8. 2012 schloss das "Missionsseminar Hermannsburg", 1837 als Missionsbildungsanstalt der Norddeutschen Missionsgesellschaft gegründet und 1849 über Bremen nach Hermannsburg verlegt und verselbständigt, nach 175 Jahren seine Pforten. Mit dem 1. 10. 2012 trat die "Fachhochschule für Interkulturelle Theologie (FIT)" unter veränderten Bedingungen die Nachfolge an. Die Geschichte der Ausbildung an Missionsseminaren ist bisher nur am Rande erforscht oder in Institutionsgeschichten von Missionsgesellschaften mit abgehandelt. Der vorliegende Band mötche mit den Beiträgen des Ludwig-Harms-Symposiums 2014 aus gegebenem Anlass weitere Forschungen anstoßen.
Presents the first major English translation of the ancient Upanis#ads in over half a century. Includes an introduction and note on the translation by the translator, a guide to Sanskrit pronunciation, and a list of names.
Since colonial days, religious work in American has happened through denominations. At least since the start of the twentieth century, these religious bodies consisted of a fairly tight, intra-denominationally connected system of congregations, regional judicatories, and national offices. This system was the product of more than two centuries of consolidation among Americanbs historic immigrant and indigenous churches. The vast majority of these structures are still in place, retain some semblance of internal coherence, have considerable social and religious significance, and will be with us for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, the stresses upon them today clearly indicate that they are entering an unsettled period of transition. The purpose of this book is to examine the national structures of eight diverse Protestant denominations as a part of that shift. The frame of this study is the relationship between the theological and organizational nature of national denominational structures as they adapt to the changing situation of the twenty-first century.