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The social and cultural challenges posed by the increasing threat to creation (climate change, destruction of biodiversity, etc.) are the starting point for new philosophical-ethical and theological reflections on the relationship between God, human beings and the world, as presented in this volume. God's creative impulse, which transforms anew, is at work in the actions of human beings and challenges us, in view of the threat to the "house of life" earth, to go new ways that make a common and good life possible. Creation and transformation are interrelated; an ecological theology of creation and practice of sustainability to be developed in the European context is to be embedded in the horizon of a global, liberating theology. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Margit Eckholt, professor of dogmatics and fundamental theology at the Institute of Catholic Theology / University of Osnabrück, president of the European Society for Catholic Theology
Moral Conversion in Scripture, Self, and Society offers a broad – historical, theological, and philosophical – reflection on the phenomenon of moral conversion. Examining life-changing transformations within trajectories of spiritual and moral growth, the contributors to this volume show how individuals move, or should move, in one way or another, away from the pursuit of solipsistic satisfactions, through the practice of self-awareness and the performance of social attentiveness, toward the prioritization of shared values. Together, they address the difficulty of realizing in selves and societies some sort of definitive moral conversion – of final turn toward the truly good. Contributors are: David Couturier, Matthew Dugandzic, Erik Eynikel, Aaron Gies, Patrick Jones, Angela Knobel, Daniel Lightsey, Peter Lovas, Giulia Lovison, Krijn Pansters, Hanna Roose, Anton ten Klooster, Willem Marie Speelman, Mark Therrien, Luke Togni, Brian Treanor, Louke van Wensveen, Archibald van Wieringen, and Jamie Washam.
What does it mean when Christians confess that Jesus was ‘born of the Virgin Mary’? This volume of essays, written by an international group of scholars, approaches this question from various perspectives. From examining the Old Testament backgrounds to exploring the Virgin Birth in various traditions and cultures, each chapter offers fresh perspectives. The contributors explore topics ranging from the Pre-Nicene tradition to modern cinematic interpretations, and from the perspectives of renowned theologians to interfaith dialogue with Islam and Hinduism. Engaging and thought-provoking, this volume promises to illuminate the significance of the Virgin Birth across diverse religious and cultural contexts.
In our times hope is called into question. The disintegration of economic systems, of states and societies, families, friendships, distrust in political structures, forces us to ask if hope has disappeared from the experience of today's men and women. In August 2019, up to 240 participants met at the international theological congress in Bratislava, Slovakia. The main lectures, congress sections and workshops aimed to provide a space for thinking about the central theme of hope in relation to philosophy, politics, pedagogy, social work, charity, interreligious dialogue and ecumenism.
The international research project on Musical Signification, since its founding over ten years ago, has sought to win new scholars to musical semiotics. To that end, the Department of Musicology at Helsinki University has already organized five international doctoral and postdoctoral seminars. They have become something of a tradition. The anthology consists of papers presented in the three first seminars covering areas from music philosophy and aesthetics to the analysis of vocal and instrumental as well as electro-acoustic music, interrelationships of arts, music history, post-modernism, etc.
Die technologischen Entwicklungen unserer Zeit erwecken den Eindruck, dass wir unseren Leib verbessern und seine Grenzen mit ihrer Hilfe überwinden können. Das hohe philosophische Interesse an der leiblichen Verfasstheit des Menschen ist möglicherweise eine Gegenreaktion auf diese Entwicklung. Dieser Band bietet theologische Perspektiven zu diesem Thema. Die Beiträge vertreten ein integratives Verständnis vom Menschen, zu dem Leiblichkeit als unabdingbare Charakteristik gehört. Sie zeigen, wie diese Leiblichkeit die Art und Weise bedingt, wie wir uns wahrnehmen und miteinander in Beziehung treten und wie sich diese Grundbedingung auch auf unsere Beziehung zu Gott auswirkt. Gegen eine einseitige Perspektive der Verbesserung des Körpers stellen die Autoren einen differenzierten Umgang mit dessen Verwundbarkeit. Die Beiträger stellen die Bedeutung der Leiblichkeit für den Vollzug der Liturgie und für ein zeitgemäßes Verständnis von christlicher Gemeinde und diakonischer Arbeit heraus.
Christmas exerts an enormous attraction today even apart from its Christian character as a celebration of the incarnation of God in the Person of Jesus. Even marginal or indifferent Christians crowd the churches on Christmas Eve and in highly commercialized and technologized Western societies the Christmas season is celebrated with enthousiasm. Yet Christmas entered the calendar of feasts relatively late, by 336 C.E., and the reason for its introduction and quick spread remain speculative and based on fragmentary evidence. Towards the Origins of Christmas addresses both the contemporary Western celebration of Christmas, and its deep historical roots in the church of the fourth century. The b...
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the virtues of evangelical life according to three major Franciscan authors: Francis of Assisi, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, and David of Augsburg. It is the first to offer a historical and source-based treatment of early Franciscan virtue discourse, by answering the following questions: How do the authors describe and prescribe the essential virtues for the life in the footsteps of Jesus Christ? How are the spiritual virtues acquired or lost? How do the development and application of these virtues shape “perfect” individuals as well as the “good” of the community? This work is a valuable contribution to our understanding of how the virtues functioned as central, organizing elements in early Franciscan literature and instruction.
"The conversation between music and theology, dormant for too long in recent years, is at last gathering pace. And rightly so. There will always be theologians who will regard music as a somewhat peripheral concern, too trivial to trouble the serious scholar, and in any case almost impossible to engage because of its notorious resistance to words and concepts. But an increasing number are discovering again what many of our forbears realized centuries ago, that the kinship between this pervasive feature of human life and the search for a Christian 'intelligence of faith' is intimate and ineradicable. Maeve Heaney's ambitious, wide-ranging, and energetic book pushes the conversation further fo...
How does the entrance song of the Mass function within the Roman Rite? What can it express theologically? What should Roman Catholics sing at the beginning of Mass? In this groundbreaking study, Jason McFarland answers these and other important questions by exploring the history and theology of the entrance song of Mass. After a careful history of the entrance song, he investigates its place in church documents. He proposes several models of the entrance song for liturgical celebration today. Finally, he offers a skillful theological analysis of the entrance song genre, focusing on the song for the Holy Thursday Evening Mass-arguably the most important entrance song of the entire liturgical year. Announcing the Feast provides the most comprehensive treatment of the Roman Rite entrance song to date. It is unique in that it bridges the disciplines of liturgical studies, musicology, and theological method.