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Buckler? Proost!
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 104

Buckler? Proost!


Live2Eat, Eat2Live
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 362

Live2Eat, Eat2Live

Forget diets. Beat addictions. Don't give up, but live up. If there would be a pill (without side effects) for guaranteed happiness, would you buy it? You probably would, because «being happy» is the highest goal of every human being, for which we sacrifice everything. Well, such a pill exists. It has no annoying side effects, it's FREE, and you have a «not good, money back» guarantee. It's not even difficult to get it: you have it in your hands right now, but it only works if you take a few pages every day. No starvation and torture sports in this book. Eating is a party and life is fun. If you want to get healthy, slim, fit, and happy, the best way is to slowly-but-surely change your habits. Twelve 7-course dinners full of information, about nutrition and healthy habits, invite you to take a step forward every month, with pleasure, just keep going, even after you have reached your goal. This way, everyone can do it. That is good news. Do you already feel a little happier? Of course you do. It's already working. And you haven't even bought the medicine yet.

Good Humor, Bad Taste
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 385

Good Humor, Bad Taste

This is an updated edition of Good Humor, Bad Taste: A Sociology of the Joke, published in 2006. Using a combination of interview materials, survey data, and historical materials, it explores the relationship between humor and gender, age, social class, and national differences in the Netherlands and the United States. This edition includes new developments and research findings in the field of humor studies.

De Kampioen
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 76

De Kampioen

  • Type: Magazine
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  • Published: 1993-01
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  • Publisher: Unknown

De Kampioen is the magazine of The Royal Dutch Touring Club ANWB in The Netherlands. It's published 10 times a year with a circulation of approximately 3,5 million copies.

The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 173

The Ten Principles Behind Great Customer Experiences

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2013-02-14
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  • Publisher: Pearson UK

Learn how to create a competitive advantage for your business by offering a customer experience that’s second to none! By following a simple “ten principles” format, this book will show you how to constantly improve and build your business. The combination of psychological theory, real world case studies, worked examples and template documents provides the ‘what, why and how’ necessary to make good ideas stick and get them into practical usage, so you can enhance your customers’ experiences and keep them returning again and again. Featuring lessons from a host of winning companies such as Facebook, Lush Cosmetics, Gü puddings and John Lewis, the book is littered with uncomplicated ideas which are simple to implement and accessible to anyone.

The Hippopotamus
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 418

The Hippopotamus

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2010-08-17
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  • Publisher: Random House

Ted Wallace is a sour, old, cantankerous beast, a womanising and whisky-sodden bounder of a failed poet and drama critic, but he has his faults too. Fired from his newspaper, months behind on his alimony payments and disgusted with a world that undervalues him, Ted seeks a few months' repose and free drink at Swafford Hall, the country mansion of his old friend Lord Logan. But strange things have been going on at Swafford. Miracles. Healings. Phenomena beyond the comprehension of a mud-caked hippopotamus like Ted. 'Clever...witty...not what it seems' The Times 'My goodness what fruity language Fry uses! You can feel his enjoyment, and also the huge force of his desire to please you, as you read this' Daily Mail

Het wilde westen
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 165

Het wilde westen

Het wilde westen is een compacte kroniek die begint op de valreep van 2000 en eindigt na de verkiezingen van 2003, met als brandpunt natuurlijk 'revolutiejaar 2002'. Allerlei grote en kleine verwikkelingen passeren in Het wilde westen de revue. De politieke moord. Het nationale trauma. De opstand der burgers. Het Huwelijk. De schijnbare restauratie. Maar ook: de dood van een popster annex knuffeljunk. De cakewalk van de PvdA. Literatuur op tv. Goede en slechte seks volgens de nieuw-Nederlandse etiquette. De kogelbrief als nationale Valentijnskaart. De edelkitsch van 's lands populaire cabaretier. De restauratie van de politieke porseleinkast in 2003. De hoofdrol in Het wilde westen is vanzelfsprekend voor de man die naar letter en geest ineens alomvertegenwoordigd was: Pim Fortuyn. Bij leven gold Fortuyn als een charismatische Don Quichot. Na zijn dood vergeleken zelfs zijn meest kritische beschouwers hem met Erasmus, Multatuli of Lord Byron. Was Pim Fortuyn inderdaad een on-Nederlands fenomeen? Of was hij met al zijn tegenstrijdigheden en in al zijn exaltatie juist typisch Nederlands? Welkom in Het wilde westen.

The Keeper
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 481

The Keeper

Vega Jane was always told no one could leave the town of Wormwood. She was told there was nothing outside but the Quag, a wilderness filled with danger and death. And she believed it - until the night she stumbled across a secret that proved that everything she knew was a lie.Now just one thing stands between Vega Jane and freedom - the Quag. In order to leave Wormwood and discover the truth about her world, Vega and her best friend Delph must find a way to make it across a terrifying land of bloodthirsty creatures and sinister magic. But the Quag is worse than Vega Jane's darkest imagining. It's a living, breathing prison designed to keep enemies out and the villagers of Wormwood in.The Quag will throw everything at Vega. It will try to break her. It will try to kill her. And survival might come at a price not even Vega is willing to pay.

Routledge Intensive Dutch Course
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 441

Routledge Intensive Dutch Course

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2015-06-03
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Taking students from beginner to intermediate level in one year, this lively and fast-paced foundation course in Dutch is designed for students with no previous knowledge of the language.

Het was maar een grapje
  • Language: nl
  • Pages: 299

Het was maar een grapje

De omgang met beroemde humorincidenten legt veel bloot over veranderende normen in de samenleving. ‘Humor is om te lachen’, zo luidt het cliché. Maar mensen kunnen zich er ook enorm kwaad over maken. Van Wim Sonnevelds Frater Venantius tot Koot en Bies Tegenpartij en Youp van ’t Heks pisnicht – stuk voor stuk vormden ze de aanleiding tot een fikse rel. Een publieke woede-uitbarsting over humor vertelt ons veel over de tijdsgeest, en over hoe die soms ineens omslaat. Aangevuurd door de (sociale) media kan de spanning hoog oplopen. In die cocktail van veranderende normen en waarden, hoge kijkcijfers en een sensatiebeluste pers is een humorschandaal snel geboren. In Het was maar een grapje duikt Ivo Nieuwenhuis in deze en andere gedenkwaardige Nederlandse humorrellen. Hij schetst aan de hand daarvan de culturele en maatschappelijke ontwikkelingen sinds de jaren vijftig.