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É com grande satisfação que apresentamos a segunda edição do livro “Atualizações em Medicina: Associações entre Condições e Novas Perspectivas”. Nesta obra, reunimos uma coletânea de capítulos que abordam temas relevantes e atuais no campo da medicina, oferecendo aos leitores uma visão abrangente e aprofundada sobre diferentes aspectos das condições médicas e suas inter-relações. A compreensão do constante avanço da medicina é crucial para uma prática clínica eficaz. Portanto, é fundamental identificar associações e sua aplicabilidade na rotina clínica, fundamentando-se na contínua atualização do conhecimento. Nesta segunda versão, ampliamos nossa abordage...
Nesta primeira edição do livro “Tópicos em especialidades médicas: associações, diagnósticos e tratamentos”, apresentamos resultados referente a análise da literatura atual, que revelam associações entre diversas doenças, como a migrânea e a depressão, além de avanços no diagnóstico e no manejo de condições como acalasia, psoríase, psicose puerperal, entre outras. Esta obra visa atualizar e enriquecer as discussões médicas, reforçando a importância do estudo e da pesquisa para a evolução da medicina e para garantir melhor qualidade do atendimento à saúde, especialmente quando se trata de associações ou condições não completamente elucidadas pela literatura disponível, e que frequentemente são subjugadas ou tendem a passar despercebidas. A presente obra fornece, através da sua leitura, uma fonte de conhecimento fidedigna para o engrandecimento de profissionais e acadêmicos das áreas da saúde.
Vol 6 of Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management aims to advance knowledge of the governance and management of corporate environmental impacts and the accounting for these.
Como o próprio título do livro anuncia, a questão do “Estágio curricular supervisionado” e “Filosofia”, analisadas a partir das “percepções de licenciandos e de professores”, é refletida na obra a partir do esforço e aprendizagens desse percurso em buscar apresentar valiosas reflexões sobre as possíveis contribuições do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado em Filosofia na formação do futuro professor dessa disciplina. Profa. Dra. Ana Lúcia Pereira Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa
Unprecedented initiative in the world, the book compiles the available knowledge on the subject and presents the state-of-the-art in paleoparasitology – term coined about 30 years ago by Brazilian Fiocruz researcher Luiz Fernando Ferreira, pioneer in this science which is concerned with the study of parasites in the past. Multidisciplinary by essence, paleoparasitology gathers contributions from social scientists, biologists, historians, archaeologists, pharmacists, doctors and many other professionals, either in biomedical or humanities fields. With varied applications such as in evolutionary or migration studies, their results often depend on the association between laboratory findings and cultural remains. The book is divided into four parts - Parasites, Hosts, and Human Environment; Parasites Remains Preserved in Various Materials and Techniques in Microscopy and Molecular Diagnostics; Parasite Findings in Archeological Remains: a paleographic view; and Special Studies and Perspectives. Signed by authors from various countries such as Argentina, USA, Germany and France, the book has chapters devoted to the discoveries of paleoparasitology on all continents.
Being a first of its kind, this volume comprises a multi-disciplinary exploration of Mozambique’s contemporary and historical dynamics, bringing together scholars from across the globe. Focusing on the country’s vibrant cultural, political, economic and social world – including the transition from the colonial to the postcolonial era – the book argues that Mozambique is a country still emergent, still unfolding, still on the move. Drawing on the disciplines of history, literature studies, anthropology, political science, economy and art history, the book serves not only as a generous introduction to Mozambique but also as a case study of a southern African country. Contributors are: Signe Arnfred, Bjørn Enge Bertelsen, José Luís Cabaço, Ana Bénard da Costa, Anna Maria Gentili, Ana Margarida Fonseca, Randi Kaarhus, Sheila Pereira Khan, Maria Paula Meneses, Lia Quartapelle, Amy Schwartzott, Leonor Simas-Almeida, Anne Sletsjøe, Sandra Sousa, Linda van de Kamp.
One of the most fundamental questions for social scientists involves diffusion events; simply put, how do ideas spread and why do people embrace them? In Diffusion of Good Government: Social Sector Reforms in Brazil, Natasha Borges Sugiyama examines why innovations spread across political territories and what motivates politicians to adopt them. Sugiyama does so from the vantage point of Brazilian politics, a home to innovative social sector reforms intended to provide the poor with access to state resources. Since the late 1980s, the country has undergone major policy transformations as local governments have gained political, fiscal, and administrative autonomy. For the poor and other vuln...
Nanophytomedicine is a branch of medicine that involves the application of nanomedicine-based systems to phytotherapy and phytopharmacology and the use of phytonanoparticles for biomedical applications. Nanophytomedicine covers recent advances in experimental and theoretical studies on various properties of nanoparticles derived from plant sources. This book assesses the recent advancements and applications of plant-based nanoparticles and also highlights emerging concepts of biomimetics. The book contains 24 chapters encompassing various therapeutic applications of phytochemicals derived from plants, ferns, seaweeds, and so on, mediated through nanotechnology and its allied approaches. A fervent attempt has been made to compile every significant advancement in the field of phytonanomedicine so as to accelerate its momentum in the pharmaceutical sector.