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Themenheft 35: Media Literacy as Intergenerational Project: Skills, Norms, and Mediation. Herausgegeben von Claudia Riesmeyer, Thorsten Naab, Anne-Linda Camerini, Ruth Festl und Christine Dallmann
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic has dramatically spread throughout the world, which has also caused mental health problems among the public, especially vulnerable groups like children and adolescents. As a traumatic event, the outbreak of COVID-19 might increase the prevalence of a series of mental health problems in children and adolescents probably due to social distancing, school closures, as well as separation from parents, and home quarantine. The continuing spreading of COVID-19 infection, as well as vaccine uptake strategies, quarantine policies, and health services during post epidemic era may also have a long-lasting side effect on children and adolescents. Children...
How children engage with technology at each stage of development, from toddler to twentysomething, and how they can best be supported. What happens to the little ones, the tweens, and the teenagers, when technology—ubiquitous in the world they inhabit—becomes a critical part of their lives? This timely book Technology's Child brings much-needed clarity to what we know about technology’s role in child development. Better yet, it provides guidance on how to use what we know to help children of all ages make the most of their digital experiences. From toddlers who are exploring their immediate environment to twentysomethings who are exploring their place in society, technology inevitably ...
"My Girls explores the overlooked yet transformative power of female friendship in a low-income Boston-area neighborhood. In this innovative and compassionate book, researcher Jasmin Sandelson joins teenage girls in their homes, at their hangouts and parties, and online to show how they use their connections to secure the care and support that adults in their lives can't give. Friendships among young people in poor, urban communities are often framed as 'risky'--sources of peer pressure and conflict. In a new, positive take that reveals the primacy of phones and social media in contemporary friendships, Sandelson demonstrates how girls look to one another to battle boredom, strengthen self-esteem, and process trauma and grief. This illuminating study--one of the first to combine digital and in-person fieldwork--blends firsthand stories with tweets, Snaps, and Instagram and Facebook posts. My Girls places young women of color at the center of their own stories to illuminate the worlds of love and care they create"--
The precise measurement of media use and exposure to media content posits currently one of the main methodological challenges in communication research. Against this background, new communication technologies have been gaining particular importance because they change existing patterns of media use and create new types of media use. At the same time, these technologies do not only present a challenge for communication research, but they also provide new opportunities for the assessment of media use. The volume regards current developments and trends in the measurement of media use and exposure from various perspectives. Contributions deal with the refinement and advancement of classical approaches, and new methods and measures of assessing media use are introduced and evaluated. They also discuss the advantages and challenges of using online behavioral data as indicators for media exposure. Contributions tackle questions how different methods of measuring media use and exposure can be combined to gain a more accurate picture and what pitfalls can occur.
er Austausch von Informationen über Gesundheit und Krankheit wird immer wichtiger. Das breite Themenspektrum ist nicht nur in massenmedialen Informationsund Unterhaltungsformaten überaus präsent, auch die Alltagskommunikation ist von Gesundheits- und Krankheitsthemen geprägt. Neben die direkten persönlichen Kommunikationsformen treten heute vor allem online-basierte Wege des Austauschs. Moderne Interaktions- und Kommunikationstechniken beeinflussen inzwischen den gesamten Gesundheitsmarkt und alle Sektoren der Versorgung - von der Gesundheitsförderung und Prävention über die medizinische und psychotherapeutische Behandlung bis hin zu Rehabilitation und Pflege. Das fachliche Wissen hi...
Il tema del vero e del falso appare di particolare attualità in un’epoca, la nostra, denominata ambiguamente “della post-verità”, in cui le false notizie non sono più confinate in controversie circoscritte, ma caratterizzano veri e propri scontri di civiltà e condizionano profondamente le nostre scelte e i nostri comportamenti. Altro aspetto rilevante riguarda il profondo impatto che stanno avendo le nuove tecnologie digitali che, se da una parte ampliano le possibilità di interazione, dall’altra pongono problemi etici rilevanti per le possibilità, sempre più sofisticate, di falsificare dati e immagini nel mondo virtuale, che domina ormai le nostre vite. D’altronde, le interpretazioni dei meccanismi dell’inganno e dell’auto-inganno stanno ricevendo negli ultimi anni interessanti chiavi di lettura da parte delle neuroscienze, aprendo inedite prospettive in campo neuroetico. Il libro cerca, raccogliendo i contributi di studiosi operanti in diverse aree e discipline, di discutere criticamente di queste problematiche, partendo dalle loro radici storiche.
Digital media are normal. But this was not always true. For a long time, lay discourse, academic exhortations, pop culture narratives, and advocacy groups constructed new Information and communications technologies (ICTs) as exceptional. Whether they were believed to be revolutionary, dangerous, rife with opportunity, or other-worldly, these tools and technologies were framed as extraordinary. But digital media are now mundane, thoroughly embedded - and often unquestioned - in everyday life. Digital ICTs are enmeshed in health and wellness, work and organizations, elections, capital flows, intimate relationships, social movements, and even our own identities. And although the study of these ...
In diesem Buch werden Herausforderungen durch digitale Medien für das Aufwachsen von Kindern und Jugendlichen und Handlungsmöglichkeiten für die Soziale Arbeit dargestellt: Wie kann eine altersgerechte Mediennutzung gewährleistet werden? Wie können Minderjährige gestärkt werden, damit sie sich in den sozialen Medien sicherer bewegen? Welche sozialpädagogischen Handlungsansätze gibt es, um zum Beispiel auf übermäßiges Gaming oder problematischen Pornokonsum zu antworten? Die Autor*innen befassen sich außerdem mit Interventionsmöglichkeiten gegen Cybermobbing und sexualisierte Gewalt im Internet sowie mit Herangehensweisen beim Erkennen und bei der Abwendung digitaler Kindeswohlgefährdungen. Auch erlebte Herausforderungen und Grenzen von Fachkräften und Organisationen werden diskutiert.
Inklusive Medienbildung in einer mediatisierten Welt: Medienpädagogische Perspektiven auf ein interprofessionelles Forschungsfeld Der Umgang mit Vielfalt in der Gesellschaft und die heterogenen Lern- und Entwicklungsvoraussetzungen von Heranwachsenden stellen neben der Diskussion um digitale Bildung eine zentrale Herausforderung für Professionelle in pädagogischen Kontexten dar. Dabei ist gesellschaftliche Teilhabe als Zieldimensionen von Inklusion angesichts aktueller Alltags- und Lebenswelten zunehmend an Medien gebunden. Medienbildung leistet einen substanziellen Beitrag zur Inklusion. Zudem trägt Inklusion zur Weiterentwicklung digitaler Bildung bei, wenn etwa durch Barrierefreiheit und Universal Design Medien so gestaltet und eingesetzt werden, dass sie für alle nutzbar sind. Der vorliegende Band zeigt anhand theoretischer, empirischer und praxisorientierter Perspektiven auf, wie die Diskurse um digitale und inklusive Bildung zusammengedacht werden können. Neben Behinderung und sonderpädagogischer Förderung werden weitere Differenzlinien wie Alter, Geschlecht, Herkunft und soziale Lage einbezogen.