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O Teatro Circo -o primeiro grupo galego de Teatro Independente- desenvolveu a súa actividade entre 1967 e 1978. Neses once anos de existencia, o colectivo coruñés desempeñou innúmeras tarefas en diversos ámbitos relacionados co noso teatro, converténdose nun instrumento decisivo na restauración da dramaturxia galega durante o Franquismo e na súa posterior evolución. Así, esta agrupación non só virou un referente nos palcos, mais tamén se ocupou de aspectos como a formación integral dos seus membros á volta do feito teatral e o enriquecemento da literatura dramática galega -encenando textos de autores novos, reactivando pezas dos clásicos ou dando a coñecer no noso idioma o...
Theatre and Dictatorship in the Luso-Hispanic World explores the discourses that have linked theatrical performance and prevailing dictatorial regimes across Spain, Portugal and their former colonies. These are divided into three different approaches to theatre itself - as cultural practice, as performance, and as textual artifact - addressing topics including obedience, resistance, authoritarian policies, theatre business, exile, violence, memory, trauma, nationalism, and postcolonialism. This book draws together a diverse range of methodological approaches to foreground the effects and constraints of dictatorship on theatrical expression and how theatre responds to these impositions.
O legado cultural da Antigüidade Grecolatina espalla a súa enorme influencia por todo o mundo occidental ata os nosos días e, aínda que penetra con certas dificultades na literatura galega, é un dos máis destacados alicerces temáticos do teatro galego dos séculos XX e XXI. Os mitos e as lendas do mundo grecolatino, os episodios históricos da época antiga, as ideas dos seus grandes filósofos ou as obras tráxicas e cómicas reviven nas achegas dramáticas de Manuel Lourenzo, Isaac Díaz Pardo, Millán Picouto, María Xosé Queizán, Xosé Manuel Rodríguez Pampín ou Luz Pozo Garza, entre outras moitas figuras de renome da nosa literatura contemporánea. Melpómene entre nós é un ensaio que afonda nas polimorfas reinterpretacións da tradición clásica a través da ollada dos nosos dramaturgos e das nosas dramaturgas, unha obra que se constrúe sobre a análise e o comentario dunha ampla selecta de textos teatrais dende unha perspectiva filolóxica e que busca reivindicar a literatura dramática inspirada nos modelos clásicos para o canon das nosas letras
The Manual of Galician Linguistics provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the current situation of the Galician language and introduces its readers to the most important topics of current linguistic research on Galician. Thevolume includes chapters covering diachronic and synchronic descriptions of all main areas of language structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and lexicology), as well chapters on social and regional variation, language contact, sociolinguistics, language variation and other interesting areas of linguistic research. Rich in descriptive details and grounded in modern linguistic theory, this manual will be an essential research tool for students and researchers who are interested in the Galician language and in Romance linguistics. The preparation of this work has been partially funded through grants from the Ministerio de Cultura of the Government of Spain to the Instituto da Lingua Galega, and from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade of the Xunta de Galicia to the research group Filoloxía e Lingüística Galega of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (ED431C 2021/20).
This handbook is structured in two parts: it provides, on the one hand, a comprehensive (synchronic) overview of the phonetics and phonology (including prosody) of a breadth of Romance languages and focuses, on the other hand, on central topics of research in Romance segmental and suprasegmental phonology, including comparative and diachronic perspectives. Phonetics and phonology have always been a core discipline in Romance linguistics: the wide synchronic variety of languages and dialects derived from spoken Latin is extensively explored in numerous corpus and atlas projects, and for quite a few of these varieties there is also more or less ample documentation of at least some of their diachronic stages. This rich empirical database offers excellent testing grounds for different theoretical approaches and allows for substantial insights into phonological structuring as well as into (incipient, ongoing, or concluded) processes of phonological change. The volume can be read both as a state-of-the-art report of research in the field and as a manual of Romance languages with special emphasis on the key topics of phonetics and phonology.
The Routledge Handbook of Portuguese Phonology provides an up-to-date description of the Portuguese phonological system, including a thorough account of the fundamental concepts, data, and previous explanations, as well as the status quaestionis, directions for future research, and further reading. Divided into five parts with contributions from leading international scholars and rising stars, the book’s 23 chapters provide a thorough account of the Portuguese sound system and a range of perspectives on Portuguese phonology. This is the most comprehensive volume on Portuguese phonology written in English, and it delves into the most pressing issues and challenges regarding a wide variety of topics, such as segmental and suprasegmental phenomena; aspects concerning the interfaces between phonology and other linguistic domains; and issues on synchronic variation, diachronic change, acquisition, and the teaching of Portuguese speech prosody to non-native learners. This in-depth resource will be invaluable for researchers and advanced students of Portuguese language and linguistics, as well as those interested in phonology and linguistics more broadly.
A obra dramática de Roberto Vidal Bolaño é o relato da carismática procura dunha poética teatral propia. O libro traduce en termos divulgativos unha complexa aventura artística seguindo o rastro dun creador xenial que ilumina os vinte e cinco anos finais do segundo milenio. Neste alambique destílase un insólito fenómeno cultural colectivo, metonimia da vitalidade dun ambiente social ben próximo aínda que xa admite unha visión histórica. O volume iníciase reivindicando o valor do autor e reconstruíndo a súa carreira para logo catalogar e clasificar as súas obras, avanzando unha lectura temática dos proxectos en que empeñou a vida. A proposta remata esgotando a análise dun proxecto, a primeira superprodución plenamente galega, Agasallo de sombras. Deste modo supérase o perfil externo e penétrase no obradoiro creativo do autor mediante a reconstrución virtual dos procesos de creación e explotación escénica e a análise dos textos desde dous focos complementarios, o dramatolóxico e o teórico-crítico.