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Putem vorbi, într-o accepţie mai largă, despre Logos şi erezie prin atragerea şi includerea în limbajul teologic al jocului raţiunii în actul de filosofare, ca identitate deplin configurată şi deschisă alterităţii, fără a permite acesteia din urmă să pătrundă în individul autosuficient prin universalitatea şi dimensiunea ei transcendentă atotţiitoare. Şi totuşi, această deschidere spre celălalt nu se poate realiza prin cuvinte doar, ci prin iubirea-fiinţă, fiinţă ca persoană, Persoană divină ce irumpe luminos în fenomenalitatea umană şi mundană spre a o conştientiza de propria identitate în comuniunea transfiguratoare, mistică şi mântuitoare.
This wide-ranging survey of issues in intercultural language teaching and learning covers everything from core concepts to program evaluation, and advocates a fluid, responsive approach to teaching language that reflects its central role in fostering intercultural understanding. Includes coverage of theoretical issues defining language, culture, and communication, as well as practice-driven issues such as classroom interactions, technologies, programs, and language assessment Examines systematically the components of language teaching: language itself, meaning, culture, learning, communicating, and assessments, and puts them in social and cultural context Features numerous examples throughout, drawn from various languages, international contexts, and frameworks Incorporates a decade of in-depth research and detailed documentation from the authors’ collaborative work with practicing teachers Provides a much-needed addition to the sparse literature on intercultural aspects of language education
In this volume, Costache endeavours to map the world as it was understood and experienced by the early Christians. Progressing from initial fears, they came to adopt a more positive view of the world through successive shifts of perception. This did not happen overnight. Tracing these shifts, Costache considers the world of the early Christians through an interdisciplinary lens, revealing its meaningful complexity. He demonstrates that the early Christian worldview developed at the nexus of several perspectives. What facilitated this process was above all the experience of contemplating nature. When accompanied by genuine personal transformation, natural contemplation fostered the theological interpretation of the world as it had been known to the ancients.
There is an odd contradiction at the heart of language and culture learning: Language and culture are, so to speak, two sides of a single coin—language reflects the thinking, values and worldview of its speakers. Despite this, there is a persistent split between language and culture in the classroom. Foreign language pedagogy is often conceptualized in terms of gaining knowledge and practicing skills, while cultural learning goals are often conceptualized in abstract terms, such as awareness or criticality. This book helps resolve this dilemma. Informed by brain and mind sciences, its core message is that language and culture learning can both be seen as a single, interrelated process—th...
This book examines student identities as revealed through the pragmatics of face as observed in the context of English L2 classroom interaction between Japanese students and a native speaker teacher. Classroom recordings together with retrospective interviews reveal specific points during learning activities when the students’ and their teacher’s interpretations of classroom communication deviate from what was intended. This research study is a potent reminder that what students and teachers may consider as standard and conventionally acceptable language use and behaviour within the classroom context can differ dramatically according to social, cultural and individual frames of reference. The book outlines an innovative teacher professional development programme which encourages teachers to reflect on and, where desired, modify or discontinue existing pedagogic practices.
Given the economic, social and historical changes of recent years, education today needs a re-thinking of its methodologies and goals. This book presents an innovative approach to language and culture teaching and learning in a context of full-immersion: EUFICCS (European Use of Full-Immersion, Culture, Content and Service) . Only thanks to a comprehensive and holistic way of conceiving the educational path, based on the practice of reflection, can students be empowered with those intercultural and democratic competences necessary to function as future global citizens. The EUFICCS approach offers some guidelines that can be applicable in several educational contexts, all around the globe. This publication is specifically addressed to educators, language and content teachers and all education practitioners, but it also discusses more general issues, such as interculturality, relations with the other, and service in the community.
Internationales Jahrbuch für europäische Soziolinguistik.
RAMONA ARDELEAN (n. 1972) este licențiată a Facultății de Filozofie, Universitatea din București, și doctor în filozofie în cadrul aceleiași universități. Deține o diplomă de master în psihanaliză și este, actualmente, lector universitar asociat la Universitatea Tehnică de Construcții din București. A fost redactor la revista Cultura. A publicat numeroase articole de atitudine intelectuală în reviste de cultură, precum Timpul, Cultura, Contemporanul și Dilema veche, precum și o serie de articole științifice în prestigioase reviste de specialitate din țară și străinătate, A publicat cartea Scandalul nedreptății. Eseuri de metafizică morală, Editura Fundației Academice Axis, Iași, 2016. A tradus și îngrijit, de asemenea, mai multe colecții și cărți din limba engleză, cum ar fi : Wilhelm Bousset, Antihristul: Mărturii ale Bibliei și tradiției, Herald, București, 2010, Rosarium Philosophorum (Grădina Filosofilor), Herald, București, 2008, Wilhelm Bousset, Legenda Antihristului, Herald, București, 2006, Sir Archibald Cockren, Alchimia: Maestrul și Marea Operă, Herald, București, 2005.