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Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition explores thiamine and how its deficiency affects the functions of the brainstem and autonomic nervous system by way of metabolic changes at the level of the mitochondria. Thiamine deficiency derails mitochondrial oxidative metabolism and gives rise to the classic disease of beriberi that, in its early stages, can be considered the prototype for a set of disorders that we now recognize as dysautonomia. This book represents the life's work of the senior author, Dr. Derrick Lonsdale, and a recent collaboration with his co-author Dr. Chandler Marrs. - Presents clinical experience and animal research that have answered questions about thiamine chemistry - Demonstrates that the consumption of empty calories can result in clinical effects that lead to misdiagnosis - Addresses the biochemical changes induced by vitamin deficiency, particularly that of thiamine
EN ÖNEMLİ 40 POLİSİYE ROMANI NOTOS’UN 17. BÜYÜK SORUŞTURMASI • Ian Fleming ve Raymond Chandler söyleşisi: “Bir cinayet nasıl tasarlanıyor?” • Kadire Bozkurt ile söyleşi: “Hikâye ancak düzen bozulunca başlar.” • James Joyce: Rönesansın Evrensel Edebi Etkisi Notos her yıl farklı bir konuda düzenlediği geleneksel yıllık soruşturmalarının on yedincisinin sonuçlarını Mayıs-Haziran, 96. sayısında açıkladı. Bu yılki soruşturmanın konusu edebiyat türleri arasında öteden beri ilgi gören polisiye türünde yayımlanmış romanlarla ilgili. Soruşturmanın sonunda ortaya bütün meraklıları için bakılacak, izlenecek, değerlendirilecek bir ...
Cumhuriyet tarihinin en uzun süreli eğitim bakanı Hasan Âli Yücel hakkında etraflı bir biyografi. Yücel’in özdeşleştiği etkili bakanlık icraatı, başta hümanist kültür mirasıyla ilgili çeviri seferberliği ve Köy Enstitüleri tecrübesi, kitabın uzun bir bölümünü oluşturuyor. Fakat sadece o değil. Yücel’in milliyetçilik anlayışı, Kemalizm yorumları, dindarlığı anlama ve yaşama biçimi, geniş yer tutuyor. Bu arada onun üslûbuna ve meşrebine özel bir ilgiyle eğilerek... Hasan Âli Yücel’in düşman imgesi olarak, anti-komünist tehdit ve nefret söyleminin gözde bir malzemesi olarak gördüğü işlev de ele alınıyor. Çalışma esasen bir entelektüel biyografi özelliği taşıyor; yazdıklarına, söylediklerine yoğunlaşarak, Yücel’in düşünce dünyasında bir gezinti.
Analyzes Muslim countries' contemporary problems, particularly violence, authoritarianism, and underdevelopment, comparing their historical levels of development with Western Europe.
The main characteristic that distinguishes this book from its peers is that it contributes to the literature by combining multi-faceted information and different topics from sub-disciplines in the field of economic and administrative sciences. To illustrate, from one side, the book provides useful information on the social, political, cultural, and environmental studies, on the other side, it offers evaluation of the current macroeconomic issues for the World and Turkey’s economy. Thus, students and all readers who are interested in these topics would be able to comprehend all the related areas more easily by making connections with current developments and taking advantage of the examples in the book. In addition, the book provides convenience to reades with its classification in 5 main chapters and with its fluent and simple narrative. Therefore, this book is a study that can be used by all segments of society who are interested in socio-economic developments and changes.
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment Methods in Basic Medical Sciences
Turkish Ecocriticism: From Neolithic to Contemporary Timescapes explores the values, perceptions, and transformations of the environment, ecology, and nature in Turkish culture, literature, and the arts. Through these themes, it examines historical and contemporary environmentally engaged literary and cultural traditions in Turkey. The volume re-imagines Turkey in its geo-social and ecocultural narratives of multiple connections and complexities, in its multi-faceted webs of histories, and in its rich multispecies stories.
In the 1950s, Nobel Prize winner Dr. E. Donnall Thomas was the first to successfully transplant hematopoietic stem cells. Since then, studies on stem cells have evolved and expanded worldwide. There are more than 650,000 scientific publications on stem cells and more than 8000 stem cell clinical trials. This book summarizes types of stem cells, key studies, ongoing trials, and future perspectives. It also includes ethical, formal, and legal aspects to give the reader a comprehensive view of the field.