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Blogs, edublogs o quaderns de bitàcola; fa escassament quatre anys, uns quants professors pioners van començar a introduir-los en l'àmbit escolar. L'evolució d'aquest fenomen ha estat espectacular i cada vegada són més els serveis i recursos disponibles. Aquest dossier té com a finalitat considerar els seus usos i possibilitats educatives dels blogs. Alhora, aquesta anàlisi es veu recolzada per una col·lecció d'experiències reals de professors i professores que l'han estat utilitzant i que expliquen els detalls de la seva aplicació didàctica.
La rápida adopción de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, en todos los entornos sociales, ha comportado que las interacciones entre grupos dejen de circunscribirse en un espacio y tiempo determinados para tener lugar en cualquier parte y a cualquier hora. Presenta, pues, este libro una selección de casos que ilustran el uso de la red en contextos de interacción grupal. Veremos en ellos, por ejemplo, cómo la red permite poner en contacto a familiares de niños y niñas con enfermedades crónicas; veremos compartir experiencias y formación en una administración pública; o a una madre de un bebé en lactancia participando cómodamente desde su casa en un pleno del ayuntamiento junto con otros ciudadanos. Se trata de un libro que invita a trasponer a nuestro propio caso la experiencia de quienes nos precedieron en el arte de la acción comunitaria.
Blogs, edublogs o quaderns de bitàcola; fa escassament quatre anys, uns quants professors pioners van començar a introduir-los en l'àmbit escolar. L'evolució d'aquest fenomen ha estat espectacular i cada vegada són més els serveis i recursos disponibles. Partint de la seva contextualització en la web 2.0, el blog es descriu com a sistema de gestió de continguts amb una dimensió social i comunicativa molt important. El blog és, en primer lloc, un mitjà de comunicació que pot contribuir a enriquir les interaccions entre els alumnes i entre aquests i el professor per afavorir aprenentatges actius. A més, el blog permet establir comunicació amb persones i grups situats més enllà ...
This volume is the first to aim at summarizing all of the scientific literature published so far regarding male-female differences and similarities, not only in behavior, but also in basic biology, physiology, health, perceptions, emotions, and attitudes. Results from over 18,000 studies have been condensed into more than 1,900 tables, with each table pertaining to a specific possible sex difference. Even research pertaining to how men and women are perceived (stereotyped) as being different is covered. Throughout this book's eleven years in preparation, no exclusions were made in terms of subject areas, cultures, time periods, or even species. The book is accompanied by downloadable resources containing all 18,000+ references cited in the book. Sex Differences is a monumental resource for any researcher, student, or professional who requires an assessment of the weight of evidence that currently exists regarding any sex difference of interest. It is also suitable as a text in graduate courses pertaining to gender or human sexuality.
Traces the childhood, education, and career of H.A. Rey.
This established text is the only introduction to qualitative research methodologies in the field of library and information management. Its extensive coverage encompasses all aspects of qualitative research work from conception to completion, and all types of study in a variety of settings from multi-site projects to data organization. The book features many case studies and examples, and offers a comprehensive manual of practice designed for LIS professionals. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and includes three new chapters. It has been updated to take account of the substantial growth in the amount and quality of web-based information relevant to qualitative research methods a...
Food and eating practices are central to current sociological and anthropological concerns about the body, health, consumption, and identity. This study explores the importance of these themes as they intersect with processes of globalization and cultural production within a specific group of consumers, British Sh'ite Iranians. Through the analysis of the consumption practices of this particular migrant group, this book illustrates how both the nutritional value and symbolic significance of food contribute to its health-giving properties and how gender and ethnic identities are preformed and reinforced through the medium of food-work in public and private spheres. At the same time, as this study demonstrates, migration modifies and transfigures such identities and produces hybrid cultures and cuisines.
This book introduces the human right to adequate food and nutrition as evolving concept and identifies two structural "disconnects" fueling food insecurity for a billion people, and disproportionally affecting women, children, and rural food producers: the separation of women’s rights from their right to adequate food and nutrition, and the fragmented attention to food as commodity and the medicalization of nutritional health. Three conditions arising from these disconnects are discussed: structural violence and discrimination frustrating the realization of women’s human rights, as well as their private and public contributions to food and nutrition security for all; many women’s exper...
Sheds light on the history of food, cooking, and eating. This collection of essays investigates the connections between food studies and women's studies. From women in colonial India to Armenian American feminists, these essays show how food has served as a means to assert independence and personal identity.