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Turkey’s position as the only Muslim-majority member of NATO, coupled with its pivotal role in pursuing Western interests in the Middle East and Western Europe, has attracted significant scholarly attention, particularly in the fields of diplomatic and international relations history. In contrast, the cultural and ideological dimensions of the Cold War have begun to be studied systematically only in recent years. In this light, the book is an attempt to present to an international audience some tassels of the complex mosaic of Turkey’s Cold War by focusing on its cultural and ideological dimensions. Adopting a variety of disciplinary approaches, the essays in this collection examine the interconnections between politics and culture, the anti-communist intellectual landscape, and the role of cultural production and the media, questioning how the global dynamics of the Cold War affected political, cultural, and social change in Turkey.
La paura della morte, ultima fra le “cose ultime” (ἔσχατα) a resistere al naufragio della metafisica. Il timore dell’ignoto – lo stesso che ha spinto gli antichi a crearsi i propri dèi – capace di annichilire l’intelletto ai limiti della paralisi, oppure di ottunderlo in una sorta di trance estatica. Lo spavento che può cogliere chi fissa in volto la bellezza. E i terrori della notte, quando capita che il buio e la memoria trasfigurino un banale scorcio di campagna in un crocicchio dell’antica Tessaglia: quelle paure senza appello, inaccessibili alla verbalizzazione, che tormentano e a volte uccidono i bambini piccoli, ritrovati morti tra le convulsioni. Il tema della ...
Entre los malos sueños y los espacios infinitos se gestó en el difícil período de reclusión a que obligó la pandemia de la Covid 19, de ahí su título. Se encontrará en este volumen un conjunto de reseñas, artículos y ensayos acerca de obras pertenecientes a diferentes momentos de la literatura universal, organizados en dos capítulos que se distinguen por la naturaleza de sus aproximaciones: en el primero, una serie de lecturas comentadas que enfatizan la actualidad de los textos objetos de reflexión, o su conexión con sentimientos y vivencias propias del ser humano de todos los tiempos; en el segundo, se ahondan y multiplican las interrogaciones a los textos, acentuando y prolo...
Este volume é formado por trinta e dois trabalhos reelaborados e previamente apresentados no Seminário Internacional Machado de Assis, a complexidade de um clássico, realizado na Sapienza Universidade de Roma, em 2023. Nele estão presentes não só os principais especialistas machadianos, como também jovens estudiosos de vinte e cinco universidades brasileiras, americanas e europeias. Machado de Assis, o mais importante escritor brasileiro, coloca-se na segunda metade do século XIX. Moderno avant la lettre, cético quanto ao cientificismo da moda, com uma veia irônica e borgiana, é muito apreciado no universo anglo-saxônico, com estudos de Susan Sontag e John Updike, entre outros, e...
Pastoralism is a diffused and ancient form of human subsistence and probably one of the most studied by anthropologists at the crossroads between continuities and transformations. The present critical discourse on sustainable and responsible development implies a change of practices, a huge socio-economic transformation, and the return of new shepherds and herders in different European regions. Transhumance and extensive breeding are revitalized as a potential resource for inner and rural areas of Europe against depopulation and as an efficient form of farming deeply influencing landscape and functioning as a perfect eco-system service. This book is an occasion to reconsider grazing communities’ frictions in the new global heritage scenario.
Winner, 2009 Best Book Award, Society for the Study of Early Modern WomenWinner, 2008 PROSE Award for Best Book in Language, Literature, and Linguistics. Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division of the Association of American Publishers This is the first comprehensive study of the remarkably rich tradition of women’s writing that flourished in Italy between the fifteenth and early seventeenth centuries. Virginia Cox documents this tradition and both explains its character and scope and offers a new hypothesis on the reasons for its emergence and decline. Cox combines fresh scholarship with a revisionist argument that overturns existing historical paradigms for the chronology of early modern Italian women’s writing and questions the historiographical commonplace that the tradition was brought to an end by the Counter Reformation. Using a comparative analysis of women's activities as artists, musicians, composers, and actresses, Cox locates women's writing in its broader contexts and considers how gender reflects and reinvents conventional narratives of literary change.
English summary: The volume is a collection of essays related to the biography, the taste and the history of cardinal Camillo Massimo art collection.Due attention is focused to the state of the collection in times when cardinal Massimo owned the palace alle Quattro Fontane in Rome and to subsequent stages of dispersal of is properties.The essays aim to reconstruct a true profile of one of the leading scholars, patrons and collectors of the second half of the XVII century. Italian description: Il volume raccoglie saggi dedicati alla personalita, al gusto artistico e antiquario e alle vicende storiche delle collezioni d'arte del cardinale Camillo Massimo (1620 - 1677). Particolare attenzione e dedicata a ricostruire la consistenza della raccolta nel periodo in cui questa era riunita nel palazzo romano alle Quattro Fontane e alle successive fasi della sua dispersione.Il carattere multidisciplinare dei contributi scientifici fornisce un profilo dettagliato di uno dei piu importanti eruditi, mecenati e collezionisti di antichita della seconda meta del XVII secolo.