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Analysis of Protein Post-Translational Modifications by Mass Spectrometry
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 414

Analysis of Protein Post-Translational Modifications by Mass Spectrometry

Covers all major modifications, including phosphorylation, glycosylation, acetylation, ubiquitination, sulfonation and and glycation Discussion of the chemistry behind each modification, along with key methods and references Contributions from some of the leading researchers in the field A valuable reference source for all laboratories undertaking proteomics, mass spectrometry and post-translational modification research

Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 378

Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics

The definitive guide to the myriad analytical techniques available to scientists involved in biotherapeutics research Analytical Characterization of Biotherapeutics covers all current and emerging analytical tools and techniques used for the characterization of therapeutic proteins and antigen reagents. From basic recombinant antigen and antibody characterization, to complex analyses for increasingly complex molecular designs, the book explores the history of the analysis techniques and offers valuable insights into the most important emerging analytical solutions. In addition, it frames critical questions warranting attention in the design and delivery of a therapeutic protein, exposes anal...

The Protein Protocols Handbook
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 2032

The Protein Protocols Handbook

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2009-10-07
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  • Publisher: Humana

The third edition of The Protein Protocols Handbook introduces 57 critically important new chapters, and significantly updates the previous edition's tried-and-trusted methods. The book offers over 200 key, readily reproducible protocols that ensure results.

Regulated Cell Death Part A
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 535

Regulated Cell Death Part A

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-06-25
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  • Publisher: Elsevier

Regulated Cell Death Part A & Part B of Methods in Enzymology continues the legacy of this premier serial with quality chapters authored by leaders in the field. This volume covers research methods in apoptosis focusing on the important areas of intrinsic pathway, extrinsic pathway, caspases, cellular assays and post-apoptotic effects and model organisms; as well as topics on necroptosis and screening approaches. - Continues the legacy of this premier serial with quality chapters authored by leaders in the field - Covers research methods in biomineralization science - Regulated Cell Death Part A & Part B contains sections on such topics as apoptosis focusing on the important areas of intrinsic pathway, extrinsic pathway, caspases, cellular assays and post-apoptotic effects and model organisms; as well as topics on necroptosis and screening approaches

Diagnostyka molekularna w mikrobiologii
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 263

Diagnostyka molekularna w mikrobiologii

Zawartość tej książki: Diagnostyka molekularna, Techniki, Zastosowania, Patogenomika, Analiza drobnoustrojów, Analiza drobnoustrojów gospodarza, Zastosowania, Test kwasu nukleinowego, Postępy, Zastosowania, Serologia, Testy serologiczne, Badania serologiczne, Przeciwciała, Formy, Interakcje przeciwciało-antygen, Izotypy, Struktura, funkcja, różnorodność immunoglobulin, zastosowania medyczne, zastosowania badawcze, przepisy, przewidywanie struktury i obliczeniowe projektowanie przeciwciał, mimetyk przeciwciał, instrumenty stosowane w mikrobiologii, lista instrumentów, mikrobiologia impedancyjna, zasada działania, oprzyrządowanie, aplikacje, izolacja, techniki ogólne, bakter...

จุลชีววิทยาทางการแพทย์ที่สอง: การทำหมันการวินิจฉัยในห้องปฏิบัติการและการตอบสนองทางภูมิคุ้มกัน
  • Language: th
  • Pages: 402

จุลชีววิทยาทางการแพทย์ที่สอง: การทำหมันการวินิจฉัยในห้องปฏิบัติการและการตอบสนองทางภูมิคุ้มกัน

การทำหมันหมายถึงกระบวนการใด ๆ ที่กำจัดฆ่าหรือปิดการใช้งานทุกรูปแบบของชีวิต (โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งหมายถึงจุลินทรีย์เช่นเชื้อราแบคทีเรียไวรัสสปอร์เชื้อยูคาริโอติกเซลล์เดียวเช่น Plasmodium และอื่น ๆ) และสารชีวภาพอื่น ๆ เช่นพรีออนอยู่ในพื้นผิววัตถุหรือของ...

Diagnostica molecolare in microbiologia
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 260

Diagnostica molecolare in microbiologia

Contenuto di questo libro: Diagnostica molecolare, Tecniche, Applicazioni, Patogenomica, Analisi di microbi, Analisi di microbi ospiti, Applicazioni, Test dell'acido nucleico, Anticipi, Applicazioni, Sierologia, Test sierologici, Rilievi sierologici, Anticorpi, Forme, Interazioni anticorpo-antigene, Isotipi, Struttura, funzione, diversità delle immunoglobuline, applicazioni mediche, applicazioni di ricerca, normative, previsione della struttura e progettazione di anticorpi computazionali, mimetico di anticorpi, strumenti utilizzati in microbiologia, elenco strumenti, microbiologia dell'impedenza, principio di funzionamento, strumentazione, applicazioni, isolamento, tecniche generali, batter...

Sameindagreining í örverufræði
  • Language: is
  • Pages: 244

Sameindagreining í örverufræði

Innihald þessarar bókar: Sameindargreining, tækni, notkunar, meinafræði, örverugreining, hýsilörvagreining, forrit, kjarnsýrupróf, framfarir, forrit, serologíur, sermisrannsóknir, mótefni, form, mótefna-mótefnavaka milliverkanir, samsætur, Uppbygging, Virkni, ónæmisglóbúlín fjölbreytni, læknisfræðileg forrit, rannsóknarforrit, reglugerðir, uppbyggingarspá og útreikningur mótefnamyndunar, mótefnavörn, hljóðfæri notuð í örverufræði, hljóðfæralisti, ónæmis örverufræði, meginregla aðgerðar, tækjabúnaður, forrit, einangrun, almenn tækni, bakteríur og Bacteria svepprækt, Bacteria, culture-independent, Bakteríugreining á vatni, nálgun, aðf...

Molekularna dijagnostika u mikrobiologiji
  • Language: hr
  • Pages: 249

Molekularna dijagnostika u mikrobiologiji

Sadržaj ove knjige: Molekularna dijagnostika, tehnike, aplikacije, patogenomija, analiza mikroba, analiza mikroba domaćina, aplikacije, test nukleinske kiseline, avansi, aplikacije, serologija, serološki testovi, serološka ispitivanja, antitijelo, oblici, interakcije antitijela i antigena, izotipovi, Struktura, funkcija, raznolikost imunolobulina, medicinske aplikacije, istraživačke aplikacije, propisi, predviđanje strukture i dizajn proračunskih antitijela, mimetik antitijela, instrumenti koji se koriste u mikrobiologiji, popis instrumenata, mikrobiologija impedance, princip rada, instrumentacija, primjena, izolacija, opće tehnike, bakterijska usjev gljiva i gljiva, Bacteria, cultu...

Microbiologia medica II: sterilizzazione, diagnosi di laboratorio e risposta immunitaria
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 468

Microbiologia medica II: sterilizzazione, diagnosi di laboratorio e risposta immunitaria

La sterilizzazione si riferisce a qualsiasi processo che elimina, uccide o disattiva tutte le forme di vita (in particolare riferendosi a microrganismi come funghi, batteri, virus, spore, organismi eucariotici unicellulari come Plasmodium, ecc.) e altri agenti biologici come i prioni presenti in una specifica superficie, oggetto o fluido. La presentazione clinica di una malattia infettiva riflette l'interazione tra l'ospite e il microrganismo. La diagnosi di laboratorio richiede informazioni composte, tra cui storia, esame fisico, reperti radiografici e dati di laboratorio. Una risposta immunitaria è una reazione che si verifica all'interno di un organismo allo scopo di difendersi dagli inv...