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A guide to using molecular biology and immunological methods for the analysis of food Many of the analytical problems that food chemists face in the lab cannot be solved by chemistry alone, and so analytical chemists are turning to molecular biology and immunology for alternative approaches. Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists comprehensively explains the most important molecular biology and immunology methods, and illustrates their application in food analysis. Written by a distinguished group of experts, the coverage includes: Molecular Biological Methods—techniques explained, laboratory layout, PCR, real-time PCR, RFLP, SSCP, and sequenci...
This volume contains the proceedings of the Ninth Meeting of the "International Study Group for Tryptophan Research" (lSTRY), held at the University of Hamburg, Germany, from October 10 to 14, 1998. At this meeting the recent developments in the field of tryptophan research were presented by leading researchers from all over the world in 81 oral and 48 poster contri butions. Research on tryptophan and its derivatives provides an inexhaustible subject. At the conference we tried to compose a multifacetted picture of the recent investiga tions through contributions from the major disciplines involved. Thus, we tried to strike a balance between basic research topics and clinical, nutritional or...
This is the latest and most authoritative documentation of current scientific knowledge regarding the health effects of thermal food processing. Authors from all over Europe and the USA provide an international perspective, weighing up the risks and benefits. In addition, the contributors outline those areas where further research is necessary.
The second edition of the Food Processing Handbook presents a comprehensive review of technologies, procedures and innovations in food processing, stressing topics vital to the food industry today and pinpointing the trends in future research and development. Focusing on the technology involved, this handbook describes the principles and the equipment used as well as the changes - physical, chemical, microbiological and organoleptic - that occur during food preservation. In so doing, the text covers in detail such techniques as post-harvest handling, thermal processing, evaporation and dehydration, freezing, irradiation, high-pressure processing, emerging technologies and packaging. Separati...
Der NRKP umfasst alle der Lebensmittelgewinnung dienenden, lebenden und geschlachteten Tierarten sowie Primärerzeugnisse vom Tier wie Milch, Eier und Honig. Von 1989 - 1994 enthielt der NRKP Vorgaben für die Überwachung von Rindern, Schweinen, Schafen und Pferden. 1995 wurde zusätzlich auch Geflügel aufgenommen. Seit 1998 werden Fische aus Aquakulturen und seit 1999 auch Kaninchen, Wild, Eier, Milch und Honig nach den EU-weit geltenden Vorschriften kontrolliert. Der NRKP gibt jährlich ein bestimmtes Spektrum an Stoffen vor, auf das die entnommenen Proben mindestens zu untersuchen sind (Pflichtstoffe). Darüber hinaus können bei einer definierten Anzahl von Tieren und Erzeugnissen die Stoffe nach aktuellen Erfordernissen und entsprechend den speziellen Gegebenheiten in den Ländern frei ausgewählt werden. Über den EÜP wird ebenfalls das gesamte Spektrum tierischer Primärprodukte bzw. Erzeugnisse abgedeckt, die über Deutschland in die Gemeinschaft eingeführt werden. Das Stoffspektrum und die Untersuchungszahlen der Länder werden entsprechend dem Risikoansatz der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 882/2004 festgelegt.
Scholarship on the history of West Germany’s educational system has traditionally portrayed the postwar period of Allied occupation as a failure and the following decades as a time of pedagogical stagnation. Two decades after World War II, however, the Federal Republic had become a stable democracy, a member of NATO, and a close ally of the West. Had the schools really failed to contribute to this remarkable transformation of German society and political culture? This study persuasively argues that long before the protest movements of the late 1960s, the West German educational system was undergoing meaningful reform from within. Although politicians and intellectual elites paid little att...