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This edited volume fills a gap in the research on place, product and personal branding in the Middle East and North Africa. It critically analyses processes of strategic communication and image building under conditions of globalisation, neoliberalisation and authoritarian rule. It looks at historical and contemporary branding efforts of different actors involved, their interests and motives and at the positioning of brands in time and space.
Historical studies on the practice of Islamic law (sharīʿa) tend to focus on practice in a Sunni setting during the Mamluk or Ottoman periods. This book decenters Sunni and Mamluk and Ottoman normativity by investigating the practice of sharīʿa in a Twelver Shiʿi Persian-speaking milieu, in early modern Iran between the sixteenth to twentieth centuries. Drawing on documentary evidence and narrative sources, it reconstructs who the practitioners of Islamic law were, how they authenticated, annulled, and archived legal documents, and how they intervened in the resolution of disputes over religious endowments (waqf). The study demonstrates that following Iran's conversion to Twelver Shiʿi...
Arabic printing began in Eastern Europe and the Ottoman Levant through the association of the scholar and printer Antim the Iberian, later a metropolitan of Wallachia, and Athanasios III Dabbās, twice patriarch of Antioch, when the latter, as metropolitan of Aleppo, was sojourning in Bucharest. This partnership resulted in the first Greek and Arabic editions of the Book of the Divine Liturgies (Snagov, 1701) and the Horologion (Bucharest, 1702). With the tools and expertise that he acquired in Wallachia, Dabbās established in Aleppo in 1705 the first Arabic-type press in the Ottoman Empire. After the Church of Antioch divided into separate Greek Orthodox and Greek Catholic Patriarchates in...
The gospel of Mark purposefully employs characters with specific and nuanced representations of dis/ability to portray the unique authority, the engaging message, and the mission of the Markan Jesus. Based on hermeneutical insights from Dis/ability Studies, this monograph is a contribution to the research of culturally and historically normalized corporeality in the biblical scriptures. At the core of the investigation are the healing narratives: passages that explicitly deal with a transformation from a described deviant bodily state to a positively valued corporeality. Lena Nogossek-Raithel not only analyzes the terminological and historical descriptions of these physical phenomena but also investigates their narrative function for the gospel text. The author argues that the images of dis/ability employed are far from accidental. Rather, they significantly influence the narrative’s structure and impact, embody its theological claims, and characterize its protagonist Jesus. With this thorough exegetical analysis, Nogossek-Raithel offers a firm historical foundation for anyone interested in the critical interpretation and theological application of the Markan healing narratives.
This first volume of Collected Works of the ERC Project TYPARABIC focuses on the history of printing during the 18th century in the Ottoman Empire and the Romanian Principalities among diverse linguistic and confessional communities. Although "most roads lead to Istanbul," the many pathways of early modern Ottoman printing also connected authors, readers and printers from Central and South-Eastern Europe, Western Europe and the Levant. The papers included in this volume are grouped in three sections. The first focuses on the first Turkish-language press in the Ottoman capital, examining the personality and background of its founder, İbrahim Müteferrika, the legal issues it faced, and its c...
The fourth volume of the groundbreaking Handbook of Qurʾānic Hermeneutics comprises 29 chapters dealing with the hermeneutical approach to the Qurʾān by Muslim authors of the 19th and 20th centuries. These authors had to deal with the changes and influences of modernity on Muslim society. Scientific progress and related developments in the natural sciences and humanities posed new questions and challenges to the traditional interpretation of the Qurʾān. The confrontation with the colonial period also shaped the way of thinking of some of these authors and their hermeneutical work. This led them to a search for identity and a reassessment of their own traditions and beliefs. Authors in ...
Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg lässt sich in der deutschsprachigen Literatur ein regelrechter China-Trend beobachten. Zahlreiche Autor:innen widmeten sich aus unterschiedlichen, zunehmend auch politischen Motiven der asiatischen Kultur. Viele dieser Texte sind heute vergessen. Auf der Grundlage einer umfassenden Recherche untersucht die Studie aus verflechtungsgeschichtlicher Perspektive die Darstellungen Chinas in der Literatur der Zwischenkriegsjahre und zeigt, dass China zwischen 1919 und 1937/39 von einem fremden und exotischen Land den einen zum politischen Vorbild, den anderen zum politischen Drohbild wird. In Fallstudien zu kanonischen und nicht-kanonischen Autor:innen, darunter Alfred D...
Die kritische Einstellung zur ‚Internationalität‘ gehört zu einem der ideologischen Kernaspekte der im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland zwischen 1933 und 1945 propagierten Wissenschaftsauffassung: An die Stelle selbstverständlicher internationaler Austausch- und Kooperationsbeziehungen traten ab 1933 politisch gesteuerte, stark restringierte und kontrollierte Außenkontakte und ein auf Autarkie und Hegemonie setzendes wissenschaftliches Selbstverständnis. Doch auch während dieser Zeit gab es im Bereich der Wissenschaft überraschend umfangreiche und vielfältige internationale Kontakte. Die Diskrepanz zwischen der Absage an die Internationalität der Wissenschaft einerseits und d...
Mit seinem betonten Fokus auf die vielfältigen Begegnungen zwischen China und Deutschland von der Vergangenheit bis zur Gegenwart zielt der Band darauf ab, einen Beitrag zur Rekonstruktion dieser Begegnungen im heutigen Kontext des zunehmend intensivierten Austausches zwischen den beiden Ländern und ihren Gesellschaften zu leisten. Dabei stehen die geteilten Erinnerungen in chinesisch-deutschen Begegnungen im Vordergrund, die sich in den Interaktionen zwischen Menschen als Trägern, Akteuren und Erzählern der Geschichte in Zwischenräumen der kulturellen Kontakte entwickeln.