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Top Ten Fictional Narratives in Early Modern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 430

Top Ten Fictional Narratives in Early Modern Europe

This volume examines the ten most popular fictional narratives in early modern Europe between 1470 and 1800. Each of these narratives was marketed in numerous European languages and circulated throughout several centuries. Combining literary studies and book history, this work offers for the first time a transnational perspective on a selected text corpus of this genre. It explores the spatio-temporal transmission of the texts in different languages and the materiality of the editions: the narratives were bought, sold, read, translated and adapted across European borders, from the south of Spain to Iceland and from Great Britain to Poland. Thus, the study analyses the multi-faceted processes of cultural circulation, translation and adaptation of the texts. In their diverse forms of mediality such as romance, drama, ballad and penny prints, they also make a significant contribution to a European identity in the early modern period. The narrative texts examined here include Apollonius, Septem sapientum, Amadis de Gaula, Fortunatus, Pierre de Provence et la belle Maguelonne, Melusine, Griseldis, Aesopus’ Life and Fables, Reynaert de vos and Till Ulenspiegel.

Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 499

Literary Translation, Reception, and Transfer

The three concepts mentioned in the title of this volume imply the contact between two or more literary phenomena; they are based on similarities that are related to a form of ‘travelling’ and imitation or adaptation of entire texts, genres, forms or contents. Transfer comprises all sorts of ‘travelling’, with translation as a major instrument of transferring literature across linguistic and cultural barriers. Transfer aims at the process of communication, starting with the source product and its cultural context and then highlighting the mediation by certain agents and institutions to end up with inclusion in the target culture. Reception lays its focus on the receiving culture, esp...

Poetic Revelations
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 277

Poetic Revelations

This book explores the much debated relation of language and bodily experience (i.e. the 'flesh'), considering in particular how poetry functions as revelatory discourse and thus relates to the formal horizon of theological inquiry. The central thematic focus is around a 'phenomenology of the flesh' as that which connects us with the world, being the site of perception and feeling, joy and suffering, and of life itself in all its vulnerability. The voices represented in this collection reflect interdisciplinary methods of interpretation and broadly ecumenical sensibilities, focusing attention on such matters as the revelatory nature of language in general and poetic language in particular, the function of poetry in society, the question of Incarnation and its relation to language and the poetic arts, the kenosis of the Word, and human embodiment in relation to the word 'enfleshed' in poetry.

Powieść dziś. Teorie, tradycje, interpretacje
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 9

Powieść dziś. Teorie, tradycje, interpretacje

Monografia stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na najbardziej nurtujące pytania współczesnej genologii: czym jest powieść dzisiaj? czy wciąż można o niej mówić jak o gatunku? czy należy wyznaczyć jego ramy i czy w ogóle jest to możliwe? Aparat badawczy literaturoznawstwa, widziany z dzisiejszej perspektywy, na pierwszy rzut oka wydaje się wystarczająco rozbudowany, by mógł posłużyć do precyzyjnego zdefiniowania i uporządkowania problemów genologicznych, przynajmniej z diachronicznego punktu widzenia. A jednak w konfrontacji z nieprzemijającym od stuleci fenomenem powieści wszelkie narzędzia ostatecznie zawodzą. Umyka ona próbom zamknięcia w sztywne ramy i skłania raczej do rozważań nad potencjałem tego gatunku, nie zaś nad skończonym zbiorem rozwiązań. Autorzy artykułów zapraszają do swoistej dyskusji nad powieścią rozumianą nie tylko jako gatunek, ale także jako fenomen kulturowy i zjawisko społeczne.

Facetten der Mystik
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 259

Facetten der Mystik

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-08-12
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  • Publisher: V&R Unipress

Gefeiert, verkannt, vergessen? Zwei Namen tauchen im Zusammenhang mit dem nicht unumstrittenen Sammelbegriff (und Problemfeld) »schlesische Mystik« immer wieder auf: Jacob Böhme und Johannes Scheffler. Genau 400 Jahre nach Böhmes Tod und Schefflers Geburt ist es an der Zeit, sowohl ihre spirituellen Gottesvorstellungen als auch ihre philosophische sowie kulturell-literarische Nachwirkung in den Blick zu nehmen. Celebrated, misunderstood, forgotten? Two names often arise in connection with the controversial term (and problematic field) "Silesian Mysticism": Jacob Böhme and Johannes Scheffler. Exactly 400 years after Böhme's death and Scheffler's birth, it is time to consider both their spiritual conceptions of God and their philosophical as well as cultural-literary impact.

Hidden Multilingualism in 19th-Century European Literature
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 336

Hidden Multilingualism in 19th-Century European Literature

The disparagement of multilingualism is a European development of the 18th and 19th centuries in which one national language and national literature were advocated, established and institutionalised. Multilingual writers made use of the creative potential of several languages even then. However, they often adapted to an increasingly monolingual book market, which made their individual multilingualism invisible. This is evident in literary historiography which established a monolingual national canon. Researching hidden multilingualism is often difficult: since multilingual texts by multilingual writers were often not published or were published in a monolingual version, sources are scarce. L...

Literatura na świecie
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 428

Literatura na świecie

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown


“Ricerche slavistiche”: settant’anni di storia
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 326

“Ricerche slavistiche”: settant’anni di storia

Il panorama odierno delle riviste italiane di slavistica è relativamente ricco e comprende periodici che spesso hanno alle spalle molti anni o alcuni decenni di attività, abbracciando diverse aree degli studi slavi e coprendo ambiti tematici vasti e variegati o, in alcuni casi, presentando una specializzazione specifica. Tuttavia, settant’anni fa, quando nel lontano 1952 Giovanni Maver fondava “Ricerche sla­vistiche”, la situazione era ben diversa. Con l’Europa dell’Est situata al di là della cortina di ferro, la slavistica italiana attraversava una crisi profonda, con un numero di studenti drasticamente ridotto e con un interesse per gli argomenti slavi limitati a pochi inizia...

Writing Early Modern Loneliness
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 302

Writing Early Modern Loneliness


Beyond Devotion
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 301

Beyond Devotion

This volume is one of scarce studies of religious literature of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth conducted by scholars from both Poland and Lithuania. What makes this endeavour important is mainly the will to overcome the frontiers and strains of the modern world that encourage exploring separateness instead of the realities of deep mutual interdependency. Łukasz Cybulski and Kristina Rutkovska analyse secular and religious writings of secular authors as well as those belonging to the clergy and religious orders. Their main interest lies in exploring the different genres of early modern Polish and Lithuanian sermons and novels, and in tracing this heritage to its social and literary context through the works' material presence in manuscript form and in print. Other papers in this volume give insights into the origins of vernacular translations of the Holy Scriptures and the controversies surrounding them, as well as into the written testimonies of religious devotion and conversions. The aim has been not only to confront different kinds of texts and experiences, but to situate this heritage in its social and confessional context.