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This up-to-date, research-oriented textbook focuses on the relationship between compensation systems and firm overall performance. In contrast to more traditional compensation texts, it provides a strategic perspective to compensation administration rather than a functional viewpoint. The text emphasizes the role of managerial pay, its importance, determinants, and impact on organizations. It analyzes recent topics in executive compensation, such as pay in high technology firms, managerial risk taking, rewards in family companies, and the link between compensation and social responsibility and ethical issues, among others. The authors provide a thorough and comprehensive review of the vast literatures relevant to compensation and revisit debates grounded in different theoretical perspectives. They provide insights from disciplines as diverse as management, economics, sociology, and psychology, and amplify previous discussions with the latest empirical findings on compensation, its dynamics, and its contribution to firm overall performance.
Pembahasan mengenai manajemen sumber daya manusia merupakan salah satu hal paling penting di era kecepatan informasi, serta kecanggihan teknologi hari ini. Berangkat dari pengamatan tersebut, kami menyadari bahwa perubahan merupakan hal yang tidak bisa dihindari, serta kemampuan beradaptasi menjadi sebuah pertaruhan dalam mempertahankan atau mengembangkan eksistensi suatu organisasi/instansi. Melalui buku ini, penulis menyajikan bagaimana teori-teori sumber daya manusia khususnya mengenai “komitmen organisasi, kompensasi nonfinansial, dan keadilan organisasi terhadap kesiapan untuk berubah.” Lebih lanjut, di dalam buku juga diulas perihal penerapannya. Buku ini sangat cocok sebagai referensi bagi mahasiswa bidang studi manajemen, khalayak umum, aktivis sosial, maupun instansi atau organisasi. Selain kekayaan teoretis yang tersajikan, buku ini dapat pula digunakan sebagai bahan masukan dan memberikan informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan terkait bidang sumber daya manusia. Lebih spesifiknya mengenai faktor yang memengaruhi kesiapan untuk berubah pada organisasi.
Prosiding Use Cases Artificial Intelligence Indonesia adalah buku yang mengumpulkan hasil-hasil kajian dan liputan 26 use cases inovasi dan 4 inisiatif pemanfaatan kecerdasan artifisial yang kemudian dipetakan menjadi lima klaster bidang kecerdasan artifisial, yakni: riset industri dan hankam, layanan publik dan kesehatan, kota cerdas dan kebencanaan, ketahanan pangan dan maritim, serta klaster inisiatif pemanfaatan kecerdasan artifisial. Materi buku diperoleh dari para kontributor seluruh anggota quadhelix dan para narasumber pegiat kecerdasan artifisial di Indonesia. Buku ini akan membantu masyarakat dalam mendapatkan pengetahuan dan pencerahan tentang seluruh teknologi kecerdasan artifisial yang membantu sektor-sektor terkait dalam hal otomatisasi, alat bantu untuk menganalisis, membuat rekomendasi serta keputusan, memprediksi dan sebagainya.
This book features high-quality, peer-reviewed papers from the International Conference on Recent Advancement in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences (RACCCS 2019), held at Aryabhatta College of Engineering & Research Center, Ajmer, India, on August 16–17, 2019. Presenting the latest developments and technical solutions in computational sciences, it covers a variety of topics, such as intelligent hardware and software design, advanced communications, intelligent computing technologies, advanced software engineering, the web and informatics, and intelligent image processing. As such it helps those in the computer industry and academia to use the advances in next-generation communication and computational technology to shape real-world applications.
This book gathers the most recent scientific research on the geological, geotechnical and geophysical aspects of slope failure in sensitive clays. Gathering contributions by international experts, it focuses on understanding the complete and practical spectrum of challenges presented by landslides in such complex materials. Based on sound and validated research results, the book also presents several recommendations that could be implemented in the guidelines or code-of-practice. These recommendations cover topics including the characterization and behavior of sensitive clays; the pre-failure, failure and post-failure stages of sensitive clays; mapping and identification methods; climate cha...
The mission of the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) is to establish "high and rigorous standards for what teachers should know and be able to do, to certify teachers who meet those standards, and to advance other education reforms for the purpose of improving student learning in American schools." In response to a request from the U.S. Congress, the National Research Council developed a framework for evaluating programs that award advanced-level teacher certification and applied that framework in an evaluation of the impacts of the NBPTS. Specifically, this book addresses the impacts on students, teachers, and the educational system in this country. Assessing Accomp...
Blockchain technology is defined as a decentralized system of distributed registers that are used to record data transactions on multiple computers. The reason this technology has gained popularity is that you can put any digital asset or transaction in the blocking chain, the industry does not matter. Blockchain technology has infiltrated all areas of our lives, from manufacturing to healthcare and beyond. Cybersecurity is an industry that has been significantly affected by this technology and may be more so in the future. Blockchain for Cybersecurity and Privacy: Architectures, Challenges, and Applications is an invaluable resource to discover the blockchain applications for cybersecurity ...
This book offers a concise summary of cutting-edge research and practical implications about employee engagement. The author presents a clear perspective on the meaning of employee engagement, its antecedents and consequences are presented with evidences. Based on latest research results, the book discusses organizational practices which enhance people engagement focusing on the new trends of the HRM domain such as well-being practices, e-HRM systems and social volunteering initiatives. The detailed analysis also takes the recent complaints about the HR function into account. This book emphasizes that modern organizations require passionate people to thriving in a rapidly changing world, and it is important to understand why, despite the growing relevance of employee engagement, disengaged persists.
Executive compensation and its fairness to stakeholders are topics of heated debate on platforms ranging from news forums to financial markets. This book stimulates critical thinking on executive compensation and guides academics and practitioners on the key concepts by developing a multi-faceted and multi-cultural framework. It also presents the new ‘Fair CEO Compensation,’ which uses a scientifically developed and structured stakeholder-based approach to reach optimal and fair CEO compensation, without capping bonuses or variable pay by rules and regulations. Financial, non-financial, organizational, strategic, cultural, personal, and social aspects are all taken into account in the framework. In addition to implementation guidelines and real-world examples, the book presents a checklist for businesses to measure the fairness of their CEO compensation based on the suggested framework. Moreover, the author also provides a survey template to help businesses investigate their employees’ perception of the fairness of their CEO’s compensation.
Zaman sudah semakin maju. Sebagai remaja yang nantinya akan menjadi penerus bangsa, kita pun harus ikut bergerak maju. Jangan stagnan, minder atau merasa malu. Saat ini, masyarakat kita didominasi oleh generasi milenial untuk memegang kendali akan perubahan zaman. Generasi milenial adalah generasi masa kini di mana kehidupan mereka tidak dapat terpisahkan dari kemajuan teknologi. Melalui tulisan sederhana ini, kami bermaksud mengajak seluruh muslimah di mana pun berada untuk belajar dan terus belajar menjadi muslimah berkualitas di era digital. Kami bermaksud mengajak para muslimah untuk sama-sama berbenah; tetap menjadi muslimah kaffah yang selalu dekat kepada Allah, berbakti kepada orangtua, sahabat yang baik bagi teman-teman, serta muslimah milenial yang berkemajuan.